#terraform-aws-modules (2022-06)

terraform Terraform Modules

Discussions related to https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/terraform-aws-modules/


Nikhil Owalekar avatar
Nikhil Owalekar

Question regarding the RDS module I’m not able to spin up a cluster with version aurora-mysql8.0 Here is my module invocation

module "rds_cluster_aurora_mysql" {
  source                 = "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-rds-cluster.git?ref=tags/0.50.2>"
  name                   = "${var.namespace}-${var.network_env}-db"
  engine                 = "aurora-mysql"
  cluster_family         = "aurora-mysql8.0"
  cluster_size           = 1
  admin_user             = var.master_username
  admin_password         = random_string.master_password.result
  db_port                = var.db_port
  db_name                = var.db_name
  allowed_cidr_blocks    = [data.terraform_remote_state.network.outputs.vpc_cidr]
  vpc_security_group_ids = [aws_security_group.db_sg.id]
  instance_type          = "db.t3.medium"
  maintenance_window     = "sun:14:00-sun:14:30"
  backup_window          = "08:00-08:30"
  storage_encrypted      = true
  vpc_id                 = data.terraform_remote_state.network.outputs.vpc_id
  subnets                = data.terraform_remote_state.network.outputs.private_subnets
  tags = {
    Name        = "${var.namespace}-${var.network_env}-rds"
    Environment = var.network_env

And here’s the error

│ Error: error creating RDS cluster: InvalidParameterCombination: The Parameter Group some-service-dev-db-20220608115930742500000001 with DBParameterGroupFamily aurora-mysql8.0 cannot be used for this instance. Please use a Parameter Group with DBParameterGroupFamily aurora-mysql5.7
│ 	status code: 400, request id: 0aab02b6-5175-47b1-9548-61bb89f3a575
│   with module.rds_cluster_aurora_mysql.aws_rds_cluster.primary[0],
│   on terraform-aws-rds-cluster/main.tf line 60, in resource "aws_rds_cluster" "primary":
│   60: resource "aws_rds_cluster" "primary" {

There is no reference to 5.7 in my code! Please help

Nikhil Owalekar avatar
Nikhil Owalekar

@RB What should that be set to?

RB avatar

Please use a Parameter Group with DBParameterGroupFamily aurora-mysql5.7

Nikhil Owalekar avatar
Nikhil Owalekar

Well I want to use MySQL 8. Not 5.7

Nikhil Owalekar avatar
Nikhil Owalekar

Someone responded me elsewhere. Looks like I need to explicitly set engine_version as well. I don’t think it’s ideal that the module uses 5.7 as default.

RB avatar

it’s open source, feel free to make it simpler

RB avatar

we accept pull requests that add value (as long as they don’t break current systems)

Nikhil Owalekar avatar
Nikhil Owalekar

I’ll submit a PR soon

Nikhil Owalekar avatar
Nikhil Owalekar


Ashutosh Verma avatar
Ashutosh Verma
09:58:22 AM

@Ashutosh Verma has joined the channel

Jason Gilfoil avatar
Jason Gilfoil

Hey all wave trying to use the elasticache-memcached module to create a “simple” cluster, but getting errors about the cluster_id being invalid. Am I setting something wrong here? Tried tracing it back through the module.this code and got lost in the weeds, and hoping it’s something simple.

module "risk-memcached-staging" {
  source  = "cloudposse/elasticache-memcached/aws"
  version = "0.15.1"

  az_mode           = "single-az"
  availability_zone = "us-east-1a"
  vpc_id            = var.legacy_vpc_id
  subnets           = var.legacy_private_subnet_ids
  cluster_size      = "3"
  instance_type     = "cache.t2.micro"
  engine_version    = "1.6.12"
  apply_immediately = true

  elasticache_parameter_group_family = "default.memcached1.6"

And the errors:

Error: expected length of cluster_id to be in the range (1 - 50), got 

  on .terraform/modules/risk-memcached-staging/main.tf line 104, in resource "aws_elasticache_cluster" "default":
 104:   cluster_id           = module.this.id

Error: invalid value for cluster_id (must contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters and hyphens)

  on .terraform/modules/risk-memcached-staging/main.tf line 104, in resource "aws_elasticache_cluster" "default":
 104:   cluster_id           = module.this.id

Error: invalid value for cluster_id (must begin with a lowercase letter)

  on .terraform/modules/risk-memcached-staging/main.tf line 104, in resource "aws_elasticache_cluster" "default":
 104:   cluster_id           = module.this.id
Jason Gilfoil avatar
Jason Gilfoil

i am not, i started looking at it, but is that required to use this module?

azec avatar

You would probably need to add [context.tf](http://context.tf) in the same TF configuration directory where you define risk-memcached-staging module and then in risk-memcached-staging pass the values for naming schema by specifying

context = module.this.context
Jason Gilfoil avatar
Jason Gilfoil

ok, thanks, i’ll dig into that

azec avatar
  cluster_id           = module.this.id
azec avatar

module.this.id gets computed from https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticache-memcached/blob/0.15.1/context.tf

Once you study https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-null-label/tree/0.25.0 , you will understand what vars you can pass down to risk-memcached-staging …. but by default it would be {namespace}-{tenant}-{environment}-{stage}-{name}-{attributes} (less the tenant). So you might get by by providing:

module "risk-memcached-staging" {
 namespace = "" #your value
 environment = "" #your value
 stage = "" #your value
 name = "" #your value
 attributes = ["",""] #your values

in addition to what you already have …

Jason Gilfoil avatar
Jason Gilfoil

gotcha, yea i think i can probably put this together. Was hoping for a simple module to throw a db up, but this will probably be better long term.

Jason Gilfoil avatar
Jason Gilfoil

thanks azec, got this up yesterday without too much effort, as you suggested.

