#terraform-aws-modules (2018-11)
Terraform Modules
Discussions related to https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/terraform-aws-modules/
@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel
set the channel description: Discussions related to https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules
@joshmyers has joined the channel
@solairerove has joined the channel
@maarten has joined the channel
@Nikola Velkovski has joined the channel
I know we’ve been pretty focused on CloudPosse modules, but I want to see if we could enable some a group collaboration for other projects
@rms1000watt has joined the channel
@endofcake has joined the channel
I’m in the middle of a TF module for a serverless AWS photo gallery driven by dumping images into S3 :D
Related but not related, came across this the other day: https://github.com/awslabs/serverless-image-handler
A solution to dynamically handle images on the fly, utilizing Thumbor (thumbor.org) - awslabs/serverless-image-handler
Run Thunbor on lambda
Oh, thumbor looks nice
@Andy has joined the channel
@Steven has joined the channel
@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel
@nian has joined the channel
@Yoann has joined the channel
@mmarseglia has joined the channel
@davidvasandani has joined the channel
@Pablo Costa has joined the channel
@g0nz0 has joined the channel
@pecigonzalo has joined the channel
@antonbabenko has joined the channel
I should join this channel, though don’t expect a lot of attention from me unless you mention my username
Hi @antonbabenko , nice to have you here :)
@antonbabenko Hi Anton, I’ve always used this as egress with your modules, since updating last terraform I’m getting continuous updates. Just to check with you.. this is alright correct ?
egress_with_cidr_blocks = [
rule = "all-all"
cidr_blocks = ""
@jonboulle has joined the channel
Maybe AWS changed something ? This is how it’s defined in the module and has always been working: all-all = [-1, -1, “-1”, “All protocols”]
Now it seems that with -1 protocol aws still wants from_port and to_port to be both 0
@maarten yeah I ran into something similar last week with a different API
99.9% sure it’s an AWS change
Provides a security group resource.
looks like it does require ports be set to 0
if protocol=-1
Hi guys. I can’t verify this now, but I saw very recently a PR in terraform aws provider which is very much related to this. Maybe there is a breaking change.
Fixes #1920 Previously: — FAIL: TestAccAWSSecurityGroupRule_Description_AllPorts (21.74s) testing.go Step 2 error: Error applying: 1 error occurred: * aws_security_group_rule.te…
@Gabe has joined the channel
- aws_elasticsearch_domain_policy.default: InvalidTypeException: Error setting policy: [{ “Version”: “2012-10-17”, “Statement”: [ { “Sid”: “”, “Effect”: “Allow”, “Action”: [ “es:ESHttpPut”, “es:ESHttpPost”, “es:ESHttpGet” ], “Resource”: [ “arnesXXXXX:domain/new-test-es/*”, “arnesXXXXX:domain/new-test-es” ], “Principal”: { “AWS”: “arniam:XXXXXXinstance-profile/kasun-role” } } ] }] status code: 409, request id: b46c5087-e7ee-11e8-8ec7-21744bcecad8
after running terraform
Hey Kasun, maybe explain what the problem is and with which Module of terraform-aws-modules and then maybe someone can help you out.
Terraform module to provision an Elasticsearch cluster with built-in integrations with Kibana and Logstash. - cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticsearch
ecs already created
but i could access it publicly
seems that dns resolve the vpc ip address .. anyway to access kibana in publicly
Ah ok, move it to #terraform , this channel was specifically made for modules of https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/
Collection of Terraform AWS modules supported by the community - Terraform AWS modules
set the channel topic: https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/