#terraform (2021-01)

terraform Discussions related to Terraform or Terraform Modules

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/terraform/





Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Question: Route53 in multiple AWS accounts environment [with Organization used] I’m using Route53 to create Route53 zones in Master, dev and Prod account:

• Master account: root level domain = example.com

• dev account: sub root level domain = dev.example.com

• prod account: ? not sure here should be prod.example.com or aws.example.com or another domain or even not needed, and only use the master zone I need this to create delegation in master zone for dev account and prod account (not decided yet)

Vlad Ionescu (he/him) avatar
Vlad Ionescu (he/him)

Depends on your company and how you use domains and Route53 :slightly_smiling_face:

You could have [example.com](http://example.com) in the main account be an alias for [prod.example.com](http://prod.example.com) which is in prod account if you really want to keep that.

You could have a static-only Amplify Console for [example.com](http://example.com) in the main account, and then have your actual app at [app.example.com](http://app.example.com) or [live.example.com](http://live.example.com) in the prod account.

If you’re doing SaaS is gets even wilder Global Accelerator, WAFs, multi-region with multi-domain and so on gets even weirder

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Vlad Ionescu (he/him) avatar
Vlad Ionescu (he/him)

Loop in Marketing/Sales cause they’ll definitely have opinions on this and they might make the decision for you

Drew Davies avatar
Drew Davies

We’re doing something very similar; multiple AWS accounts based on environment (prod, staging, dev, etc) using AWS Organizations from the prod account to manage the others.

We have Terraform creating the top level Route 53 public hosted zone (eg. [company.com](http://company.com)) and we manually add the NS records to our registrar. We experimented with a Terraform provider to manage the records with the registrar, but it created too much risk with the limited API interface that the registrar provided.

Within our non-prod AWS accounts, we have Terraform creating public hosted zones like [staging.company.com](http://staging.company.com), [dev.company.com](http://dev.company.com), etc. and we use the outputs of those zones to create NS records in the prod public hosted zone for those subdomains.

As @Vlad Ionescu (he/him) mentioned, things start to get complicated when you start getting into multi-region, but we’re handing this with private hosted zones for each VPC. As an example, within us-east-1, hosts within the VPC and users connected via VPN are able to resolve things like [hostname.use1.dev.company.net](http://hostname.use1.dev.company.net).

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

@Drew Davies I see, very similar, I added the top level domain to master account not to prod account. so for master account >> example.com and for prod account prod.example.com what I need to do is create cname from example.com to prod.example.com and then from prod.example.com to ALB/EC2/Cloudfront ….

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I think CNAME on Apex is not possible

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

If you need the apex redirect in AWS, you could utilize s3 (+cloudfront) to redirct http(s):<//example.com> to www.example.com or prod.example.com

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I want to send to ALB,

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I end up moving top-level domain to prod account. and use dev.X in dev account and delegate dev.x in prod top level domain

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

That is also an option

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

If for whatever reason this would not be possible, you could still use the apex redirect trick via s3 - then it redirects to the hosted zone in the sub-account where you can then alias the alb

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

good to know, thanks. I will test it later

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

anyone using terratest with the terratest upstream packages?

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)
package s3

import (


const letterBytes = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

func RandStringBytes(n int) string {
	b := make([]byte, n)
	for i := range b {
		b[i] = letterBytes[rand.Intn(len(letterBytes))]
	return string(b)

func TestAssertBucketPolicyExists(t *testing.T) {

	pwd, _ := os.Getwd()

	randomString := RandStringBytes(16)

	terraformOptions := &terraform.Options{
		EnvVars: map[string]string{
			"AWS_DEFAULT_REGION": "eu-west-1",

		TerraformDir: pwd,

		Vars: map[string]interface{}{
			"environment": randomString,
			"region": "eu-west-1",

	//Execute Terraform
	defer terraform.Destroy(t, terraformOptions)
	terraform.InitAndApply(t, terraformOptions)

	//Perform assertions
	aws.AssertS3BucketPolicyExists(t, "eu-west-1", "ume"+"-"+randomString+"-access-logs")
Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)
TestAssertBucketPolicyExists 2021-01-04T15:23:07Z logger.go:66: logging_bucket_name = ume-xvlbzgbaicmrajww-access-logs
                Error Trace:    s3.go:355
                Error:          Received unexpected error:
                                Error finding AWS credentials. Did you set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables or configure an AWS profile? Underlying error: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.
                                        For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors
                Test:           TestAssertBucketPolicyExist
Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

it creates the resources via terraform without an issue but when trying to run the AssertS3BucketPolicyExists function it cant create a session correctly

loren avatar

i’ve had to export AWS_REGION for terratest to work. i don’t know why, i just do it

loren avatar

my env:

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

Do you have a default profile @loren ?

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)
Error finding AWS credentials for S3 remote state · Issue #671 · gruntwork-io/terragrunt

Hi guys, Kindly asking for your advice. I see that that the issue was previously discussed several times from different angles. I can&#39;t make our TG code working with my creds in AWS multiaccoun…

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

Adding the additional env vars helped but now I am getting this …

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

TestAssertBucketPolicyExists 2021-01-04T1914Z logger.go TestAssertBucketPolicyExists 2021-01-04T1914Z logger.go Destroy complete! Resources: 3 destroyed. — PASS: TestAssertBucketPolicyExists (22.53s) FAIL FAIL tf-modules/modules/s3-logs 49.090s FAIL make: *** [terratest-local] Error 1

loren avatar

that doesn’t include the error, so….

loren avatar

i don’t use a default profile, no

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

Yeh for some reason the error just gets swallowed

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)
TestValidateS3BucketName 2021-01-04T20:03:53Z logger.go:66: Error: Error creating S3 bucket: Error creating S3 bucket ume-xvlbzgbaicmrajww-access-logs, retrying: OperationAborted: A conflicting conditional operation is currently in progress against this resource. Please try again.
TestValidateS3BucketName 2021-01-04T20:03:53Z logger.go:66:     status code: 409, request id: A9C34D53FF312801, host id: mZDfV01Dh0VgijnLuxz7AUyd9iJt0PpiW9KPDv+94NqPUak67BVK7K4psny+srW5SyWcDX27bsQ=
TestValidateS3BucketName 2021-01-04T20:03:53Z logger.go:66:
TestValidateS3BucketName 2021-01-04T20:03:53Z logger.go:66:
TestValidateS3BucketName 2021-01-04T20:03:53Z retry.go:80: Returning due to fatal error: FatalError{Underlying: error while running command: exit status 1;
Error: Error creating S3 bucket: Error creating S3 bucket ume-xvlbzgbaicmrajww-access-logs, retrying: OperationAborted: A conflicting conditional operation is currently in progress against this resource. Please try again.
        status code: 409, request id: A9C34D53FF312801, host id: mZDfV01Dh0VgijnLuxz7AUyd9iJt0PpiW9KPDv+94NqPUak67BVK7K4psny+srW5SyWcDX27bsQ=

                Error Trace:    apply.go:15
                Error:          Received unexpected error:
                                FatalError{Underlying: error while running command: exit status 1;
                                Error: Error creating S3 bucket: Error creating S3 bucket ume-xvlbzgbaicmrajww-access-logs, retrying: OperationAborted: A conflicting conditional operation is currently in progress against this resource. Please try again.
                                        status code: 409, request id: A9C34D53FF312801, host id: mZDfV01Dh0VgijnLuxz7AUyd9iJt0PpiW9KPDv+94NqPUak67BVK7K4psny+srW5SyWcDX27bsQ=

                Test:           TestValidateS3BucketName
TestValidateS3BucketName 2021-01-04T20:03:53Z retry.go:72: terraform [destroy -auto-approve -input=false -var environment=xvlbzgbaicmrajww -var region=eu-west-1 -lock=false]
TestValidateS3BucketName 2021-01-04T20:03:53Z logger.go:66: Running command terraform with args [destroy -auto-approve -input=false -var environment=xvlbzgbaicmrajww -var region=eu-west-1 -lock=false]
TestValidateS3BucketName 2021-01-04T20:03:56Z logger.go:66: data.aws_elb_service_account.current: Refreshing state... [id=156460612806]
TestValidateS3BucketName 2021-01-04T20:03:56Z logger.go:66: data.aws_caller_identity.current: Refreshing state... [id=647217122429]
TestValidateS3BucketName 2021-01-04T20:03:58Z logger.go:66:
TestValidateS3BucketName 2021-01-04T20:03:58Z logger.go:66: Destroy complete! Resources: 0 destroyed.
Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

note this is for a different test

loren avatar

somehow you have more than one thing trying to operate on the bucket at a time. it’s a race condition in your tf code

loren avatar

for example, if you are using the bucket_policy resource and the public_access_block resource and the bucket_notification resource, only one can hit the api action at a time

loren avatar

you have to thread the bucket name/id/arn from resource to resource so it happens in order

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

they are completely different buckets though

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

the are two completely different tests

loren avatar

terratest runs tests in parallel also, by default. the error seems pretty clear. it’s definitely a race condition on the bucket operations. just gotta trace through how you’re doing things to figure out what is causing the conflicting operations

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

the two tests create two seperate buckets, it tries to get bucket X after terraform has successfully destroyed bucket Y

loren avatar

keep going

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

now i am getting this …

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)
s3-logs/s3logs_test.go:4:2: use of vendored package not allowed
FAIL    tf-modules/modules/s3-logs [setup failed]
loren avatar

google “golang use of vendored package not allowed”

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

that was my made was a mismatch

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

i am wondering if its a race condition in the terraform the requires a depends_on

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

because if i comment out the other test in the module it works perfectly fine

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)
resource "aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block" "this" {
  bucket                  = aws_s3_bucket.this.id
  block_public_acls       = true
  block_public_policy     = true
  ignore_public_acls      = true
  restrict_public_buckets = true
  depends_on              = [aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.this]
Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

@loren adding that depends_on fixed it

loren avatar

depends_on itself?

loren avatar

for example, if you are using the bucket_policy resource and the public_access_block resource and the bucket_notification resource, only one can hit the api action at a time

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

yeh adding that fixed concurrent test execution for the module

loren avatar

you’ve maybe found an odd way of fixing it. or maybe just the race condition not manifesting for a run or two

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Hmm.. Within the terraform-aws-acm-request-certificate module, I keep getting:

  27:   for_each = {
  28:     for dvo in local.domain_validation_options_list : dvo.domain_name => {
  29:       name   = dvo.resource_record_name
  30:       record = dvo.resource_record_value
  31:       type   = dvo.resource_record_type
  32:     }
  33:   }
jose.amengual avatar

the new version?

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Yeah, I think this is my issue though unfortunately for me. Looks like the state was saved locally instead of in S3 and now no longer exists

pjaudiomv avatar

did you have the module pinned at a version

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Yeah, v0.11.0

pjaudiomv avatar

hmm let me take a look, i tested this last night and was fine

pjaudiomv avatar

what aws version are you using, im guessing it must be 3.x

pjaudiomv avatar

also just for reference what terraform version are you on

David Napier avatar
David Napier

I’m 99% sure the problem is the deleted .tfstate file.

pjaudiomv avatar

gotcha, is there a backup in your directory

David Napier avatar
David Napier

In the .terraform directory?

pjaudiomv avatar

no your apply directory

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Ahh, no, doesn’t appear to be. I’m looking into importing the state from existing resources.

pjaudiomv avatar

gotcha yea you won’t be able to import aws_acm_certificate_validation as its not an actual aws resource not sure if that will cause a problem or not

David Napier avatar
David Napier

I know there are ways to import modules, terraform import module.aws_acm_certificate_validation["blahblah"] <resource-id>

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Haven’t gotten to that step though, honestly, the Route53 Zones are the only thing I’m worried about losing, as then I’ll have to reset the DNS NS Records

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Totally different issue, but having problems importing the zone when the zone has a period in the name. >_>

pjaudiomv avatar


pjaudiomv avatar

crucial issue ugh, forgot to push a local commit

pjaudiomv avatar

ok yea this fixes that oops

David Napier avatar
David Napier

@pjaudiomv How would I use the pull request in my local modules? And what’s the general merge time like for these?

David Napier avatar
David Napier

I recovered my state, but have the same issue as initially described (which would be fixed by your PR)

jose.amengual avatar

once Patric is done I will be merging right away

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Thanks PePe

pjaudiomv avatar

im almost done, I was trying to do too many. things at once. I stepped away from day job and am finishing testing now

pjaudiomv avatar

ok @David Napier i believe you should be able to use 0.12.0 now of module

pjaudiomv avatar
version = "0.12.0"
David Napier avatar
David Napier

Yesss, it worked, thanks!

David Napier avatar
David Napier

You made my day.

pjaudiomv avatar

cool, no prob. sorry about that

pjaudiomv avatar

thank you PePe for the patience and quick reviews

jose.amengual avatar

no problem

jose.amengual avatar

thanks for your contributions

Gareth avatar

Hello all and Happy New Year from the UK. Could somebody in the know please confirm if what I’m trying to do is possible. I’ve written a little module to create ACM cert’s in AWS. Its working great but I’ve tried to modify it to allow it to create the cert in AWS as normal but create the DNS verification records that the cert needs via a different DNS supplier, Cloudfare in my particular case.

More details within thread…

Gareth avatar

More details….

