#sre (2019-07)
Prometheus, Prometheus Operator, Grafana, Kubernetes
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/monitoring/

Hi, anyone have any tips and tricks for a fast way to go through a hundred config.json files in a repo pulling out the threshold values of metrics for monitoring config???

Something more than jq?

looking for changes and pulling out thresold data points to alarm evaluation period name period statistic to compare, maybe extract to spreadsheet for comparison ??

will give jq a shot, thank you

Yep, can totally use jq for that

The syntax is a little bit funky

They have a lot of examples

If you get stuck let me know

Thank you!

Hi Erik, do you have an ex or could point me to an example, not strong in running code query, nor parsing. Want to run see if there’s a way to run jq against my repo or local folder to see any differences in the objects for these monitoring config.json files …and I don’t know if I’m saying asking it correctly, kind of know what I want but fuzzy at the same time

jq -r '.metrics[] | [.name, .evaluationPeriod, .comparisonOperator]| @csv' < example_snstopic_aws_json.js



Has anyone found a way to configure alerting for Kibana with the latest version, without using the pricey Watchers functionality ? Seems ElastAlert and SentiNL is not working really great with ES 7.x.