#releases (2020-07)

Announce New Releases for Cloud Posse GitHub Projects

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/releases/


Release notes from geodesic avatar
Release notes from geodesic
11:55:37 PM

0.132.3 No content.

Release 0.132.3 · cloudposse/geodesic

Geodesic is a cloud automation shell. It’s the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/ - cloudposse/geodesic


Release notes from helmfiles avatar
Release notes from helmfiles
06:12:44 PM

0.109.0 [prometheus-operator] alertmanager opsgenie integration #253 what [prometheus-operator] alertmanager can now be configured to send notifications to opsgenie why to be able to integrate with opsgenie notes tested on single environment with and without variable KUBE_PROMETHEUS_ALERT_MANAGER_OPSGENIE_API_KEY

Release 0.109.0 [prometheus-operator] alertmanager opsgenie integration #253 · cloudposse/helmfiles

what [prometheus-operator] alertmanager can now be configured to send notifications to opsgenie why to be able to integrate with opsgenie notes tested on single environment with and without va…

Release notes from terraform-aws-cloudtrail avatar
Release notes from terraform-aws-cloudtrail
04:24:38 AM

0.11.0: Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#33) Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#33)

## What

  • Adds chatops commands

    • ‘/test all’

    • ‘/test bats’

    • ‘/test readme’

    • ‘/test terratest’

  • Drops codefresh

  • Drops slash-command-dispatch

  • Removes codefresh badge

  • Rebuilds README

## Why

  • Change over from codefresh to GH Actions

  • Facilitate testing of PRs from forks

Release 0.11.0: Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#33) · cloudposse/terraform-aws-cloudtrail

Terraform module to provision an AWS CloudTrail and an encrypted S3 bucket with versioning to store CloudTrail logs - cloudposse/terraform-aws-cloudtrail

Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit by Gowiem · Pull Request #33 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-cloudtrail

What Adds chatops commands '/test all' '/test bats' '/test readme' '/test terratest' Drops codefresh Drops slash-command-dispatch Removes codefresh badge Rebuild…

Release notes from terraform-aws-ssm-tls-ssh-key-pair avatar
Release notes from terraform-aws-ssm-tls-ssh-key-pair
04:59:46 AM

0.6.0: Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#8) Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#8)

## What

  • Adds chatops commands

    • ‘/test all’

    • ‘/test bats’

    • ‘/test readme’

    • ‘/test terratest’

  • Drops codefresh

  • Drops slash-command-dispatch

  • Removes codefresh badge

  • Rebuilds README

## Why

  • Change over from codefresh to GH Actions

  • Facilitate testing of PRs from forks

Release 0.6.0: Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#8) · cloudposse/terraform-aws-ssm-tls-ssh-key-pair

Terraform module that provisions an SSH TLS Key pair and writes it to SSM Parameter Store - cloudposse/terraform-aws-ssm-tls-ssh-key-pair

Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit by Gowiem · Pull Request #8 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-ssm-tls-ssh-key-pair

What Adds chatops commands '/test all' '/test bats' '/test readme' '/test terratest' Drops codefresh Drops slash-command-dispatch Removes codefresh badge Rebuild…

Release notes from terraform-aws-vpn-connection avatar
Release notes from terraform-aws-vpn-connection
05:01:49 AM

0.3.0: Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#4) Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#4)

## What

  • Adds chatops commands

    • ‘/test all’

    • ‘/test bats’

    • ‘/test readme’

    • ‘/test terratest’

  • Drops codefresh

  • Drops slash-command-dispatch

  • Removes codefresh badge

  • Rebuilds README

## Why

  • Change over from codefresh to GH Actions

  • Facilitate testing of PRs from forks

Release 0.3.0: Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#4) · cloudposse/terraform-aws-vpn-connection

Terraform module to provision a site-to-site VPN connection between a VPC and an on-premises network - cloudposse/terraform-aws-vpn-connection

Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit by Gowiem · Pull Request #4 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-vpn-connection

What Adds chatops commands '/test all' '/test bats' '/test readme' '/test terratest' Drops codefresh Drops slash-command-dispatch Removes codefresh badge Rebuild…

