#sre (2019-06)
Prometheus, Prometheus Operator, Grafana, Kubernetes
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/monitoring/
anybody has experience with grafana cloud metric ton calculations ?
what’s your issue?
Hello, anyone has experience in having observability/tracing of event based applications in kubernetes? (rabbitmq) i know that people usually use istio to have a clear view of the request path of their applications, but in our case we are not using HTTP, we are using AMQP any suggestions?
Ill try and dig it out, but I actually was reading some articles about this the other day
and basically they had clients that published metrics from the queue
and tracing
AMQP instrumentation in Go. Contribute to opentracing-contrib/go-amqp development by creating an account on GitHub.
If you are using Apache Kafka, you are almost certainly working within a distributed system and because Kafka decouples consumers and producers it can be a challenge to illustrate exactly how data flows through that system. I plan to demonstrate how Jaeger is up to that challenge while navigating the pitfalls of an example project.