Terraform initially complained that I need to supply providers argument along with the module

Error: Module does not support for_each

  on acm_us-east-1.tf line 14, in module "acm_us-east-1":
  14:   for_each = { for config_key, config in var.site_configs : config_key => config if config.ssl_config.aws.create_ssl_cert == true }

Module "acm_us-east-1" cannot be used with for_each because it contains a
nested provider configuration for "cloudflare", at acm\versions.tf:13,10-22.

This module can be made compatible with for_each by changing it to receive all
of its provider configurations from the calling module, by using the
"providers" argument in the calling module block.

So I updated the code to include

providers = {
    aws = aws.us-east-1
    cloudflare = cloudflare

but now I’m stuck in an endless loop of terraform complaining I need to re initialise.

Error: Could not load plugin

Plugin reinitialization required. Please run "terraform init".

Plugins are external binaries that Terraform uses to access and manipulate
resources. The configuration provided requires plugins which can't be located,
don't satisfy the version constraints, or are otherwise incompatible.

Terraform automatically discovers provider requirements from your
configuration, including providers used in child modules. To see the
requirements and constraints, run "terraform providers".

Failed to instantiate provider "registry.terraform.io/cloudflare/cloudflare"
to obtain schema: Unrecognized remote plugin message:

This usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply
needs to be recompiled to support the latest protocol.

Can anybody make a suggestion?

oh and if it helps my providers look like this currently:

├── provider[registry.terraform.io/cloudflare/cloudflare] ~> 2.0
├── provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws]
├── provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/random]
├── module.acm_us-east-1
│   ├── provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws] >= 2.53.*
│   ├── provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/tls]
│   └── provider[registry.terraform.io/cloudflare/cloudflare]
├── module.ses_user_enable_send
│   ├── provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws]
│   └── provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/null]
└── module.acm_eu-west-1
    ├── provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws] >= 2.53.*
    ├── provider[registry.terraform.io/cloudflare/cloudflare]
    └── provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/tls]

Providers required by state:



Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

did you try to delete the cache in the folder .terraform.d

Gareth avatar

Hello Andriy, yes; many times

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

also, since you are using just one provider of each type, you can use Implicit Provider Inheritance

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

w/o providing the providers to the module

Gareth avatar

in short, I assume you can’t have a AWS resource and a Cloudflare resource in the same .tf file?

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

you can have any resources in a file

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

from many providers

Gareth avatar

I only specified them to the module as it fails to initialise unless I do so but I’ll rip it out again and retry. I might have missed something. Thanks for the advice

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

in your case, I guess TF just stuck at something when you changed the provider config

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

did you try to destroy using the old code, and plan again?

Gareth avatar

I haven’t as I didn’t really want to destroy anything in my test environment, If everything works as it should it shouldn’t see any changes in state. Other than the new AWS based certificate I’m trying to create with cloudflare validated dns records.

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)
Gareth avatar

I’ll try starting again with a bigger hammer. As you say, It might be confused. Thanks for the advice.

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

specify dthe AWS and CloudFlare providers in the top-level module

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

don’t send any provider to the low-level module

Gareth avatar

Okay. Would I still specify required providers within the lower module?

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.13.5"

  required_providers {
    aws = ">= 2.53"
	  cloudflare = {
      source = "cloudflare/cloudflare"
Gareth avatar

or completely ditch those?

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

You can specify those

Gareth avatar

apologies, on second thoughts won’t I still need to specify the provider in the top level calling module?

module "acm_us-east-1" {
  source = "./acm"
  providers = {
    aws = aws.us-east-1
    cloudflare = cloudflare

*** rest snipped ***

Otherwise, I wont be able to target the us-east-1 region to create the certificate? as I normally run out of eu-west-1

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

Those are version constraints

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)
  providers = {
    aws = aws.us-east-1
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

if you run from a diff region, you need to specify the correct aws provider to the module

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

(i’m not sure if you have to specify cloudflare in this case, or Implicit inheritance will work for it. Try not to specify it)

Gareth avatar
Initializing modules...

Initializing the backend...

Initializing provider plugins...
- Using previously-installed hashicorp/null v3.0.0
- Using previously-installed hashicorp/aws v3.22.0
- Using previously-installed hashicorp/random v3.0.0
- Using previously-installed cloudflare/cloudflare v2.15.0

The following providers do not have any version constraints in configuration,
so the latest version was installed.

To prevent automatic upgrades to new major versions that may contain breaking
changes, we recommend adding version constraints in a required_providers block
in your configuration, with the constraint strings suggested below.

* hashicorp/null: version = "~> 3.0.0"
* hashicorp/random: version = "~> 3.0.0"

Terraform has been successfully initialized!
terraform_0.13.5 plan
Releasing state lock. This may take a few moments...

Error: Could not load plugin

Plugin reinitialization required. Please run "terraform init".

Plugins are external binaries that Terraform uses to access and manipulate
resources. The configuration provided requires plugins which can't be located,
don't satisfy the version constraints, or are otherwise incompatible.

Terraform automatically discovers provider requirements from your
configuration, including providers used in child modules. To see the
requirements and constraints, run "terraform providers".

Failed to instantiate provider "registry.terraform.io/cloudflare/cloudflare"
to obtain schema: Unrecognized remote plugin message:

This usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply
needs to be recompiled to support the latest protocol.
Gareth avatar

only provider blocks are now at the top level

Gareth avatar

If this is something that should be possible then I’ll start again, with a basic config block and work backwards from there.

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

did you delete the cached files in ~/.terraform.d ?

Gareth avatar

i don’t have a .terraform.d folder only a .terraform folder which I have deleted. Out of total paranoia I also blasted the code away, rebooted and then checked it out again but no difference.

Gareth avatar

I’ll try a single high level simplified version

resource "aws_acm_certificate" "cert" {
  domain_name       = var.domain
  validation_method = "DNS"
  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true

data "cloudflare_zones" "find_zone_ids" {
  for_each = {for ssl_key, ssl_value in var.ssl_root_domain_names : ssl_key => trimsuffix(replace(ssl_value, "*.", ""), ".") if var.ssl_validation_method == "DNS_Cloudflare" && var.ssl_perform_validation == true}
    filter {
        name = each.value

resource "cloudflare_record" "cloudflare_cert_validation_records" {
  for_each = {
    for dvo in aws_acm_certificate.this.domain_validation_options : dvo.domain_name => {
      name    = dvo.resource_record_name
      record  = dvo.resource_record_value
      type    = dvo.resource_record_type
      zone_id = data.cloudflare_zones.find_zone_ids[dvo.domain_name].zone_id
    } if var.ssl_validation_method == "DNS_Cloudflare" && var.ssl_perform_validation == true

  allow_overwrite = var.ssl_allow_overwrite_dns
  zone_id  = each.value.zone_id
  name     = each.value.name
  value    = [each.value.record]
  type     = each.value.type
  proxied  = true
Gareth avatar

I assume something as simple as that should work and just keep the providers at the parent level without the need to send them on to a module.

Gareth avatar

I’ll need to clean the “var.” names up as I’ve only just quickly pulled that together. Main point is that the mixed up resources types should be fine. Based on your initial statement?

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

check for .terraform.d folder in your $HOME directory (not in the project)

Gareth avatar

Okay, looks like I owe you a BIG thanks and a even bigger SORRY for not clarifying about the .terraform.d directory earlier!

I stupidly thought, it was a difference between Window or Unix terraform or terraform grunt or whatever other people use. I unfortunately didn’t know it was a separate directory altogether. I’ve mistakenly thought everything was under the .terraform directory.

Gareth avatar

Feel a right Fool now.

Gareth avatar

While the code still isn’t working its no longer complaining about needing to re init.

Gareth avatar

Thank you and sorry for wasting more of your time than was needed.

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

no problem at all

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

(that folder always the culprit if you have issues with provider initialization)

Gareth avatar

Internal Wiki updated and lesson truly learnt. So thanks! I’d be lost without all the support you and others have given me here. I still suggest Cloud Posse publish a charity payme type of thing, As I’d happily donate each time somebody helped me.

Ikana avatar

Hello hello is it possible to use some provider functionality only on brach on the terraform repo? I’m trying to utilize the functionality on this branch to test Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow

r/mwaa_environment - new resource by shuheiktgw · Pull Request #16616 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Community Note Please vote on this pull request by adding a reaction to the original pull request comment to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request Please do not leave &quot;…

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

if you can compile the provider and place the binary in the ~/.terraform.d folder, you can test it

r/mwaa_environment - new resource by shuheiktgw · Pull Request #16616 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Community Note Please vote on this pull request by adding a reaction to the original pull request comment to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request Please do not leave &quot;…

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

or, you can publish it in your own registry (never did it before) and then load it from there https://www.terraform.io/docs/internals/provider-registry-protocol.html#provider-addresses

Provider Registry Protocol - Terraform by HashiCorp

The provider registry protocol is implemented by a host intending to be the origin host for one or more Terraform providers, specifying which providers are available and where to find their distribution packages.


Pierre-Yves avatar

Hello, I push scripts to azure container with the code below, but file change is not detected as the resource is already created . Is there a way to recreate the resource when the file has changed ?

resource "azurerm_storage_blob" "linux_postinstall_scripts" {

  for_each = local.files
  name     = "{each.key}_${each.value["StartupScript"]}"
  storage_account_name   = var.storage_account_name
  storage_container_name = var.storage_container_name
  type                   = "Block"
  source = "${path.root}/files/${each.value["StartupScript"]}"
Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

can you paste local.files

Pierre-Yves avatar

it’s a map with servers option. If linux_init.sh is updated after resource creation, then it is not uploaded again

server1 = {
"StartupScript"            = "linux_init.sh"
server2 = {
"StartupScript"            = "linux_init.sh"
Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
repos = {
  master = {
    repo_name        = "xxx-terraform-master",
    repo_description = "xxx Terraform Master Account",
    branch_name      = "master"
  bootstrap = {
    repo_name        = "xxx-terraform-bootstrap",
    repo_description = "xxx Terraform Bootstrap",
    branch_name      = "master"
resource "aws_codecommit_repository" "repo" {
  for_each        = var.repos
  repository_name = each.value.repo_name
  description     = each.value.repo_description
  default_branch  = each.value.branch_name
  tags            = var.tags
Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

this worked with me on Terraform 0.14.3

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Oh I see, you mean updating the file it self

Pierre-Yves avatar


Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

hmm, try to use template with path

Pierre-Yves avatar

Thanks ! I ‘ll check tomorrow but that’s look to do the trick by googling on template I’ve found someone who did it with your point


Gareth avatar

Has anybody got experience with Cloudflare terraform provider? I’m creating certificates in AWS in two regions but I use Cloudflare DNS for the validation records.

AWS looks to support the overwriting of DNS records but Cloudflare appears to error if a record already exists. The reason that the validation records already exist is because the creation of the cert in the first region creates the validation records ,when the second region tries to then create the validation records it errors are they are the same.

Error: expected DNS record to not already be present but already exists

Has anybody got a solution other than moving all validation request to a separate module and trying to filter them all, which I think would be a nightmare.

Miguel Zablah avatar
Miguel Zablah

what are this certificates the same? are this certificates use in like a alb? one on each region?

Gareth avatar

The certificates are the same but one is used on a ALB in eu-west-1 and the other is used on Cloudfront and needs to be created in eu-east-1 because they are the same, the verification records are identical.

Miguel Zablah avatar
Miguel Zablah

so you need 2 acm certificates one in the eu-west-1 region and another in us-east-1 (this one is for CloudFront since it requieres you to have it on this region) then aws acm will generate diferent Name and Value so you can add those dns records to your cloudflare

Miguel Zablah avatar
Miguel Zablah

I have done this before and I have not get the same acm certificate, another things is that if you will have one certificate for your alb and another for your cloudfront they should have different subdomains on leas you will route your alb throw cloudfront in this case you will only need 1 certificate witch is the cloudfront certificate

Gareth avatar

cheers, Miguel. I’ll have a look at my design again.

Gareth avatar

Equally, if there isn’t an overwrite option and looking at the resource_cloudflare_record.go file on git hub there isn’t. Is there any way to tell terraform to ignore an error and continue?

sheldonh avatar

So I’m loving the API driven approach for adding comments into the PR for review.

However, on merge I want to run the plan, but still require terraform cloud approval. Running the API request on merge is synchronous at that point and causes timeout failure if you don’t approve immediately in terraform cloud.


  1. Is there a way to just use VCS driven workflow + still allow the API driven plan and preview to PR?
  2. If I have to stick with API driven workflow, then upon merge to trunk, can I submit an asynchronous request so github actions proceeds without issue but the pending plan in Terraform Cloud remains “pending apply”?
sheldonh avatar

Different Question: Has anyone got Terraform Cloud notifications working with Microsoft Teams or service account email?

• The email requires user email, can’t send to Microsoft teams

• The hooks don’t work with Teams. Any integrations or work arounds?

