#sre (2023-11)

Prometheus, Prometheus Operator, Grafana, Kubernetes

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/monitoring/


arivu.89 avatar

I need assistance creating an alert dashboard.

Shahar Glazner avatar
Shahar Glazner

what help do you need?

Andy avatar

:datadog: :moneybag: Hi all. Does anyone use the DataDog APM? We’re finding it useful but the billing is hurting us (you get billed per EC2 instance). In our EKS cluster we use c5.2xlarge spot instances to try and keep the overall number of servers down. Just wondering if others have this issue and have any solutions.

Julien Bouchery avatar
Julien Bouchery

Hi, same here, We activated Datadog APM only in production because of it ant it’s a bit sad. We think that our Datadog billing is still good as we cannot afford a fulltime team to build the same solution from open source projects.

david avatar

It’s definitely the downside of Datadog. I wish they would change their billing model for things like APM.

We’ve mostly settled on larger instances to increase bin packing. AWS instance costs scale with performance so you’re not overpaying for larger instances. You can also end up with additional performance per node as you’re taking less overhead

Julien Bouchery avatar
Julien Bouchery

Yes that’s the FinOps approch that we actually have : reduce the number Kubernetes Nodes with larger instances to reduce the number of billing hosts.


arivu.89 avatar

@Shahar Glazner Hi, I need a dashboard for the alert triggered from the specific resource group. Like monthly or weekly



Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

anyone using backstage? And any guidance on upgrading postgres versions?

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

for anyone wondering, I upgraded to postgres 15.x and backstage is still working, but your mileage may vary

setheryops avatar

Just getting started on my backstage adventure myself so thanks for the info



