#terraform-aws-modules (2020-08)
Terraform Modules
Discussions related to https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/terraform-aws-modules/

Just released 2 container modules (datadog and fluentbit) on the tf registry to make fargate and datadog integration easier.

we need to make README.yaml
a standard!

ya. i had to overwrite the go template to remove some of the cloudposse stuff stuff. i was planning tomake some prs to the build harness repo so more of those areas in the readme can be toggled

Just out of curiosity why is the integration easier with Terraform registry?

im not sure if i understand your question. could you rephrase ?

oh, I think what RB means is the datadog
and fluentbit
modules make integration easier with those services (and they now happen to be on the tf registry)


@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) thx for clarification. I understood that the Terraform registry integration made this possible

the integration with tf registry is just adding the module to the registry

roger that!

Since I’m submitting a bunch of PR’s for 0.13 support right now, thought I’d join to be available in case I need pinging

@Makeshift (Connor Bell) Are all the PRs you’re putting up the terraform-null-label updates?


We have an automated way to do that across all the tf repos. It’s on the contributor team’s mind. This might bump it up in priority (at least for myself)

Ah I see, interesting. Is that something you can trigger?

How many updates have you done so far? Are you targetting a specific date?

I think I’ve only done about 4, so hardly the majority. I’m just doing the ones I came across when trying to update my own stacks with 0.13

It’s a bit manual, but considering the amount of repos we have it is an amazing improvement.
I documented the process over here: https://docs.cloudposse.com/community/contributor-tips/

Gotcha… well I’ll bring this up with the contributor team. Maybe I’ll bump this up in priority and make it happen tonight or tomorrow. Then we just need to get them approved and merged, which is the fun manual part that we’re still working through on the actual pinning update.

Interesting! The issues I see is that since you’ve already opened some PR’s (that have not yet been accepted) for 0.13, I imagine those would need to be accepted first before I could do a PR for updating versions of specific modules. Also, there’s some problems with certain modules having subdependencies, eg. terraform-aws-cloudfront-s3-cdn
depends on terraform-aws-s3-log-storage
which depends on null-label
, so all 3 need updating to work

I’m not sure if that’s something that can safely be approached with microplane, or if the generic ones should be done first (eg. null-label), then do the more complex ones with subdependencies on a case-by-case basis I’m not sure if that’s something that could “safely” be done using microplane, or the generic

depends on terraform-aws-s3-log-storage
which depends on null-label
, so all 3 need updating to work
These ones we’ll need to address on a case by case basis unfortunately. But bumping the label version should allow us to tackle a lot of the effort to get smaller modules / modules with less deps on submodules out of the way and supporting 0.13.

I don’t think you need to wait for the existing pinning update PRs to get merged to put up specific label / module version update PRs, but you will need to wait until both get merged before the module actually supports 0.13 unfortunately.

Makes sense. If nobody happens to do it today, I may take a crack at it tomorrow. Thanks for the help

No problem man — Thanks for the contributions and helping push things forward!

If you put up any of the case-by-case module version upgrade PRs then assign me as a reviewed and I’ll try to get it merged quick

Ah, I did just give it a go, unfortunately it looks like microplane doesn’t support forking, committing then PRing changes. I don’t have write permission on cloudposse repos, so

Yeah… microplane is not a fully baked tool honestly. It has a lot of rough edges and the maintainer won’t open issues which is pretty damn frustrating.

I brought it up with the contributor team about doing the label bump. Got the thumbsup. Going to do it tonight.

I did notice that, it is rather annoying to have an open source tool but not allow people to have a repository of potential issues…

Ah nice. I did make a little lazy sed to do it, but I’m sure it’ll only take you a minute

Yeah, I didn’t know I severly disliked that until this repo.

Haha I’m open to your pre-written sed if you’ve got it handy!

function replace() {
\grep -rl "$1" . | xargs sed -i "s|$1|$2|g" || true
replace "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-null-label.git?ref=tags/0.16.0>" "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-null-label.git?ref=tags/0.17.0>"
replace "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-null-label.git?ref=tags/0.15.0>" "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-null-label.git?ref=tags/0.17.0>"
replace "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-null-label.git?ref=tags/0.14.1>" "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-null-label.git?ref=tags/0.17.0>"

Ah nice.
And you checked that it’s backwards compatible up until 14.1?

Super lazy I did a quick grep over all of the terraform repos and this catches most of them. The only ones it doesn’t touch are super old ones, eg. 0.3.0 and such, and I assume there may have been breaking changes since then

I didn’t see anything that should really break anything from 14.1, but it does force it onto 0.12 syntax, so that may be relevant

Yeah there are a lot of old repos that need some TLC, but I don’t think they’ll get it unless folks get loud about it. A lot of other modules are used a ton and therefore likely need more attention.

I’ll give it a look as well. Thanks for providing the script!

Cheers, let me know how it goes

If you’re interested in being part of the contributor team, I’m pretty sure @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) is always happy to have more folks join the fold.

I’d be happy to be - I’m using Cloudposse’s stuff all over the place now so I’d love the opportunity to be a part of creating more and improving it.

rock on! DM me your github username

@jdtobe has joined the channel

I’ve opened a couple of PRs to relax the AWS provider version constraints to permit 3.x.x alongside 2.x.x, having reviewed the changelog for 3.x and needing use of a few new resources in other code. Right now I’m only being bitten by the constraints on the vpc and multi-az-subnets, but I’m sure there’ll be more modules I use that’ll fall foul of the (rightfully) pinned version. Have y’all got plans to review and bump all the modules, similar to the Terraform 0.13.x bump, or are you holding fire for a while?

Hey @bazbremner, I saw your PR come through. We’ve been focused on the 0.13 bump and the 0.3 provider has been lower on the priority list.
I’ve already surfaced one of your PRs in our contributor chat though and we’ll definitely get to this soon as we know it’s desired by the community. Thanks for bring this up!

No worries. I just so happened to need aws_route53_vpc_association_authorization
which is in 3.1.0, figured I’d open up PRs on the modules I was bitten by, but I also didn’t want to cause trouble if there was another plan to tackle things.

@natalie has joined the channel

oh lord, terraform-aws-mq-broker
is all kinds of old, guess I’ll be attacking that shortly

ya! sorry for that. it fell through the cracks.

Speaking of, how is it as a service? We’re going through a conversation to HA rabbitmq 3.8 right now. Queue systems are a pain to operate.