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

There are a few different ways to write maps in Terraform. What do you think is the canonical way? I think it’s { key1 = "foo", key2 = "bar" }

You can use = or :, but the former seems strongly preferred. You can also quote the key or not, the latter is required if the key has a space but the former is generally used in the docs. There are other things you can tweak too…

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

Also, RFC. I’ve written a short proposal for adding pre-truncated id outputs to terraform-null-label (and eventually, removing id ?! ). https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-null-label/issues/117

Create multiple pre-truncated id outputs automatically · Issue #117 · cloudposse/terraform-null-label

I am happy to implement this feature. I wanted to see if it would be supported first though Describe the Feature Add outputs id_16, id_32, id_64. Expected Behavior They would act like id output w…

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

@Alex Jurkiewicz that’s a very good proposal, thank you

Create multiple pre-truncated id outputs automatically · Issue #117 · cloudposse/terraform-null-label

I am happy to implement this feature. I wanted to see if it would be supported first though Describe the Feature Add outputs id_16, id_32, id_64. Expected Behavior They would act like id output w…

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

we can add those diff length IDs (w/o changing the current functionality)

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Yup, I like it!

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

great! I’ll code it up… soon

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz
Add outputs id16, id32, id64, id128 by alexjurkiewicz · Pull Request #118 · cloudposse/terraform-null-label

Truncated forms of id_full which are always available. This is useful when you want to use the same label for several resources with different length restrictions. Closes #117.


Troy Taillefer avatar
Troy Taillefer

Anyone have experience using packer and terraform together. Currently I use null_resource(s) to push docker images to ecr for terraform. I was wondering if I could do this with packer instead. My question is there a way to have the ecr url injected into terraform from packer can they communicate similar to how I do it currently ?

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

AFAIU, you’re thinking of Packer wrong. Packer is for building AMIs. When you’re dealing with Docker, images, and ECR then you’re dealing with a different toolset then what packer is used for.

You use-case looks like you could look into Hashi’s new OOS project Waypoint though — https://www.waypointproject.io/

Waypoint by HashiCorpattachment image

Waypoint is an open source solution that provides a modern workflow for build, deploy, and release across platforms.

Troy Taillefer avatar
Troy Taillefer

@Matt Gowie Packer can definitely build docker images https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/docker it can also push them to ecr as well https://www.packer.io/docs/post-processors/docker-push the missing piece for me is how to make terraform aware that it did this and what the ecr url is

Docker - Builders | Packer by HashiCorpattachment image

The docker Packer builder builds Docker images using Docker. The builder starts a Docker container, runs provisioners within this container, then exports the container for reuse or commits the image.

Docker Push - Post-Processors | Packer by HashiCorpattachment image

The Packer Docker push post-processor takes an artifact from the docker-import post-processor and pushes it to a Docker registry.

Zach avatar

using packer to build docker seems odd since there’s already a ‘native’ build tool for that

Zach avatar

at any rate, packer doesn’t really provide any outputs except a manifest.json if you enable it (and I’m not actually sure if that’s universal to every builder) and then you an add k/v pairs to it with additional data.

Troy Taillefer avatar
Troy Taillefer

you can say ami also have a native tool too I guess https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/imagebuilder/index.html but be cool to just work in hcl2 for both docker and ami images. Thanks for the info

MattyB avatar

I try to keep these in separate repos and stick to conventions for where the AMIs and Docker Images end up.

Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
06:54:49 PM

v0.12.30 0.12.30 (January 06, 2021) UPGRADE NOTES: The builtin provider’s terraform_remote_state data source no longer enforces Terraform version checks on the remote state file. This allows Terraform 0.12.30 to access remote state from future Terraform versions, up until a future incompatible state file version upgrade is required. (#26692)

builtin/providers/terraform: Disable remote state file version checks by alisdair · Pull Request #26692 · hashicorp/terraform

The builtin Terraform provider&#39;s remote state data source uses a configured backend to fetch a given state, in order to allow access to its root module outputs. Until this change, this was only…

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

builtin/providers/terraform: Disable remote state file version checks by alisdair · Pull Request #26692 · hashicorp/terraform

The builtin Terraform provider&#39;s remote state data source uses a configured backend to fetch a given state, in order to allow access to its root module outputs. Until this change, this was only…

Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

That is a big relief.

Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
07:24:55 PM

v0.13.6 0.13.6 (January 06, 2021) UPGRADE NOTES: The builtin provider’s terraform_remote_state data source no longer enforces Terraform version checks on the remote state file. This allows Terraform 0.13.6 to access remote state from future Terraform versions, up until a future incompatible state file version upgrade is required. (#26692)…

Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
07:44:17 PM

v0.14.4 0.14.4 (January 06, 2021) UPGRADE NOTES: This release disables the remote Terraform version check feature for plan and apply operations. This fixes an issue with using custom Terraform version bundles in Terraform Enterprise. (#27319) BUG FIXES: backend/remote: Disable remote Terraform workspace version check when the remote…

Release v0.14.4 · hashicorp/terraform

0.14.4 (January 06, 2021) UPGRADE NOTES: This release disables the remote Terraform version check feature for plan and apply operations. This fixes an issue with using custom Terraform version bun…

backend/remote: No version check for operations by alisdair · Pull Request #27319 · hashicorp/terraform

Terraform remote version conflicts are not a concern for operations. We are in one of three states: Running remotely, in which case the local version is irrelevant; Workspace configured for local …

melissa Jenner avatar
melissa Jenner

I use the module, https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticsearch to provision ElasticSearch. I set kibana_hostname_enabled = false, and domain_hostname_enabled = false. Per document, dns_zone_id is not required. But, it asks for dns zone id when I run terraform plan.

terraform plan
  Route53 DNS Zone ID to add hostname records for Elasticsearch domain and Kibana
  Enter a value:

Terraform module to provision an Elasticsearch cluster with built-in integrations with Kibana and Logstash. - cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticsearch

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

If dns_zone_id will not be used then you can just pass it as dns_zone_id = null to the module and that should do the trick.


Terraform module to provision an Elasticsearch cluster with built-in integrations with Kibana and Logstash. - cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticsearch

melissa Jenner avatar
melissa Jenner

I prefer not to use Route53. How to avoid dns_zone_id? Below is the code:

module "elasticsearch" {
  source                  = "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticsearch.git?ref=tags/0.24.1>"

  security_groups                = [data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.default_security_group_id]
  vpc_id                         = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.vpc_id
  zone_awareness_enabled         = var.zone_awareness_enabled
  subnet_ids                     = slice(data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.private_subnets, 0, 2)
  elasticsearch_version          = var.elasticsearch_version
  instance_type                  = var.instance_type
  instance_count                 = var.instance_count
  encrypt_at_rest_enabled        = var.encrypt_at_rest_enabled
  dedicated_master_enabled       = var.dedicated_master_enabled
  create_iam_service_linked_role = var.create_iam_service_linked_role
  kibana_subdomain_name          = var.kibana_subdomain_name
  ebs_volume_size                = var.ebs_volume_size
  #dns_zone_id                    = var.dns_zone_id
  kibana_hostname_enabled        = false
  domain_hostname_enabled        = false
  iam_role_arns                  = ["*"]
  iam_actions                    = ["es:*"]
  enabled                        = var.enabled
  vpc_enabled                    = var.vpc_enabled
  name                           = var.name
  tags                           = var.tags
  advanced_options = {
    "rest.action.multi.allow_explicit_index" = "true"
Connor Gervin avatar
Connor Gervin

Hi All - first post so excuse if silly :)

Wondering what’s best practice for creating kafka topics post cluster creation using the CloudPosse MSK Module?

AWS doesn’t appear to support anything directly on MSK and even references the apache shell scripts (here points to here)

If really cli only, is it possible to run a template file after the MSK Cluster is created to run the shell scripts? e.g.

$ bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic my-topic --partitions 1 \
      --replication-factor 1 --config max.message.bytes=64000 --config flush.messages=1

Thanks for any help

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

This likely falls into the fun data tier updates you can do with providers like postgres, elasticsearch, rabbit, etc.

There is Kafka provider that will do this for you (https://github.com/Mongey/terraform-provider-kafka) but you will need to have an accessible route to hit Kafka outside your cluster.


Terraform provider for managing Apache Kafka Topics + ACLs - Mongey/terraform-provider-kafka

slack1270 avatar

Hi all, newbie terraform question here: I’m trying to use the https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azurerm/latest/docs/resources/cosmosdb_account#connection_strings attribute in another module, and even though the documentation clearly says it produces a list of strings, I’m ending up with a string, and the error message “Invalid index; This value does not have any indices.” How can I test the type of the attribute so I can know whether it needs wrapping to ensure my consuming modules get a consistent type?

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

you can use `

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)
if a splat expression is applied to a value that is not a list or tuple then the value is automatically wrapped in a single-element list before processing
slack1270 avatar

Interesting behaviour - I’ll give it a shot. Thanks!

slack1270 avatar

And after all that, it was my mock data that was the problem rather than the source data.


Sam Buckingham avatar
Sam Buckingham

Anyone had this when releaseing cert manager via terraform/helmfile?

Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "webhook.cert-manager.io": Post <https://cert-manager-qa-webhook.cert-manager.svc:443/mutate?timeout=10s>: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Sam Buckingham avatar
Sam Buckingham

Guessing it’s cause the webhook pod isn’t ready yet?

Sam Buckingham avatar
Sam Buckingham

Can I add a delay?

AdoSa avatar

Hi all, new member of SweetOps community here. I have a question regarding terraform-aws-ec2-ami-backup that I found to enable me to run regular backups od Windows EC2 instances. Since it is recommended that the Windows instance that is being backed up, is in shutdown state during the backup, is it possible for me to add a AWS SDK call to shut down an instance before backup and then start it back up after the Snapshot is completed?


Terraform module for automatic & scheduled AMI creation - cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-ami-backup

Advait Patel avatar
Advait Patel

Hi all, We have a combination of ASG and launch config that spins up on-demand ec2 instances for us. However, due to recent changes in budget, we would like to use the combination of on-demand and spot instances. How and what changes I should make in my ASG and launch config to start spinning up Spot instances? Thanks!

Advait Patel avatar
Advait Patel

@Miguel Zablah thanks for sharing it. However, how can we add a conditional statement here to allow a few ec2 to use spot and a few to use on-demand within the same ASG?

Miguel Zablah avatar
Miguel Zablah

You will add it like this:

 mixed_instances_policy = {
    instances_distribution = {
      on_demand_base_capacity = 1
      on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity = 50


on_demand_base_capacity this will set how many of on demand instances you will like as basis (default) on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity will tell how many of the instances that you tell the ASG to have will be on demand (the other % will be spot)

In this example you will have 1 instance on demand always and 50% will be spot this means that if you have set your ASG to have 4 instances running 2 will be on demand and 2 will be spot

Gareth avatar

Hi All, has anybody got a clever idea on how to only select one node out of an ASG to include in a AWS alb_target_group? I normally supply a list of ARN’s to the ASG and in turn all the machine in the ASG are added to the target groups.

resource type "aws_autoscaling_group"
*snipped to cut down on text*

  target_group_arns = compact(

However, I could really do with doing this in reverse and attach an instance from the ASG to the target group I’ve start to look if I could run a data lookup on ec2 instances filtered on tags that matched the ASG and then take the first instance ID in the list and use the


resource to then add it to the target group but I’m guessing there probably a chicken and egg issue here. I could also maybe write something to do similar to the data look or above via userdata.

But before I go off a invent something crazy, has anybody got that clever idea I’m hopeful for?

ravi avatar

I used terrafrom to create a mysql db instance and for the first time all went well i made few change to other modules not to the RDS module and when i run the terraform apply it says db instance already exist terrafrom is suppose to store the db instance that it was created earlier in it state why is it not happening any idea.

Warning: Quoted references are deprecated

  on modules/elasticsearch/main.tf line 7, in resource "aws_elasticsearch_domain" "es":
   7:             ignore_changes  = ["access_policies"]

In this context, references are expected literally rather than in quotes.
Terraform 0.11 and earlier required quotes, but quoted references are now
deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Terraform. Remove the
quotes surrounding this reference to silence this warning.