Release notes from terraform-aws-vpc-peering-multi-account avatar
Release notes from terraform-aws-vpc-peering-multi-account
05:22:47 AM

0.7.0: Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#18) Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#18)

## What

  • Adds chatops commands

    • ‘/test all’

    • ‘/test bats’

    • ‘/test readme’

    • ‘/test terratest’

  • Drops codefresh

  • Drops slash-command-dispatch

  • Removes codefresh badge

  • Rebuilds README

## Why

  • Change over from codefresh to GH Actions

  • Facilitate testing of PRs from forks

Release 0.7.0: Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#18) · cloudposse/terraform-aws-vpc-peering-multi-account

Terraform module to provision a VPC peering across multiple VPCs in different accounts by using multiple providers - cloudposse/terraform-aws-vpc-peering-multi-account

Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit by Gowiem · Pull Request #18 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-vpc-peering-multi-account

What Adds chatops commands '/test all' '/test bats' '/test readme' '/test terratest' Drops codefresh Drops slash-command-dispatch Removes codefresh badge Rebuild…

Release notes from terraform-aws-alb avatar
Release notes from terraform-aws-alb
05:29:37 AM

0.11.1: Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#43) Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#43)

## What

  • Adds chatops commands

    • ‘/test all’

    • ‘/test bats’

    • ‘/test readme’

    • ‘/test terratest’

  • Drops codefresh

  • Drops slash-command-dispatch

  • Removes codefresh badge

  • Rebuilds README

## Why

  • Change over from codefresh to GH Actions

  • Facilitate testing of PRs from forks

Co-authored-by: Erik Osterman

Release 0.11.1: Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit (#43) · cloudposse/terraform-aws-alb

Terraform module to provision a standard ALB for HTTP/HTTP traffic - cloudposse/terraform-aws-alb

Updates to ChatOps - Automated commit by Gowiem · Pull Request #43 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-alb

What Adds chatops commands '/test all' '/test bats' '/test readme' '/test terratest' Drops codefresh Drops slash-command-dispatch Removes codefresh badge Rebuild…


Release notes from helmfiles avatar
Release notes from helmfiles
07:22:39 PM

0.109.1 [prometheus-operator] Add CLUSTER_NAME to opsgenie details in alertmanager config what [prometheus-operator] CLUSTER_NAME environment variable is now added as option to opsgenie details why [prometheus-operator] For this integration to be more robust

Release 0.109.1 [prometheus-operator] Add CLUSTER_NAME to opsgenie details in alertmanager config · cloudposse/helmfiles

what [prometheus-operator] CLUSTER_NAME environment variable is now added as option to opsgenie details why [prometheus-operator] For this integration to be more robust


Release notes from build-harness avatar
Release notes from build-harness
04:15:38 PM

0.38.0 Changes to support README.md to passing super-linter #230 what Small changes for README.md to be linted why To conform with MD standards references cloudposse/.github#1 - gh actions are passing for README.md

Release 0.38.0 Changes to support README.md to passing super-linter #230 · cloudposse/build-harness

what Small changes for README.md to be linted why To conform with MD standards references cloudposse/.github#1 - gh actions are passing for README.md

Terraform simple workflow by 3h4x · Pull Request #1 · cloudposse/.github

What Add simple terraform workflow to inherit github actions in organization modules Why To globalize rules for repositories and github actions References https://docs.github.com/en/actions/co

Release notes from build-harness avatar
Release notes from build-harness
04:16:40 PM

0.38.0 Changes to support README.md to passing super-linter #230 what Small changes for README.md to be linted why To conform with MD standards references cloudposse/.github#1 - gh actions are passing for README.md

Release notes from terraform-aws-rds-cluster avatar
Release notes from terraform-aws-rds-cluster
08:31:40 PM

0.28.0: Allow user to pass in cluster_identifier (#72) what This allows the user to pass in cluster_identifier which will override the autogenerated label id, which is used for other resources why It may be necessary to name the cluster separately from other resources. An example of this could be where you want to uniquely name your database for backup/restore purposes. E.g. you might want to call your database database-1 and then restore to database-2. Being able to pass this in separately will mean you only need to reimport the cluster, it will…

