#sre (2019-04)

Prometheus, Prometheus Operator, Grafana, Kubernetes

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/monitoring/


btai avatar

anyone have APM suggestions here?

Tim Malone avatar
Tim Malone

NewRelic is good… but pricey we’re interested in Elastic’s offering, but we have a PHP app and they don’t have an (official) PHP agent just yet…

tamsky avatar

NewRelic is good… but pricey

@Tim Malone NR typically prices their APM product based on instance size. – I often suggest clients can reduce their costs by only deploying the NR agent on one instance in each service layer, rather than every instance.

Tim Malone avatar
Tim Malone

Yeah we’ve done the same thing for now - but it means one instance has different config to the others, which is an anomaly. Also about to move to containers…. haven’t looked into what it’s gonna cost us then


dalekurt avatar

We are looking at DataDog, decided on it this week to move forward as our solution.

btai avatar

NR is prety pricey. any recommendations for cheaper lesser known (up and coming as opposed to crappy) ones?


joshmyers avatar

What do you want exactly? I’d like to try out honeycomb


mrwacky avatar

Lightstep is promising.


Issif avatar

Sysdig monitor is amazing for container monitoring but it’s not an APM, I agree

Issif avatar

If cost troubles you, don’t look at app dynamics, the product is very good, but so much expensive (and really focused on big on-premise infra with a lot of java stuff)

Issif avatar

if you’re and adventurer, you can give a try to https://www.elastic.co/solutions/apm


Abel Luck avatar
Abel Luck

is there any open source self-hosted APM solution? for an org already running prom, elk, or sentry that would be useful

Steven avatar


Abel Luck avatar
Abel Luck

oh interesting