(and one more similar warning elsewhere)

Error: Error creating DB Instance: DBInstanceAlreadyExists: DB Instance already exists
	status code: 400, request id: a753d1ca-b0af-447c-85e6-d1b7bd672f34
Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
10:14:12 PM

v0.15.0-alpha20210107 0.15.0 (Unreleased) UPGRADE NOTES: config: The list and map functions, both of which were deprecated since Terraform v0.12, are now removed. You can replace uses of these functions with tolist([…]) and tomap({…}) respectively. (#26818) cli: Interrupting execution will now cause terraform to exit with a non-0 status. (<a…

Release v0.15.0-alpha20210107 · hashicorp/terraform

0.15.0 (Unreleased) UPGRADE NOTES: config: The list and map functions, both of which were deprecated since Terraform v0.12, are now removed. You can replace uses of these functions with tolist([…..

lang/funcs: Remove the deprecated "list" and "map" functions by apparentlymart · Pull Request #26818 · hashicorp/terraform

Prior to Terraform 0.12 these two functions were the only way to construct literal lists and maps (respectively) in HIL expressions. Terraform 0.12, by switching to HCL 2, introduced first-class sy…

loren avatar


Release v0.15.0-alpha20210107 · hashicorp/terraform

0.15.0 (Unreleased) UPGRADE NOTES: config: The list and map functions, both of which were deprecated since Terraform v0.12, are now removed. You can replace uses of these functions with tolist([…..

lang/funcs: Remove the deprecated "list" and "map" functions by apparentlymart · Pull Request #26818 · hashicorp/terraform

Prior to Terraform 0.12 these two functions were the only way to construct literal lists and maps (respectively) in HIL expressions. Terraform 0.12, by switching to HCL 2, introduced first-class sy…

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Release v3.23.0 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws  breathingdust released this 4 hours ago • New Data Source: aws_ssoadmin_instances (#15808) • New Data Source: aws_ssoadmin_permission_set (#15808) • New Resource: aws_sagemaker_image (#16082) • New Resource: aws_ssoadmin_managed_policy_attachment (#15808) • New Resource: aws_ssoadmin_permission_set (#15808) • New Resource//github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/15808)) Finally SSO is implemented , no more CFN templates

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

Really? SSO? - i’ve just written some CFN terraform wrapper stuff and was going mad

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

me too, I’m releasing the module ASAP

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I created CFN template and call it from Terraform, now what I need to do is, create the module and import the resources there

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I found that this missing account assignments, so partial usage for now

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya



Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

Hi, it seems the RDS instance will be recreated each time, how can I avoid it? or ignore the RDS instance?

jose.amengual avatar

if you change the name it will be recreated each time

jose.amengual avatar

it will only be recreated if there is a change in an attribute that forces replacement

jose.amengual avatar

look at the plan and see what is the red - sign and see which one is it

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

I use a var for the name attribute, it should be the same

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

will try a plan

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang
  + name                                  = "test" # forces replacement
jose.amengual avatar

any name change will force replacement, you can’t change it every time

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

it uses a fixed value from variables.tf file

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

for example, var.name

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

I’m using terraform 0.13.5

jose.amengual avatar

if it is a fixed value then this should not happen

jose.amengual avatar

so I think it is different

jose.amengual avatar

did you changed var.attributes , var.stage ?

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

no, the attribute is ['rds'] which is fixed

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

the database was created from snapshot

jose.amengual avatar

manually or using TF?

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

using TF

jose.amengual avatar

But using tf from the snapshot, correct?

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang


jose.amengual avatar

terraform state show module.rds.xxxxxx

jose.amengual avatar

use the resource name that shows in the plan

jose.amengual avatar

and see what the name is

jose.amengual avatar

and compare it

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

it doesn’t have name from the outputs

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang
Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

list of the rds attributes from state command

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang
Restoring RDS Instance from Snapshot fails to set majority of params on AWS Provider 1.29 · Issue #5385 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

This issue was originally opened by @hunt3ri as hashicorp/terraform#18563. It was migrated here as a result of the provider split. The original body of the issue is below. Terraform Version 0.11.7 …

jose.amengual avatar

what is terraform trying to replace? the rds instance or the rds cluster?

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

rds instance

jose.amengual avatar

look then at the id, identifier and cluster_identifier

jose.amengual avatar

the id is the name basically

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang


jose.amengual avatar

is that being changed?

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang
identifier                            = "test"
      + identifier_prefix                     = (known after apply)
Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

identifier_prefix is added

jose.amengual avatar

but the one is complaining that forces replacement is the name only?

jose.amengual avatar

is this a cluster or a rds instance only?

jose.amengual avatar

are you using cloudposse modules for this?

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang
-/+ resource "aws_db_instance" "default" {
      ~ address                               = "a-staging-test-rds.xxxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com" -> (known after apply)
        allocated_storage                     = 20
        allow_major_version_upgrade           = false
        apply_immediately                     = true
      ~ arn                                   = "arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:xxx:db:a-staging-test-rds" -> (known after apply)
        auto_minor_version_upgrade            = true
      ~ availability_zone                     = "us-east-1b" -> (known after apply)
        backup_retention_period               = 0
        backup_window                         = "22:00-03:00"
        ca_cert_identifier                    = "rds-ca-2019"
      + character_set_name                    = (known after apply)
        copy_tags_to_snapshot                 = true
        db_subnet_group_name                  = "a-staging-test-rds"
        delete_automated_backups              = true
        deletion_protection                   = false
      - enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports       = [] -> null
      ~ endpoint                              = "a-staging-test-rds.xxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:3306" -> (known after apply)
        engine                                = "mysql"
        engine_version                        = "8.0.20"
        final_snapshot_identifier             = "a-staging-test-rds-final-snapshot"
      ~ hosted_zone_id                        = "xxx" -> (known after apply)
        iam_database_authentication_enabled   = false
      ~ id                                    = "a-staging-test-rds" -> (known after apply)
        identifier                            = "a-staging-test-rds"
      + identifier_prefix                     = (known after apply)
        instance_class                        = "db.t2.small"
        iops                                  = 0
      + kms_key_id                            = (known after apply)
      ~ latest_restorable_time                = "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" -> (known after apply)
      ~ license_model                         = "general-public-license" -> (known after apply)
        maintenance_window                    = "mon:03:00-mon:04:00"
        max_allocated_storage                 = 1000
        monitoring_interval                   = 0
      + monitoring_role_arn                   = (known after apply)
        multi_az                              = false
      + name                                  = "teststage" # forces replacement
        option_group_name                     = "a-staging-test-rds"
        parameter_group_name                  = "a-staging-test-rds"
        password                              = (sensitive value)
        performance_insights_enabled          = false
      + performance_insights_kms_key_id       = (known after apply)
      ~ performance_insights_retention_period = 0 -> (known after apply)
        port                                  = 3306
        publicly_accessible                   = false
      ~ replicas                              = [] -> (known after apply)
      ~ resource_id                           = "db-xxx" -> (known after apply)
      - security_group_names                  = [] -> null
        skip_final_snapshot                   = true
        snapshot_identifier                   = "orig-stage-database"
      ~ status                                = "available" -> (known after apply)
        storage_encrypted                     = false
        storage_type                          = "gp2"
        tags                                  = {
            "Attributes"  = "rds"
            "Environment" = "staging"
            "Name"        = "a-staging-test-rds"
            "Namespace"   = "a"
      + timezone                              = (known after apply)
        username                              = "admin"
        vpc_security_group_ids                = [
Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

yes, I am using cloudposse rds module

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

here are the outputs of plan command

jose.amengual avatar

but are you creating a cluster or just an rds instance?

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

just rds instance

jose.amengual avatar


jose.amengual avatar

the “name” sttribute value in the state is test or teststage

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang


Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

it is database name passed into terraform rds resource

jose.amengual avatar

so you created the instance from snapshot using the module

jose.amengual avatar

and now you are running tf again without changing anything and is trying to recreate it?

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang


jose.amengual avatar

if that is the case remove the snapshot_identifier

jose.amengual avatar

do not pass it after is created

jose.amengual avatar

I think is trying to recreated again from the snapshot

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang
      + name                                  = "test" # forces replacement
      - snapshot_identifier                   = "orig-stage-database" -> null # forces replacement
Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

there is one more replacement after removing snapshot from tf file

jose.amengual avatar

Ok but is still complains about the name

jose.amengual avatar


jose.amengual avatar

What happened if do not pass a name?

jose.amengual avatar

Have you try without using a snapshot? And see if keep trying to replace the instance?

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

name variable should be required from database_name

jose.amengual avatar

I personally never had this problem

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

I think it is caused by snapshot

jose.amengual avatar

I have not use snapshot from an instance but I have done it for a cluster

jose.amengual avatar

But I didn’t have this problem

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

ok, thanks, I’ll give it a try tomorrow

kskewes avatar

Can’t change snapshot identifier without rolling database :) Also instances module doesn’t have apply immediately false and ignore lifecycle for some things so it can roll too.

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

I tried not to create RDS from snapshot and it worked

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

so I think this should be a terraform bug

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang
RDS instance got recreated after another apply without any change · Issue #17037 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Community Note Please vote on this issue by adding a reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request Please do not leave &quot;+1&quot; or other comme…


RB avatar

Since any 0.14 version can apply a 0.14 module, has everyone moved to this new version? I’m still lagging behind with 0.12.x for most of our modules but considering a migration now that it’s been out for a while

RB avatar

Referring to this
Terraform will now support reading and writing all compatible state files, even from future versions of Terraform. This means that users of Terraform 0.14.0 will be able to share state files with future Terraform versions until a new state file format version is needed. We have no plans to change the state file format at this time. (#26752)

RB avatar

As i understand it, i can apply a module with tf 0.14.6 and then try to apply it with 0.14.3 without an error thrown

loren avatar

if you bump to 0.12.30, you’ll even keep you backwards compatibility, i think. so you can easily test 0.14, and revert to 0.12.30

loren avatar

v0.12.30 0.12.30 (January 06, 2021) UPGRADE NOTES: The builtin provider’s terraform_remote_state data source no longer enforces Terraform version checks on the remote state file. This allows Terraform 0.12.30 to access remote state from future Terraform versions, up until a future incompatible state file version upgrade is required. (#26692)

loren avatar

or maybe not, that might only be relevant for the remote state data source, my bad

RB avatar

Ya i thought the same at first until i realized it was just the data source

Coco avatar

Hey all! I’m using Terraform 0.14.3 (+Terragrunt), but I’m facing some issues with the terraform-aws-alb:0.26.0 module. When running terragrunt plan (which runs terraform init at first), I’m getting the following error

Error: Unsupported Terraform Core version

  on .terraform/modules/alb.access_logs.s3_bucket.this/versions.tf line 2, in terraform:
   2:   required_version = ">= 0.12.0, < 0.14.0"


Error: Unsupported Terraform Core version

  on .terraform/modules/alb.access_logs.this/versions.tf line 2, in terraform:
   2:   required_version = ">= 0.12.0, < 0.14.0"

I just learned about the [context.tf](http://context.tf) file and the issue might be coming from there. In the terraform-aws-alb:0.26.0 module, the null-label module is called with a version that supports Terraform 0.14+ like so

module "this" {
  source  = "cloudposse/label/null"
  version = "0.22.1" // requires Terraform >= 0.12.26


But in some underlying modules, for example terraform-aws-lb-s3-bucket:0.9.0, it seems to be called with a version that does not support Terraform 0.14+ like so

module "this" {
  source = "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-null-label.git?ref=tags/0.19.2>"


I’m not too sure if I might be something wrong or if there’s a way to override the version in the underlying modules?

Coco avatar

I managed to make it work with what seem to be minor changes. Here are the modifications I made: • terraform-aws-lb-s3-bucket

# <https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-lb-s3-bucket/blob/master/main.tf#L29>

# terraform-aws-s3-log-storage 0.15.0+ supports TF 0.14.0+
source                             = "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-s3-log-storage.git?ref=tags/0.15.0>"
# <https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-lb-s3-bucket/blob/master/context.tf#L22>

source  = "cloudposse/label/null"
version = "0.22.1"


# <https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-alb/blob/master/main.tf#L43>
# Update the version to the latest one after applying the changes listed above

I did not run any deep tests tho, but now I can successfully run a plan

Coco avatar
Updated module terraform-aws-s3-log-storage tag by MartinCanovas · Pull Request #21 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-lb-s3-bucket

Updated module terraform-aws-s3-log-storage tag to 0.14.0. The tag 0.13.1 causes error with Terraform 0.13: Error: Failed to query available provider packages Could not retrieve the list of availab…

Terraform 0.14 upgrade by maximmi · Pull Request #27 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-lb-s3-bucket

what Upgrade to support Terraform 0.14 and bring up to current Cloud Posse standard why Support Terraform 0.14

Coco avatar

Damn, I really like your modules guys <3



Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

Hi, is there a way to define memory/cpu to null for the module cloudposse/ecs-container-definition/aws and cloudposse/ecs-alb-service-task/aws?

Coco avatar

Hey Hao, are you running your tasks on EC2 instances or Fargate?

Coco avatar

If you’re on Fargate, no choice than to define the CPU/RAM for your task.

If your tasks are backed by EC2 instances, keep in mind that you could starve your OS if your tasks use all the resources.

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

Hey @Coco, yeah, I know this

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

now the container can run without memory setting

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

so I’d like to pass null to cpu/memory

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

also tried with cpu/ram but failed with 137 error, which should be some issues with resource constraints

jose.amengual avatar

you can pass soft and hard memory limits to ECS+EC2

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

can I pass hard memory only since soft one is optional? I tried both memories but still got 137 error.

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

it worked if I only set hard memory manually for a testing container definition

jose.amengual avatar
task_cpu,  task_memory

are not required to be passed when ECS+EC2 is used but in the container definition it is required and then you can just set it as 0 if you want

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

got it, let me give it a try

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

got this error now:

Error: ClientException: Invalid 'memory' setting for container 'test'.
Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang


  container_memory             = 0
  container_memory_reservation = var.container_memory_reservation
Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

without task’s memory and cpu used

jose.amengual avatar

do not define any cpu or memory in the task def

jose.amengual avatar

sorry that is what I mean t to say

jose.amengual avatar
12:13:43 AM
jose.amengual avatar

that is how we set up our instances so it uses the available memory and cput of the host

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

yes, I commented out them:

#  task_memory                        = var.task_memory
#  task_cpu                           = var.task_cpu
Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

so the containers can use available resources


Scott Cochran avatar
Scott Cochran

I’m having an issue getting terraform-aws-service-control-policies to create a policy. Here is the output of my terraform run:

module.service_control_policies.aws_organizations_policy.this[0] will be created

  • resource “aws_organizations_policy” “this” {
    • arn = (known after apply)
    • content = jsonencode( { + Statement = [] + Version = null } )
    • description = “Policy Staging OU SCP”
    • id = (known after apply)
    • name = “namespacetest-envtest-stagetest-nametest”
    • tags = {
      • “Environment” = “envtest”
      • “Name” = “namespacetest-envtest-stagetest-nametest”
      • “Namespace” = “namespacetest”
      • “Stage” = “stagetest” }

# module.service_control_policies.aws_organizations_policy_attachment.this[0] will be created

  • resource “aws_organizations_policy_attachment” “this” {
    • id = (known after apply)
    • policy_id = (known after apply)
    • target_id = “ou-<redacted>” }

Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions? Terraform will perform the actions described above. Only ‘yes’ will be accepted to approve.

