#spacelift (2023-08)

is the atmos stack dependency. This does not work for creating spacelift dependencies.
What’s the official way to create dependencies in spacelift?
This command produces a list of Atmos components in Atmos stacks that depend on the provided Atmos component.

This command produces a list of Atmos components in Atmos stacks that depend on the provided Atmos component.

(we need to consolidate it with settings.depends_on
since settings.depends_on
was added recently and Spacelift modules/components were not updated to use it)

which one is going to win the battle? both?
if we moved to the spacelift version, will the atmos dependency cli runs still work?

will be used, but for this all Spacelift odules and components will have to be updated

right. any timeline on that or is that not a planned update yet?

not a high priority for us. Please use both for now. settings.depends_on
for the CLI, and settings.spacelift.depends_on
for Spacelift, and add TODO
to the code so you’ll update it later


wait…i could use anchors to not duplicate so might not be too bad

note that settings.depends_on
is used only in this command (which was added not too long ago) https://atmos.tools/cli/commands/describe/dependents, and nowhere else
This command produces a list of Atmos components in Atmos stacks that depend on the provided Atmos component.

since it was added not to long ago, all other things were not updated to use settings.depends_on

Spacelift has been using settings.spacelift.depends_on
for years

yeah, i did a full audit of depends_on
and consolidated on settings.depends_on
after upgrading Atmos.
I saw the page you linked and compared to https://atmos.tools/integrations/spacelift/#stack-configuration which does not mention depends_on
so I thought the above link was the right way for spacelift
Atmos natively supports Spacelift. This is accomplished using

if you are using it just for spacelift, use the old way

cc @matt @Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) if @johncblandii is using the GHA to detect affected stacks, he should probably define both, no?

it’s not related to atmos describe affected
, it’s related to atmos describe dependents

but we need to update our spacelift components to use the new way of describing dependencies to make everything consistent (b/c stacks deps are not only related to Spacelift stacks, and the command atmos describe dependents
uses it to describe the dependencies using the CLI)

is there ever a case where settings.depends_on
would differ from settings.spacelift.depends_on

documentation on atmos.tools would be helpful too; specifically https://atmos.tools/integrations/spacelift/#stack-configuration
Atmos natively supports Spacelift. This is accomplished using

they have diff formats. The old one settings.spacelift.depends_on
(which our Spacelift components are using) is a list

is a map to support deep-merging and inheritance, and make the config DRY

yuppers. we stopped using 1: blah
and started doing this for ease of overrides:
component: platform-ecs-cluster
component: ecs-tasks-mirror
component: vpc

Hey folks – with the spacelift-automation module / component, is there new functionality since 0.49.5
that will cancel stacked “trigger-policy” runs? As in it will do something similar to the below screenshot where if many runs are triggered due to dependencies, only the last will actually be planned?

I know we definitely take advantage of it

Is that not desired?

Cc @matt

I’m interested in avoiding having to manually cancel the stacked runs to not bog down the Spacelift runs with clean plans. That’s what I’m getting at. Just wondering if there was ever an enhancement that made it in that helped avoid that. Haha I should probably just look at the release notes. I’ll dig into them sometime this week.

This should be a simple policy update…you can do something like the following…
cancel[run.id] {
run := input.in_progress[_]
run.type == "PROPOSED"
run.state == "QUEUED"
run.branch == input.pull_request.head.branch

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