#sre (2018-12)
Prometheus, Prometheus Operator, Grafana, Kubernetes
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/monitoring/

Tamsky, that is the thing as mentioned, my goal was not for you to necessarily fix my issue but rather learn how others are doing it.

Thanks for the offer anyway, we do use discover but the config is sort of fixed on the deployment and I wanted to be able to change it more dynamically, like it does when it discovers with consul.

Continuously annotate Helm releases in Grafana. - hypnoglow/chronologist

pretty sweet

@michal.matyjek not sure if you’re using much grafana over there yet

ooo nice, I think we use some

@michal.matyjek has joined the channel

Prometheus is one of the standard-bearing open-source solutions for monitoring and observability. From its humble origins at SoundCloud in 2012, Prometheus quickly garnered widespread adoption and later became one of…

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) this can fit our approach. You wanted to spit monitoring from the cluster

yes, that’s a good point

just hope they don’t change $0.25 per metric, like cloudwatch