Enter a value: yes

module.service_control_policies.aws_organizations_policy.this[0]: Creating…

Error: error creating Organizations Policy (namespacetest-envtest-stagetest-nametest): MalformedPolicyDocumentException: The provided policy document does not meet the requirements of the specified policy type.

Here is my simple policy yaml: - sid: "deny_eks" effect: “Deny” actions: - “eks:” resources: - “

Coco avatar
+ content     = jsonencode(
              + Statement = []
              + Version   = null

Looks like you’re having an issue passing the policy to the aws_organizations_policy resource

Coco avatar

Can you paste your TF code here?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Terraform module to provision Service Control Policies (SCP) for AWS Organizations, Organizational Units, and AWS accounts - cloudposse/terraform-aws-service-control-policies

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Terraform module to provision Service Control Policies (SCP) for AWS Organizations, Organizational Units, and AWS accounts - cloudposse/terraform-aws-service-control-policies

Scott Cochran avatar
Scott Cochran

Here is all of the relevant code. I didn’t try it specifically with one of the example configs, but tried creating my own with a very simple change from one of the examples I appreciate the replies and any help you can offer.

Scott Cochran avatar
Scott Cochran

Here is the actual yaml I’m using

Scott Cochran avatar
Scott Cochran

I figured it out. While going through the code I just pasted, I noticed that I used “map_config_local_base_path” instead of “list_config_local_base_path”. I’d changed those while trying to get 0.3.0 to work and forgot to change them back. The actual error was due to it not being able to find the yaml file at all. Thanks for the replies!

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

The actual error was due to it not being able to find the yaml file at all.
@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) looks like we need a check for this?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

…in the yaml config module

Coco avatar

Hey guys, is there some doc somewhere about the context.tf and attributes parameter in the modules? I’m a bit confused as to how they behave

Coco avatar

I’m using the aws-alb modules, but it looks like the Name tags on the S3 access logs does not match the bucket ID. I was trying to figure out if I could work around that using the attributes parameter, but not too sure how it should be used

Ankit Rathi avatar
Ankit Rathi

Hiii amaziing folks, Good morning We are using the following repos in our aws infrastructure • https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-s3-bucket.githttps://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-iam-s3-user.git We are facing issues while upgrading to terraform version 0.14.2 I see PR’s have already been raised in these repositories for the upgrade When are we planning to merge them ? Thanks


Terraform module that creates an S3 bucket with an optional IAM user for external CI/CD systems - cloudposse/terraform-aws-s3-bucket


Terraform module to provision a basic IAM user with permissions to access S3 resources, e.g. to give the user read/write/delete access to the objects in an S3 bucket - cloudposse/terraform-aws-iam-…

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse) can you help with this


Terraform module that creates an S3 bucket with an optional IAM user for external CI/CD systems - cloudposse/terraform-aws-s3-bucket


Terraform module to provision a basic IAM user with permissions to access S3 resources, e.g. to give the user read/write/delete access to the objects in an S3 bucket - cloudposse/terraform-aws-iam-…

Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse) avatar
Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse)

@Ankit Rathi please, try this new releases: <https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-s3-bucket/releases/tag/0.28.0> and <https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-iam-s3-user/releases/tag/0.13.0>

Ankit Rathi avatar
Ankit Rathi

@Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse) @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) yeah its working now for us … thanks a lot for the amazing work



Ofir Rabanian avatar
Ofir Rabanian

Hi! Quick question - how do you work as a team over terraform/other IaC? we’re working on a single dev stack, but sometimes two developers are adding a feature to the stack, in the same week. Having two different branches on github is something we obviously want, but we can’t really let them work simultaneously without taking the other developer’s changes. One option would be to have two stacks, but we are trying to find a different solution due to internal reasons.

Pierre-Yves avatar

Hello @Ofir Rabanian, on my side I have divided the code in smaller project , and have one terraform state for each. Of course each project can read other project resources.

Don’t do too small project as you have to maintain and update terraform version for each

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Yup, this is a problem.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

#atlantis solves it by locking the workspaces (not the same as terraform locks)

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

will bring up in #office-hours

Pierre-Yves avatar

I made a video about it and have presented it , to the previous HashiConf in October 2020 as a 15min quick talk. I didn’t cut / encode the video yet . but if the topic interest some people I can move forward to do it.

Ofir Rabanian avatar
Ofir Rabanian

@Pierre-Yves very much so! would love to get a link.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

New Zoom Recording from our Office Hours session on 2021-01-13 is now available.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

We’ll post a “Cloud Posse Explains” video clip once it’s available (@Andy Miguel (Cloud Posse))

Andy Miguel (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andy Miguel (Cloud Posse)

you can also find the office hours where hashicorp, spacelift, scalr, and env0 demoed their products on this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MLBpBqZmpM

Andy Miguel (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andy Miguel (Cloud Posse)

and those presentations are also available here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhRztDM6UvndoGRk0h1L_4M9xjtjbu0Jb

Guest Speakers

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Scott Cochran avatar
Scott Cochran

Regarding module terraform-aws-service-control-policies: I’m trying to figure out how to use a rule based on actions NOT being something. For instance, here is an AWS-supplied rule for restricting regions: { “Version”: “2012-10-17”, “Statement”: [ { “Sid”: “RestrictRegion”, “Effect”: “Deny”, “NotAction”: [ “a4b:”, “budgets:”, “ce:*”, …

You can see there is a “NotAction” statement. I tried doing this in the module with “notactions:”, but that didn’t work. I couldn’t find any examples of how to do this. Is it possible?

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

not_actions should work the same way as actions

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

Terraform module to provision Service Control Policies (SCP) for AWS Organizations, Organizational Units, and AWS accounts - cloudposse/terraform-aws-service-control-policies

Scott Cochran avatar
Scott Cochran

Awesome. Thanks!

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

Terraform module to provision Service Control Policies (SCP) for AWS Organizations, Organizational Units, and AWS accounts - cloudposse/terraform-aws-service-control-policies

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

is Terraform-style YAML, not CloudFormation-style YAML

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

also keep in mind that NotAction can be used only with effect Deny

loren avatar
Announcing Driftctl, because drift mattersattachment image

driftctl is a free and open-source CLI for infrastructure developers, DevOps, SRE, and cloud practitioners, that tracks, analyzes, prioritizes, and warns of infrastructure drift

Chris Fowles avatar
Chris Fowles

looks neat

Announcing Driftctl, because drift mattersattachment image

driftctl is a free and open-source CLI for infrastructure developers, DevOps, SRE, and cloud practitioners, that tracks, analyzes, prioritizes, and warns of infrastructure drift

btai avatar

dumb question: if we have an RDS instance provisioned via a snapshot using snapshot_identifier , will subsequent applys re-restore that snapshot?

jose.amengual avatar

there was someone asking a similar question the other day

jose.amengual avatar

the answer is no but it seems to be that there might be a bug on the TF provider

jose.amengual avatar

in a RDS cluster you can define the snapshot_identifier as null after the creation

jose.amengual avatar

but now you can clone databases so maybe you can clone db instances?

kskewes avatar

If you provision with a snapshot id in the terraform then you need to keep that id in the terraform else you’ll trigger a roll back or wipe. At least for us when I tried changing id it was going to recreate which I think would result in data change.

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

it was me lol

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

I believe it is a bug, so created an issue to follow up, https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/17037

RDS instance got recreated after another apply without any change · Issue #17037 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Community Note Please vote on this issue by adding a reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request Please do not leave &quot;+1&quot; or other comme…


RRR avatar

Hi there. A quick question about terraform-aws-vpc-peering module. Does it works across regions ? Got a VPC id not found, and there’s no typo

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

no, it does not support cross-region peering (it was created before AWS had cross-region support and was not updated)

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

Terraform module to provision a VPC peering across multiple VPCs in different accounts by using multiple providers - cloudposse/terraform-aws-vpc-peering-multi-account

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

you can use the requster and accepter in the same account, but in different regions

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

Terraform module to provision a VPC peering across multiple VPCs in different accounts by using multiple providers - cloudposse/terraform-aws-vpc-peering-multi-account

Gene Fontanilla avatar
Gene Fontanilla

hi, need insights, on using terraform on aws eks.

which is better used in creating worker nodes? cloudformation stacks or node groups?

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

If you’re already using Terraform then you should use https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-node-group


Terraform module to provision an EKS Node Group. Contribute to cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-node-group development by creating an account on GitHub.

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

Or https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-workers (haven’t used myself but similar to node-group)


Terraform module to provision an AWS AutoScaling Group, IAM Role, and Security Group for EKS Workers - cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-workers

Gene Fontanilla avatar
Gene Fontanilla

right. thanks

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

will discuss in #office-hours

Gene Fontanilla avatar
Gene Fontanilla

is this session done?

Gene Fontanilla avatar
Gene Fontanilla

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

Does anyone here use github actions in combination with terraform? I am particularly struggling with modelling an approval process in github actions

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

Thanks for sharing - taking a deeper look. Another thing that strikes me hard is the fact of sharing the plan artifact between plan and apply if its not done in the same run. Using artifacts I’m a bit concerned of sensitive data leaking - was thinking of encryption

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Will discuss in #office-hours

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

Thanks for the insightful remarks during yesterdays office hours. Will take a look again at the TACOS recording

melissa Jenner avatar
melissa Jenner

I use terraform to provision the S3 bucket. I would like to create multiple keys in one bucket. For instance, in the bucket, my_bucket, I would like to have keys like “data”, “url”, “aps/core” and “aps/app”. Below is the sample code. Do I need to duplicate this code for each key?

resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "create_folder" {
    bucket      = "my_bucket"
    acl         = var.acl
    key         = "data"
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

use for_each

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

Catalog of reusable Terraform components and blueprints for provisioning reference architectures - cloudposse/terraform-aws-components

pjaudiomv avatar

yes Andriy pointed out the best way to accomplish this ex.

resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "create_folder" {
  for_each = {
    data = "data"
    url  = "url"
  bucket = "my_bucket"
  acl    = var.acl
  key    = each.value
melissa Jenner avatar
melissa Jenner

Thank you very much!

melissa Jenner avatar
melissa Jenner

How to output values created by for_each? The code below creates two S3 buckets. I would like to output the names of the buckets. The code below does not work.

module "s3_bucket_for_emr_logs" {
  source                = "terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws"
  version               = "1.17.0"
  for_each              = toset(["${var.prefix}-emr-logs", "${var.prefix}-emr-logparser-logs"])
  bucket                = each.key
  acl                   = var.acl

output "bucketname_emrs" {
  value = module.s3_bucket_for_emr_logs[*].this_s3_bucket_id
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

the type of resource with for_each is a map

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)
loren avatar

Either just output the whole module object, module.s3_bucket_for_emr_logs, or use for to construct an object (list/map) of the attribute/s you want

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

will return a list of resources, from which you can get the attributes you need

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

outputting the whole module like module.s3_bucket_for_emr_logs will output a map of objects

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

the map’s keys will be values from toset(["${var.prefix}-emr-logs", "${var.prefix}-emr-logparser-logs"])

loren avatar

e.g. [ for item in module.s3_bucket_for_emr_logs : item.this_s3_bucket_id ]

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

which should be similar to values(module.s3_bucket_for_emr_logs)[*].this_s3_bucket_id

loren avatar

yeah, i hadn’t seen the pattern like values(module.s3_bucket_for_emr_logs)[*].this_s3_bucket_id before… i’ve just gotten in the habit of outputting the module and letting the user pick what they want

melissa Jenner avatar
melissa Jenner

Got it. Thank you very much for your help.


Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

Hi all, would anyone know how to create a node of instance_type “Fargate” with TF? I know how to create the EKS cluster, how to create the Fargate profile etc. but I do not know how I can create nodes of type Fargate. When I create a cluster on AWS with eksctl and the command line option –fargate, it does exactly that: it creates nodes of instance_type Fargate but in TF I can only pass EC2 instance types like t1.micro etc.

Hans Westerbeek avatar
Hans Westerbeek

I think it’s done by setting the launch type, eg:

resource "aws_ecs_service" "service" {
  name             = "myservice"
  cluster          = var.ecs_cluster_id
  task_definition  = aws_ecs_task_definition.my_task.arn
  launch_type      = "FARGATE"
  platform_version = "1.4.0"
Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

Hmm but the eksctl crate-cluster command immediately creates these nodes, even before the first workload is deployed

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens
10:36:37 AM
Hans Westerbeek avatar
Hans Westerbeek

oh sorry, didnt see you’re using eks.