Release 0.28.0: Allow user to pass in cluster_identifier (#72) · cloudposse/terraform-aws-rds-cluster

what This allows the user to pass in cluster_identifier which will override the autogenerated label id, which is used for other resources why It may be necessary to name the cluster separately f…


Release notes from geodesic avatar
Release notes from geodesic
12:55:37 AM

0.133.0 No content.

Release 0.133.0 · cloudposse/geodesic

Geodesic is a cloud automation shell. It’s the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/ - cloudposse/geodesic

Release notes from geodesic avatar
Release notes from geodesic
01:15:35 AM

0.133.0 [prompt] AWS profile, cluster name shortening [prompt] AWS profile, cluster name shortening (#601) release note Geodesic automatically installs a function to shorten the name of the Kubernetes…

[prompt] expand search for AWS profile, enhance cluster name shortening by Nuru · Pull Request #601 · cloudposse/geodesic

what When trying to convert an AWS role ARN to an AWS profile name, consider the credentials file Use heuristics to shorten EKS cluster name why When using a tool like saml2aws, your initial rol…


Release notes from geodesic avatar
Release notes from geodesic
12:35:35 AM

0.133.0 [prompt] AWS profile, cluster name shortening [prompt] AWS profile, cluster name shortening (#601) release note Geodesic automatically installs a function to shorten the name of the Kubernetes…

Release 0.133.0 [prompt] AWS profile, cluster name shortening · cloudposse/geodesic

[prompt] AWS profile, cluster name shortening (#601) release note Geodesic automatically installs a function to shorten the name of the Kubernetes cluster as it appears on the command line prompt. …

[prompt] expand search for AWS profile, enhance cluster name shortening by Nuru · Pull Request #601 · cloudposse/geodesic

what When trying to convert an AWS role ARN to an AWS profile name, consider the credentials file Use heuristics to shorten EKS cluster name why When using a tool like saml2aws, your initial rol…


Release notes from helmfiles avatar
Release notes from helmfiles
04:42:38 PM

0.109.2 Prometheus operator alertmanager opsgenie integration additional details #256 what [prometheus-operator] Additional opsgenie configuration that allows custom message [prometheus-operator] Additional opsgenie configuration that adds all common labels to tags why for opsgenie configuration to be more robust

Release 0.109.2 Prometheus operator alertmanager opsgenie integration additional details #256 · cloudposse/helmfiles

what [prometheus-operator] Additional opsgenie configuration that allows custom message [prometheus-operator] Additional opsgenie configuration that adds all common labels to tags why for opsgen…


Release notes from geodesic avatar
Release notes from geodesic
08:35:36 AM

0.133.1 No content.

Release 0.133.1 · cloudposse/geodesic

Geodesic is a cloud automation shell. It’s the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/ - cloudposse/geodesic

Release notes from terraform-aws-alb avatar
Release notes from terraform-aws-alb
04:39:35 AM

0.12.0: Stickiness support (#45) what Allow users to configure stickiness block Defaults to current behavior (no sticky) why Adds flexibility, expose more of native ELB/TF functionality While I prefer to avoid it, I have an app which benefits from sticky :-) references closes <a class=”issue-link js-issue-link” data-error-text=”Failed to load title” data-id=”559916565” data-permission-text=”Title is private” data-url=”https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-alb/issues/35” data-hovercard-type=”issue”…

Release 0.12.0: Stickiness support (#45) · cloudposse/terraform-aws-alb

what Allow users to configure stickiness block Defaults to current behavior (no sticky) why Adds flexibility, expose more of native ELB/TF functionality While I prefer to avoid it, I have an app…

Feature Req - Stickness Enable/Disable Support · Issue #35 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-alb

I haven’t figured out a way to enable/disable sitckness sessions on the ALB. It looks by default you always set it to true with 1 day of expiration. Thanks


Release notes from docs avatar
Release notes from docs
11:43:39 PM

0.52.0: Update contributor docs (#490) Update contributor docs (#490)

