#sre (2018-10)

Prometheus, Prometheus Operator, Grafana, Kubernetes

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/monitoring/


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
WIP [prometheus-operator] by gianrubio · Pull Request #6765 · helm/charts

What this PR does / why we need it: This a FR from coreos/prometheus-operator project. Moving the chart to helm upstream will make easier to run e2e tests and to accept/merge PR. @richerve @pierreo…

Igor Rodionov avatar
Igor Rodionov
10:12:48 PM

@Igor Rodionov has joined the channel

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

via @nathan


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Has anyone used https://marbot.io/?

marbot - Send CloudWatch alarms to Slack

Easy-going incident management for AWS. Cloud-native alerting with CloudWatch and Slack.

davidvasandani avatar

We do the same thing with Lambda.

marbot - Send CloudWatch alarms to Slack

Easy-going incident management for AWS. Cloud-native alerting with CloudWatch and Slack.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

that’s cool!