Hans Westerbeek avatar
Hans Westerbeek

i use ecs directly

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I got in the same issue. you need the namespace and other labels to match fargate profile, let me pull examples files

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
module "eks" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws"
  version = "13.2.1"

  tags            = var.tags
  cluster_name    = var.cluster_name
  cluster_version = var.cluster_version
  map_roles       = var.map_roles
  map_users       = var.map_users
  map_accounts    = var.map_accounts
  subnets         = data.aws_subnet_ids.private.ids
  vpc_id          = data.aws_vpc.this.id

  fargate_profiles = {
    default = {
      namespace = var.namespace
    kube-system = {
      namespace = "kube-system"
    kubernetes-dashboard = {
      namespace = "kubernetes-dashboard"

I’m using the terraform-aws-eks module, notice how each profile point to a nampespace, if you want more than one namespace in a profile, I think you need to use the console to do it, not yet test that use case

  fargate_profiles = {
    example = {
      namespace = "default"

      # Kubernetes labels for selection
      # labels = {
      #   Environment = "test"
      #   GithubRepo  = "terraform-aws-eks"
      #   GithubOrg   = "terraform-aws-modules"
      # }

      tags = {
        Owner = "test"
Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

that is the first part, 2nd part in yaml files, let me pull something

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

example for k8s-dashboard.yml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
  name: kubernetes-dashboard
  namespace: kubernetes-dashboard

notice the k8s-app label match the profile name in .tf file, but where I add this k8s-app ? I can’t remember

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
On the Configure pods selection page, enter the following information and choose Next.

For Namespace, enter a namespace to match for pods, such as kube-system or default.

(Optional) Add Kubernetes labels to the selector that pods in the specified namespace must have to match the selector. For example, you could add the label infrastructure: fargate to the selector so that only pods in the specified namespace that also have the infrastructure: fargate Kubernetes label match the selector.
Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

so back to you question, you don’t create Fargate nodes, because it’s a managed service, you only create Fargate pods inside these nodes.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
Fargate pod configuration - Amazon EKS

This section describes some of the unique pod configuration details for running Kubernetes pods on AWS Fargate.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I hope this give you some light

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

Thanks Mohammed for your input.. I manage running fargate pods on the cluster I created with eksctl –fargate .. but the thing I do not get is: when I run the cluster creation with eksctl it DOES create nodes of type “Fargate” (see screenshot I posted at the beginning of the thread) - but when I use the terraform eks module, it does not create nodes of this type.. and if I create a cluster without node_groups and a fargate profile, I have no nodes to run the pods on. So I am trying to figure out how I can get the same result with terraform as with eksctl, this being a running cluster with let’s say 2 nodes of type Fargate…

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I see, no nodes will be available unless you deploy some yaml files

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I saw the same thing, when the pods start creation, fargate will create the underlaying nodes for you.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

think of it same as ecs tasks, you can create ecs service with zero tasks. same here apply you can create eks with fargate compute backend with zero nodes, since no pods are running.

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

I see.. but if I just use TF to create the cluster and the profile, then I would see this after creation completes:

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens
12:52:46 PM
Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

which I thought was kinda odd

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Yes totally fine for the last two

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

the coredns needs to be patched to work with fargate profiles

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

do onething: deploy sample k8s yaml file there ( match the ^^ notes)

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

and you will see nodes

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

ok will do that - and how do I patch coredns as you mentioned?

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

sorry and what do you mean by match the ^^ notes

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
Getting started with AWS Fargate using Amazon EKS - Amazon EKS

This topic helps you to get started running pods on AWS Fargate with your Amazon EKS cluster.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

^^ means upper messages

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

here a sample dashboard

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
01:05:36 PM
Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

Ok great.. thanks - so that would mean, with TF: I create a fargate profile for my namespace but also another one for coredns and then use kubectl to patch coredns. Then once I spin up the first pods I will see the actual fargate nodes appearing

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
01:36:03 PM


Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

cool thanks a lot - I will give that a go

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

I created the cluster like this with TF:

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

fargate_profiles = { default = { namespace = local.namespace }, kube-system = { namespace = “kube-system” }, python-web ={ namespace = “python-web” } kubernetes-dashboard = { namespace = “kubernetes-dashboard” } }

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

Then I ran the patch coredns command

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

and then I deployed a pod

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

it works - the node is now visible too of type Fargate

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

the only thing I see is that 0/2 pods is still mentioned for coredns .. guess that is wrong right?

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

@Mohammed Yahya

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

let me pull something

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

but awesome already to see the node appearing!

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I feel you

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

### Patch coredns - DONE

kubectl patch deployment coredns -n kube-system --type json \
-p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/template/metadata/annotations/eks.amazonaws.com~1compute-type"}]'
# OR 
kubectl rollout restart deployment coredns -n kube-system  
Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

use export KUBECONFIG="${PWD}/kubeconfig_XXX"

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

hmm the first command I had already executed, didn’t work, second one is having no effect either

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens
02:26:05 PM
Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens
02:26:29 PM
Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I see I remember something missing from my documentation, let me pull something else

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens
02:27:02 PM
Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

can you screenshot the labels of the coredns pods

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens


Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens
02:31:57 PM
Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

also run kubectl logs coredns-xxxx

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens
02:32:53 PM
Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens
02:33:09 PM
Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

the last 2 ones are the ones which are up since I executed the restart command you proposed

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens


Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

they are suddenly ready…

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

yes restart take time

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens


Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

awesome, thanks so much for your help

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya


Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

remember to update your yaml files with labels and namespaces before deployment or use default namespace

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

that’s the trick

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

yes, the namespace must match a fargate_profile namespace

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

and is the label important too?

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Yes, don’t ask me why , did not work for me without label

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

this is fairly new, so expect some odd behaviors

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

but much cheaper than ec2 slave nodes

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

and you can scale up and down on the salve node level

Hans Westerbeek avatar
Hans Westerbeek

Am i missing something or is terraform-aws-ecs-cloudwatch-sns-alarms indeed not adding any tags to the alarms it creates? See https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ecs-cloudwatch-sns-alarms/blob/ad8a6519b757bd497db8d0a0abf7403ebb2b9216/main.tf#L48 Variables.tf does specify that tags can be added.

BTW, tags on alarms are not visible in the AWS console but they do appear on the cli.


Terraform module to create CloudWatch Alarms on ECS Service level metrics. - cloudposse/terraform-aws-ecs-cloudwatch-sns-alarms

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

Looks like you’re correct to me. Feel free to put up a PR and mention it in #pr-reviews — simple things like that are quick to get merged if you post about your PR there.


Terraform module to create CloudWatch Alarms on ECS Service level metrics. - cloudposse/terraform-aws-ecs-cloudwatch-sns-alarms

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Ya, we want to make sure we tag all the resources. Sometimes it slips through.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Terraform module for provisioning an EKS cluster. Contribute to cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-cluster development by creating an account on GitHub.

Hans Westerbeek avatar
Hans Westerbeek

I’d create the PR if I understood the mechanism you’re intending with [context.tf](http://context.tf)

Hans Westerbeek avatar
Hans Westerbeek

which exists in the eks-repo, but not in the one i was referring to

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Hrmm, looks like terraform-aws-ecs-cloudwatch-sns-alarms was updated to use [context.tf](http://context.tf) pattern

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
Support for RabbitMQ in AmazonMQ · Issue #16030 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Community Note Please vote on this issue by adding a reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request Please do not leave &quot;+1&quot; or other comme…

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I don’t understand why something so popular like Terraform moving kind of slow on these PR

Support for RabbitMQ in AmazonMQ · Issue #16030 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Community Note Please vote on this issue by adding a reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request Please do not leave &quot;+1&quot; or other comme…

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

They do it with odd things and it’s very frustrating. I’m approaching waiting 1 year on Amplify support.

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie
AWS Amplify Console Resources · Issue #6917 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Community Note Please vote on this issue by adding a reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request Please do not leave &quot;+1&quot; or &quot;me to…

Add aws_amplify_app resource by ashishmohite · Pull Request #15966 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Community Note Please vote on this pull request by adding a reaction to the original pull request comment to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request Please do not leave &quot;…

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Discovered this week that AWS Macie support is also behind. They only have classic, and classic doesn’t any more in new accounts. So they are waiting for more interest.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I can see how they struggle - bet a team of 30 engineers wouldn’t be enough to manage just the AWS provider, let alone any others.

loren avatar

i don’t see how they keep up without switching to code generation to create basic resources and data sources that map 1:1 with the golang sdk

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Yea, I think that’s the only way. I think pulumi has started doing that

roger avatar


I have a question regarding the terraform-aws-eks-node-group (v0.16.0) module. When I set launch_template_disk_encryption_enabled to true is the supposed to encrypt the default managed node group?

I’m using a m5.xlarge instance type.

I see that it creates 2 launch templates. The first launch template is attached to auto scaling group. The second template has encryption options but it isn’t in use.

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Hey, is there a module for creating security_groups in AWS?

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

Terraform module which creates EC2-VPC security groups on AWS - terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-security-group

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Ahh, thanks for that! I’m not sure why that didn’t come up in my search.

David Napier avatar
David Napier
Terraform 0.14 upgrade by maximmi · Pull Request #68 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-alb

what Upgrade to support Terraform 0.14 and bring up to current Cloud Posse standard why Support Terraform 0.14

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)
Release v0.27.0 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-alb

Terraform 0.14 upgrade @maximmi (#68) what Upgrade to support Terraform 0.14 and bring up to current Cloud Posse standard why Support Terraform 0.14

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Thank you!!

melissa Jenner avatar
melissa Jenner

Question on the module, https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-emr-cluster I use this module to provision EMR cluster. Below are the outputs. cluster_master_host = cluster_master_public_dns = ip-50-20-1-177.us-west-2.compute.internal cluster_name = emr-test

ssh -i Dev-Keys.pem [email protected] ssh: Could not resolve hostname ip-50-20-1-177.us-west-2.compute.internal: Name or service not known


  1. Why output of cluster_master_host is empty?
  2. I am not able to login to ip-50-20-1-177.us-west-2.compute.internal. It complains, “Could not resolve hostname”.

Below is the source code:

module "emr_cluster" {
  source                                         = "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-emr-cluster.git?ref=tags/0.16.0>"
  master_allowed_security_groups                 = [data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.default_security_group_id]
  slave_allowed_security_groups                  = [data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.default_security_group_id]
  region                                         = var.region
  vpc_id                                         = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.vpc_id
  subnet_id                                      = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.private_subnets[0]
  route_table_id                                 = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.private_route_table_ids[0]
  subnet_type                                    = "private"
  ebs_root_volume_size                           = var.ebs_root_volume_size
  visible_to_all_users                           = var.visible_to_all_users
  release_label                                  = var.release_label
  applications                                   = var.applications
  configurations_json                            = var.configurations_json
  core_instance_group_instance_type              = var.core_instance_group_instance_type
  core_instance_group_instance_count             = var.core_instance_group_instance_count
  core_instance_group_ebs_size                   = var.core_instance_group_ebs_size
  core_instance_group_ebs_type                   = var.core_instance_group_ebs_type
  core_instance_group_ebs_volumes_per_instance   = var.core_instance_group_ebs_volumes_per_instance
  master_instance_group_instance_type            = var.master_instance_group_instance_type
  master_instance_group_instance_count           = var.master_instance_group_instance_count
  master_instance_group_ebs_size                 = var.master_instance_group_ebs_size
  master_instance_group_ebs_type                 = var.master_instance_group_ebs_type
  master_instance_group_ebs_volumes_per_instance = var.master_instance_group_ebs_volumes_per_instance
  create_task_instance_group                     = var.create_task_instance_group
  log_uri                                        = format("<s3://%s/%s>", data.terraform_remote_state.s3.outputs.bucketname_emrs[1], "emr-logs/")
  key_name                                       = "Dev-Keys"
  context                                        = module.this.context

Terraform module to provision an Elastic MapReduce (EMR) cluster on AWS - cloudposse/terraform-aws-emr-cluster

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)
  1. cluster_master_host is empty b/c it’s the output of this https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-emr-cluster/blob/master/main.tf#L499

Terraform module to provision an Elastic MapReduce (EMR) cluster on AWS - cloudposse/terraform-aws-emr-cluster

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

you need to specify var.zone_id in Route53 so the module would create a record in the DNS zone and point it to cluster_master_public_dns

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)
  1. You created the cluster in a private subnet
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)
subnet_id                                      = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.private_subnets[0]
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

you can’t access it from the outside of the VPC

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

you can use a bastion host to SSH to it, or a VPN

melissa Jenner avatar
melissa Jenner

Thank you.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

*New Big Release* >> More AWS SSO Support, Github v2 support in codepipeline, api_gateway waited fixes terraform-provider-aws 3.24.0 (January 14, 2021) FEATURES

• New Data Source: aws_api_gateway_domain_name (#12489) • New Data Source: aws_identitystore_group (#15322) • New Data Source: aws_identitystore_user (#15322) • New Resource: aws_cloudwatch_composite_alarm (#15023) • New Resource: aws_fms_policy (#9594) • New Resource: aws_route53_resolver_dnssec_config (#17012) • New Resource: aws_sagemaker_domain (#16077) • New Resource//github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/15322)) https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/blob/v3.24.0/CHANGELOG.md#3240-january-14-2021


Terraform AWS provider. Contribute to hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws development by creating an account on GitHub.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Just release simple terraform-aws-sso module to create an SSO Permission Set, attach managed policy and existing Group to target account. https://github.com/mhmdio/terraform-aws-sso Contribution are most welcome, still v0.1.1 version.