  • update docs

  • fix image ref

  • use dockerhub

  • fix broken urls

  • push to docker hub so we can take advantage of layer caching

  • Update content/community/faq.md

Co-authored-by: Andriy Knysh

  • Update content/terraform/best-practices.md

Co-authored-by: Andriy Knysh

  • better caching

Co-authored-by: Andriy Knysh

Release 0.52.0: Update contributor docs (#490) · cloudposse/docs

Cloud Posse Developer Hub. Complete documentation for the Cloud Posse solution. https://docs.cloudposse.com - cloudposse/docs

Update contributor docs by osterman · Pull Request #490 · cloudposse/docs

what update contributors faq update terraform best practices improve pipeline caching based on codefresh volume cache volume semantics only persisting cache on successful builds why based on fee…



Release notes from helmfiles avatar
Release notes from helmfiles
06:02:39 PM

0.110.0 [nginx-ingress] reorder deployment #257 what [nginx-ingress] ingress-backend should be deployed before ingress why otherwise deployment can fail due to race condition

Release 0.110.0 [nginx-ingress] reorder deployment #257 · cloudposse/helmfiles

what [nginx-ingress] ingress-backend should be deployed before ingress why otherwise deployment can fail due to race condition


Release notes from helmfiles avatar
Release notes from helmfiles
10:42:39 AM

0.110.1 Nginx ingress reorder deployment fix #258 what [nginx-ingress] ingress-backend should be deployed before ingress, with fixed indentation why otherwise deployment can fail due to race condition

Release 0.110.1 Nginx ingress reorder deployment fix #258 · cloudposse/helmfiles

what [nginx-ingress] ingress-backend should be deployed before ingress, with fixed indentation why otherwise deployment can fail due to race condition

Release notes from build-harness avatar
Release notes from build-harness
07:55:36 PM

0.39.0 Update README template to pass lint and add gh action superlinter #232 what superlinter fix why In PR against terraform-example-module I ran into issue with superlint

ERROR240 MD046/code-block-style Code block style [Expected: fenced; Actual: indented]]

Here is documentation about it: <a…

Release 0.39.0 Update README template to pass lint and add gh action superlinter #232 · cloudposse/build-harness

what superlinter fix why In PR against terraform-example-module I ran into issue with superlint ERROR240 MD046/code-block-style Code block style [Expected: fenced; Actual: indented]]…

Add github actions for precommit and lint by 3h4x · Pull Request #3 · cloudposse/terraform-example-module

what github actions workflow for pre-commit and lint why to make it easy to comply with our standards

Release notes from build-harness avatar
Release notes from build-harness
07:56:34 PM

0.39.0 Update README template to pass lint and add gh action superlinter #232 what superlinter fix why In PR against terraform-example-module I ran into issue with superlint

ERROR240 MD046/code-block-style Code block style [Expected: fenced; Actual: indented]]

Here is documentation about it: <a…


Release notes from helmfiles avatar
Release notes from helmfiles
10:02:40 AM

0.110.2 update nginx-default-backend to 0.5.0 what [nginx-ingress] nginx-default-backend to 0.5.0 why Newer Kubernetes version require selector to be present in DeploymentSpec. New version of chart provide it. references <a class=”issue-link js-issue-link” data-error-text=”Failed to load title” data-id=”567913288” data-permission-text=”Title is private” data-url=”https://github.com/cloudposse/charts/issues/230” data-hovercard-type=”pull_request” data-hovercard-url=”/cloudposse/charts/pull/230/hovercard”…

Release 0.110.2 update nginx-default-backend to 0.5.0 · cloudposse/helmfiles

what [nginx-ingress] nginx-default-backend to 0.5.0 why Newer Kubernetes version require selector to be present in DeploymentSpec. New version of chart provide it. references cloudposse/charts…

[nginx-default-backend] Add `selector` to `Deployment` by aknysh · Pull Request #230 · cloudposse/charts

what [nginx-default-backend] Add selector to Deployment why Newer Kubernetes version require selector to be present in DeploymentSpec Otherwise, the following error is thrown: failed processing…
