#sre (2023-05)

Prometheus, Prometheus Operator, Grafana, Kubernetes

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/monitoring/


Sean avatar

Any opinions on SigNoz (the open-source version) as an alternative to “build your own” or Datadog? https://signoz.io/ It’s up to 13k stars on GitHub so popularity is clearly growing.

Open source APM | SigNozattachment image

SigNoz is an open-source APM to help you find issues in your deployed applications & solve them quickly. It provides an integrated UI for metrics and traces with deep filtering and aggregation to pin down specific issues very quickly. Built with ClickHouse as datastore, it is designed to handle enterprise scale.

Ibansal avatar

@Sean, Is it really open source as I see they have pricing model mentioned on their website , May be they are offering some services for free.

Open source APM | SigNozattachment image

SigNoz is an open-source APM to help you find issues in your deployed applications & solve them quickly. It provides an integrated UI for metrics and traces with deep filtering and aggregation to pin down specific issues very quickly. Built with ClickHouse as datastore, it is designed to handle enterprise scale.

Sean avatar

Many “open-source” vendors have a SaaS version or offer enterprise support when requested.