RB avatar

Is aws_ssoadmin_permission_set_inline_policy ready yet?

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya


Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
resource "aws_ssoadmin_permission_set_inline_policy" "this" {
  inline_policy      = var.inline_policy
  instance_arn       = aws_ssoadmin_permission_set.this.instance_arn
  permission_set_arn = aws_ssoadmin_permission_set.this.arn
RB avatar

Annoying that aws sso doesn’t allow reusing iam managed policies or allowing multiple policy attachments

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

True, no multiple attachment, it’s one-one mapping, I guess it make sense to them

RB avatar

I hope they fix that this year

skel84 avatar

Hello, did someone succeed in using the terraform-aws-eks-cluster in AWS China? I have tried and it fails when it tries to create the IAM role, with this error An error occurred (InvalidClientTokenId) when calling the CreateRole operation: The security token included in the request is invalid. I get the same error if i try to do the same with the CLI:

❯ aws iam create-role \
  --role-name myAmazonEKSClusterRole \
  --assume-role-policy-document file://"cluster-role-trust-policy.json"

An error occurred (InvalidClientTokenId) when calling the CreateRole operation: The security token included in the request is invalid

From the web console I can create the role without problems. Any idea?

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

“The security token included in the request is invalid” prob means that you don’t have permissions to do that. When you do it from the console, you are logged in. When you do it from the command line, you use some AWS profile with some config (access keys or roles). Check the AWS profiles

skel84 avatar

i am using the same user in terraform, cli and web console

skel84 avatar

keeping it simple since it’s the first time i use the china partition

Qing Jiang avatar
Qing Jiang

web console login is using user/password (w/o mfa), while cli/terraform are using key you created under IAM user tab. put the key into your aws profile or env variable.

skel84 avatar

i did that. I was able to create a vpc and other things with the same user/profile

skel84 avatar

it’s just the creation of this role that doesn’t succeed

Qing Jiang avatar
Qing Jiang

are you able to create IAM role via web console using the same user ?

skel84 avatar


Qing Jiang avatar
Qing Jiang

try to attach AdministratorAccess policy directly your terraform user

skel84 avatar

Terraform module for provisioning an EKS cluster. Contribute to cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-cluster development by creating an account on GitHub.

skel84 avatar

@Qing Jiang did you manage to have the eks module working in the chinese partition?

Qing Jiang avatar
Qing Jiang

oh i have no experience on the chinese parition part of aws. my working region is mostly us-west-2

skel84 avatar

I solved it. I was using aws-vault, I needed to use the --no-session option to make it work. In the “regular” AWS it was not needed so that created a bit of confusion

Thomas Hoefkens avatar
Thomas Hoefkens

Hi, does anonye know how a deployed alb-ingress-controller’s load balancer can be removed - when calling terraform destroy on an EKS cluster, the associated VPC cannot be destroyed because there’s still the load balancer created by the deployment of a helm chart which included the alb ingress controller.. this is not particularly great as it destroys the benefit of cleaning up resources with the tf destroy command…

Vlad Ionescu (he/him) avatar
Vlad Ionescu (he/him)

Ideally you’d delete the helm chart/app/yaml that defines the Ingress. The ALB Ingress Controller would see that it was deleted and it would delete the ALB for you.

The workflow for an ideal destroy should look like this: • delete all apps, except alb-ingress-controller, external-dns, and maybe cluster-autoscaler • Wait a while for the ALBs, Route53 records, and some EC2s to be deleted • Delete the remaining apps • Run terraform destory

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Agree with @Vlad Ionescu (he/him) - that destroying the resources in the cluster before destroying the cluster is the best way.

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

does anyone know a decent tool to delete everything in an AWS account back to the initial account setup?

Chris Wahl avatar
Chris Wahl

Nuke a whole AWS account and delete all its resources. - rebuy-de/aws-nuke

Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)

Exactly what I was about to suggest. I used it, works well. Has a few kinks to figure out.

Balazs Varga avatar
Balazs Varga

cool app. saved for later thanks

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

@Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) anything specifically i should know?

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

i basically want to leave the account there as well as the default admin role and policy

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

A tool for cleaning up your cloud accounts by nuking (deleting) all resources within it - gruntwork-io/cloud-nuke

Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)
05:35:43 PM

Here is what I posted in our internal slack:

Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)
05:36:29 PM
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)

So notice that it’s important to exclude certain roles. For example, if I nuked the SSO, I would locked myself out of the account.

Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)

Also, using aws-nuke with aws-vault is a bit odd, took some time to figure out. See my message screenshot above.

Qing Jiang avatar
Qing Jiang

@Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) thank for sharing, looks like a perfect tool. about to use it to nuke every asset not created by terraform in our env ..

Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)
05:51:28 PM
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)

By default, aws-nuke will use dry-run. Watch its results carefully to see if you missed something in the filters.

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

If you’re looking to run this as part of a schedule / CI workflow:

  1. Cloud Posse way is via GH Actions: https://github.com/cloudposse/testing.cloudposse.co/blob/master/.github/aws-nuke.yaml
  2. My solution (probably wouldn’t recommend): https://github.com/masterpointio/terraform-aws-nuke-bomber

Example Terraform Reference Architecture that implements a Geodesic Module for an Automated Testing Organization in AWS - cloudposse/testing.cloudposse.co


A Terraform module to create a bomber which nukes your cloud environment on a schedule - masterpointio/terraform-aws-nuke-bomber

Tom Howarth avatar
Tom Howarth

Cloud nuke as @Mohammed Yahya says very good

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

i don’t really want to have run terraform destroy on X repos if i can help it

Sean Turner avatar
Sean Turner

Has anyone ever dealt with a time when a tf PR was approved but has been sitting for months? Was it possible to nudge the maintainers to merge it? It’s not my PR, but it’s something I’m looking to implement for a client. Specifically https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/pull/14974

r/aws_cloudfront_realtime_log_config: New resource by ewbankkit · Pull Request #14974 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Community Note Please vote on this pull request by adding a reaction to the original pull request comment to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request Please do not leave &quot;…

kskewes avatar

Assuming you’ve plus one’d it? Reviewing the code and then commenting with how it would work for your? There are a lot of open PR’s in that repo including one about rabbit which we want to use. I guess it’s either merge locally into a fork or maybe try your TAM even? I don’t know if anyone else has any ideas.

r/aws_cloudfront_realtime_log_config: New resource by ewbankkit · Pull Request #14974 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Community Note Please vote on this pull request by adding a reaction to the original pull request comment to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request Please do not leave &quot;…

Sean Turner avatar
Sean Turner

Yeah I it haha Someone I work with mentioned pulling it in locally but it would be pulling it into terraform managed by gitlab which could be a bit dodgy. This resources is a very minor piece at least, and could even be replaced with an external_data source object that using an sdk to deploy the resource.

kskewes avatar

Yeah tough isn’t it. Big job for maintainers too Good luck :)

Sean Turner avatar
Sean Turner

This got merged finally . I also posted on the terraform community forum, perhaps a project manager saw it? Could also be coincidence

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

is a VPC name unique across regions in the same account?

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

e.g. can i have a dev VPC in Ireland and another dev VPC in Singapore within the same account?

jose.amengual avatar

name as Name tag?

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

no as in the name of the VPC itself

jose.amengual avatar

I have vpc with the same name in different regions

pjaudiomv avatar

The name of a vpc is the Name tag

pjaudiomv avatar

Is it not?

jose.amengual avatar

we are saying the same thing

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

yeh we are

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

can you have the same name for a VPC in different regions in the same account?

jose.amengual avatar

but yes in different region is fine

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

perfect thanks


RB avatar

I created a couple terraform issues today. I didn’t see them written up before and id like to get community feedback on them.

Pass in all resource arguments with a single map

Override a module resource from outside a module reference Thanks!

Pass in resource arguments with a single map · Issue #27524 · hashicorp/terraform

It would be nice to pass in a single argument to a resource using a map. This would allow modules to create generic inputs to add additional arguments to existing resources without having to update…

Override module resource from outside module · Issue #27525 · hashicorp/terraform

Instead of having to wait for a module owner to update a resource in their tf module and instead of having to fork the module itself to make those changes, it would be nice to override the module r…

loren avatar

for the second, have you tried override files? https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/override.html

Override Files - Configuration Language - Terraform by HashiCorp

Override files allow additional settings to be merged into existing configuration objects.

RB avatar

Would that work with a specific modules resource tho?

loren avatar

i don’t understand the question

jose.amengual avatar

I see so similar to this

jose.amengual avatar

Terraform module to provision Auto Scaling Group and Launch Template on AWS - cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-autoscale-group

jose.amengual avatar


jose.amengual avatar

I copied that from the datadog module

jose.amengual avatar

Those are Interesting propositions but I wonder about the outside module resource management, I think that will be a core change in terraform

RB avatar

Ya it would be a core change. I spoke to one of the tf devs and they said those two feature requests would defeat the purpose of a module being an isolated item

RB avatar

It’s too bad, because at times i find a module is like 90% covering my use case and just 10% is wrong which renders that module unusable

jose.amengual avatar


loren avatar

fwiw, updated a decent number of tf states from 0.13.5 to 0.14.4 over the last week… no significant issues, but a few things took a little while to understand:

• sensitive values may be marked in the provider, i.e. an iam access/secret key. you cannot for_each over objects containing these values, but you can for_each over non-sensitive keys and index into the object. any outputs containing provider-marked sensitive values must also be marked sensitive • some of the output handling is a little odd, particularly with conditional resources/modules and accordingly conditional outputs. in some places, outputting null as the false condition caused a persistent diff. worked fine in tf 0.13.5, but not in tf 0.14.4. changing it to "" fixed it :man-shrugging::skin-tone-2: • the workflow around the new lock file, .terraform.lock.hcl, is quite cumbersome. it really clutters up the repo when you have a lot of root modules, and means you have to init each root somehow to generate the file, and commit it, anytime you want to update providers? no thanks! but, unfortunately, there is no way to disable it. the file is mandatory for a plan/apply. i’m using terraform-bundle already, setting up the plugin-cache in advance, restricting versions, and restricting network connectivity in CI. so i thought i could just remove the file after init, but no dice. you can remove it after apply, and don’t have to commit it (but that means CI will need to generate it)

• if you are updating from 0.12, you’ll likely want to (or need to) first update to tf 0.13 for the new provider/registry syntax, to get the old syntax out of your tf 0.12 tfstate

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

I also struggled quite a bit with the .terraform.lock.hcl - somehow for us it also had sometimes changes after a colleague pushed (after init+apply) and I was trying to developer further - not sure what that related to.

Also wonder how far along renovate / dependabot are in terms of also re-creating the file on a module bump for a root module

loren avatar

good question on dependency update tooling. they are zero far along, i expect… though looks like renovate is at least talking about it… https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/issues/7895

Terraform lock files · Issue #7895 · renovatebot/renovate

What would you like Renovate to be able to do? Since terraform will write a lockfile (.terraform.lock.hcl) since v0.14. so if dependencies are updated by renovate, we need to update the lockfile to…

loren avatar

dependabot still lacks hcl2 support, so, probably much further off for that one

zidan avatar

Do u have an AWS account and you want to deploy your static website in less than 5 minutes? I have published a terraform module to do that for u, so fast and quick and it doesn’t require any complicated stuff from u, check it out and let me know what do you think? https://www.dailytask.co/task/deploy-you-static-website-in-s3-and-cloudfront-using-terraform-ahmed-zidan

Deploy you static website in S3 and cloudfront using terraform

Deploy you static website in S3 and cloudfront using terraform written by Ahmed Zidan

jose.amengual avatar

Terraform module to easily provision CloudFront CDN backed by an S3 origin - cloudposse/terraform-aws-cloudfront-s3-cdn


S Bhaskar Sarma Emani avatar
S Bhaskar Sarma Emani

Hi All, I am also facing the same issue. have you found the solution for this scenario. https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-elastic-beanstalk-environment/issues/47

list loadbalancer_certificate_arn · Issue #47 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-elastic-beanstalk-environment

Hi Guys, Thank you for the great work you made available. Currently I am bumped to this particularly use case: Using Multi-Docker environments which are reachable through an Application Loadbalance…

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

does anyone know in terraform if you can work out where a map is empty?

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

i have a map like this

yellowfin = {
      instances = {}

      schedule = {
        down = {}
        up   = {}

if its empty like this I don’t want to execute a module

loren avatar

You can test == {}

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)
count = var.worker_groups["yellowfin"] == {} : 0 ? 1
loren avatar

depends on how you define it… if it’s an object with required attributes, might need to be more pedantic:

yellowfin.instances == {} && yellowfin.schedule.down == {} && yellowfin.schedule.up == {}
loren avatar

you could also check against null instead…

var.worker_groups.yellowfin == null ? 0 : 1
loren avatar

the null check works even for objects with required attrs…

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)
Error: Missing newline after argument

  on eks-workers-yellowfin.tf line 4, in module "yellowfin_worker_node_group":
   4:   count = var.worker_groups["yellowfin"] == null : 0 ? 1

An argument definition must end with a newline.
Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

i got the order wrong

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

that did not seem to work

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)


jose.amengual avatar

Yellowfin is a var or a local?

jose.amengual avatar

Don’t you have to use var.Yellowfin or local.yellowfin?

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

i have a map of maps

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

so the yellowfin = {} and have inside worker_grpups

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

it species the nodes for each type of worker node as we have different ones

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

like instance type, min and max numbers

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

but the yellowfin map can be empty as we only need these nodes in certain situations

jose.amengual avatar

Ahhhh ok

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

before i used to do this with an enabled map where yellowfin = 1 or 0

jose.amengual avatar

And if you test for {} instead of null?

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)
module "yellowfin_worker_node_group" {
  source = "git::[email protected]:redacted/tf-modules.git//modules/eks-node-group?ref=bf46d92"

  count = var.worker_groups["yellowfin"] == {} ? 0 : 1

this does not work

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

the module still gets executed based on the output of the plan

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

== null does that same thing

jose.amengual avatar


Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

yeh its weird

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

i am not sure if its because i am doing a map inside of map or something

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

any ideas as i am running on empty

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

i worked it out

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

yellowfin is not {}

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

but yellowfin.instances == {} will work

jose.amengual avatar

I was dealing with something similar to this yesterday

jose.amengual avatar

is there a len function for a map?

loren avatar

depends on how you define it… if it’s an object with required attributes, might need to be more pedantic:

yellowfin.instances == {} && yellowfin.schedule.down == {} && yellowfin.schedule.up == {}
loren avatar

You basically have to define what “empty” means for your object

loren avatar

You can null an object and test for that, but it means you need to set the var accordingly, e.g. worker_groups = { yellowfin = null }

Pierre-Yves avatar

Hello @Steve Wade (swade1987), here is the code I use to clean a config map from its empty value where I create a new map without the empty item:

  cleaned_config_map = {
    for srv, cfg in local.config_map: srv => cfg
    if cfg != {}

then parse cleaned_config_map with for_each and you’ll only have the map entries who have non empty values. I didn’t find a way to do it without a temporary map.

Corey Smith avatar
Corey Smith

Checking out module: https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticache-redis Able to correctly create a cluster with when not in clustering mode but I am getting the following errors when I change to using clustering mode

Error: Invalid function argument

  on .terraform/modules/redis/main.tf line 169, in module "dns":
 169:   records  = var.cluster_mode_enabled ? [join("", aws_elasticache_replication_group.default.*.configuration_endpoint_address)] : [join("", aws_elasticache_replication_group.default.*.primary_endpoint_address)]
    | aws_elasticache_replication_group.default is tuple with 1 element

Invalid value for "lists" parameter: element 0 is null; cannot concatenate
null values.

Error: Invalid function argument

  on .terraform/modules/redis/outputs.tf line 17, in output "endpoint":
  17:   value       = var.cluster_mode_enabled ? join("", aws_elasticache_replication_group.default.*.configuration_endpoint_address) : join("", aws_elasticache_replication_group.default.*.primary_endpoint_address)
    | aws_elasticache_replication_group.default is tuple with 1 element

Invalid value for "lists" parameter: element 0 is null; cannot concatenate
null values.

with the following module configuration

module "redis" {
  source = "cloudposse/elasticache-redis/aws"
  version = "0.27.3"

  availability_zones         = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1a"] #1a, 1b, 1c
  # namespace                  = "es.dev.spotlightnews.us"
  stage                      = local.env
  name                       = local.svc_name
  # zone_id                    = var.zone_id
  vpc_id                     = data.terraform_remote_state.network.outputs.vpc_id
  subnets                    = data.terraform_remote_state.network.outputs.private_subnet_ids_list #slice? 
  allowed_cidr_blocks        = [""] ## get from private subnets
  cluster_mode_enabled       = true
  cluster_mode_num_node_groups = 1
  cluster_mode_replicas_per_node_group = 1
  instance_type              = "cache.t3.small"
  apply_immediately          = true
  automatic_failover_enabled = false
  engine_version             = "5.0.6"
  family                     = "redis5.0"
  at_rest_encryption_enabled = false
  transit_encryption_enabled = true
  auth_token                 = "1234567890asdfghjkl"
  # parameter = [{}]

please let me know if you would prefer I open bug report for this or if its just incorrect usage on my part. Thanks!


Terraform module to provision an ElastiCache Redis Cluster - cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticache-redis

Steve avatar

is there a way to have a before hook globally for terragrunt ?

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

use this https://terragrunt.gruntwork.io/docs/features/before-and-after-hooks/ if not cover your use case, use makefile and then call terragrunt within

Before and After Hooks

Learn how to execute custom code before or after running Terraform.

loren avatar

You can put the before_hook in your parent config, and all the terragrunt configs inheriting from that parent will pick it up

loren avatar

But if you want a before_hook across completely separate sets of terragrunt configs, i.e. no shared parent config, you might have to get creative with the function read_terragrunt_config()….



uselessuseofcat avatar

Is there a way for Terraform not to create a new revision if task already exists in ECS cluster but to use the latest existing revision? Or if it doesn’t exists at all to create it? Thanks!

Zach avatar

use the lifecycle block to ignore changes to the task revision

uselessuseofcat avatar

Thanks, I’m already using those. I’ll try without creation of task-definition, so it will use latest revision for that family.

uselessuseofcat avatar


task_definition = try(aws_ecs_task_definition.task.*.arn[count.index], var.family)

if task definition is defined in terraform it will use it when creating service, if not it will use latest revision in that family

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
Add outputs id16, id32, id64, id128 by alexjurkiewicz · Pull Request #118 · cloudposse/terraform-null-label

Truncated forms of id_full which are always available. This is useful when you want to use the same label for several resources with different length restrictions. Closes #117.

jose.amengual avatar

@loren since you are the for_each/maps Guru do you have an idea why that does not work ? https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-autoscale-group/pull/43

Custom alarms by jamengual · Pull Request #43 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-autoscale-group

what Add Ability to customize alarms for autoscaling why sometimes EC2 instances need to scale base on ECS, ALB, or another type of cloudwatch alarms

jose.amengual avatar

the error

Custom alarms by jamengual · Pull Request #43 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-autoscale-group

what Add Ability to customize alarms for autoscaling why sometimes EC2 instances need to scale base on ECS, ALB, or another type of cloudwatch alarms

jose.amengual avatar
Error Trace:	apply.go:15
        	Error:      	Received unexpected error:
        	            	FatalError{Underlying: error while running command: exit status 1; 
        	            	Error: Invalid for_each argument
        	            	  on ../../autoscaling.tf line 63, in resource "aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm" "all_alarms":
        	            	  63:   for_each                  = module.this.enabled ? local.all_alarms : null
        	            	The "for_each" value depends on resource attributes that cannot be determined
        	            	until apply, so Terraform cannot predict how many instances will be created.
        	            	To work around this, use the -target argument to first apply only the
        	            	resources that the for_each depends on.
        	Test:       	TestExamplesComplete
aaratn avatar

This is a known issue with for_each where if the items on which you are iterating doesn’t yet exist, it won’t work

jose.amengual avatar

that sucks

jose.amengual avatar

is there a workaround?

loren avatar

first thing i see is that the “false” condition is invalid… can’t for_each over null. change that to {}

loren avatar

that error generally occurs only when the for_each keys are unknown. it is fine if the values of the maps are unknown, that’s generally the whole point after all

loren avatar

the keys i see are cpu_high and cpu_low, which are certainly known, so i think i need to look at the test config…

loren avatar

though the test config hasn’t been updated, so it’s just using the default value for custom_alarms… hmm…

loren avatar

it could be the way module.this.enabled is used… need to trace through how that is set, to see if it relies exclusively on user input or static locals or data sources that themselves do not depend on resources…

loren avatar

i would say first try just:

for_each                  = local.all_alarms

and see if that works

jose.amengual avatar

If I try this in tf 0.13.5 on my local ( same code as the repo) it works

jose.amengual avatar

but on the tests it does not

loren avatar

easy then, bump the requirement to tf 0.13

jose.amengual avatar


loren avatar

there were tons of changes in for_each between 0.12 and 0.13, it got a lot more flexible

jose.amengual avatar

mmmmmm that could be then

loren avatar

personally i’d say the null label and context stuff is trying to be a bit to smart/magic, and it’s overwhelming the ability for 0.12 to process for for_each

loren avatar

give this a try to confirm it is the enabled part of the logic:

for_each                  = local.all_alarms
loren avatar

alternatively, another way to construct your for_each:

for_each                  = { for k, v in local.all_alarms : k => v if module.this.enabled }

i prefer your first approach as it’s less loopy, but this might give 0.12 enough of a clue about how to construct the map

jose.amengual avatar


loren avatar

something else to think about , is what if the user doesn’t want the default_alarms at all?

jose.amengual avatar

welllllllllllllll they can……..

jose.amengual avatar

the module already had some ( I’m keeping backwards compatibility) but I could default that too

loren avatar

so that failed too… looks like you’re bumping into some limitation in tf 0.12 and how it evaluates for_each expressions, that is fixed in a later version :(

jose.amengual avatar



Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

woohoo! @Matt Gowie added support for synthetics to our datadog module. https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-datadog-monitor/pull/25

feat: adds initial cut at datadog_synthetics_test resource by Gowiem · Pull Request #25 · cloudposse/terraform-datadog-monitor

what Adds support for creating DataDog Synthetic Tests why Synthetic Tests are very similar to monitors and they end up creating a monitor under the hood, so it&#39;s useful to create them via t…

jose.amengual avatar

So this just happened to me: working on a module for a project using a dev environment but I have another co-worker working in another branch and then she did TF apply and I just got a Your query returned no results and I thought I broke something ( we use atlantis for other projects so this that do not happen) is there a way to check the state if it was changed ( like doing a git pull) ?(keep in mind in this case was a data. resource so is not going to be recreated)

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

What about the workspace locking in atlantis? Did that not kick in?

jose.amengual avatar

for this project we are not in atlantis yet

jose.amengual avatar

the problem is that this is data resource tag filter that was changed

jose.amengual avatar

so if I run plan it just complained about the query

jose.amengual avatar

data resouce name did not change

jose.amengual avatar

this looks like a bug to me

jose.amengual avatar

did anyone shared this before? https://github.com/nozaq/terraform-aws-secure-baseline anyone using it?


Terraform module to set up your AWS account with the secure baseline configuration based on CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations and AWS Foundational Security Best Practices. - nozaq/terraform-aws-s…

pjaudiomv avatar

ive pulled pieces out of it and used them


Terraform module to set up your AWS account with the secure baseline configuration based on CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations and AWS Foundational Security Best Practices. - nozaq/terraform-aws-s…

MattyB avatar

No, but I wonder how much that first configuration will cost if you run everything by default LOL

At a quick glance it’s very similar to what I’ve seen

pjaudiomv avatar

yea im using the alarm, analyzer and ebs-baseline right now from it

jose.amengual avatar


Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I used it multiple times, contribute to it also, If you use this and integrate the new AWS SSO resources, you get a landing zone for small-medium business

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

For a current project I also started to use bits and pieces from it. The VPC baseline and ebs parts

Mostly as I did not want to use aws-nuke or likes and have it in terraform to get started from scratch

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

Question from my side: in which limitations did you run when using it - and how did you extend it in order to overcome these?

ethan.williams avatar

Is there a reason to implement Atlantis when using GitHub and GitHub actions now that you can create your own comment tool in actions as well as simply apply there as well. Just curious.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

We actually just talked about it on #office-hours

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

The main problem is implementing workflows for terraform the right way (tm) is non-trivial and most don’t do it correctly

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

We also did a special edition office hours on TACOS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MLBpBqZmpM check it out

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
loren avatar

not immediately, i’d expect. aws tends to support multiple versions for quite a while.

loren avatar

looks like v2 simplifies the credential/config handling quite a bit, which will be nice. that’s always been hard for developers to implement well


Andy avatar

Hi, I was trying to use the cloudposse/terraform-aws-s3-bucket module but was getting this error:

Error: Error creating IAM User my-non-prod-deployment-artefacts: InvalidInput: Duplicate tag keys found. Please note that Tag keys are case insensitive.

I think because it tries to set two tags: Environment (one of my companies default tags) and environment as set by the module. Is there a workaround for this?


Terraform module that creates an S3 bucket with an optional IAM user for external CI/CD systems - cloudposse/terraform-aws-s3-bucket

Andy avatar

In the end I got this working by setting this to blank:

environment              = ""

Terraform module that creates an S3 bucket with an optional IAM user for external CI/CD systems - cloudposse/terraform-aws-s3-bucket

Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
06:44:20 PM

v0.14.5 0.14.5 (January 20, 2021) ENHANCEMENTS: backend/pg: The Postgres backend now supports the “scram-sha-256” authentication method. (#26886) BUG FIXES: cli: Fix formatting of long integers in outputs and console (<a href=”https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/27479” data-hovercard-type=”pull_request”…

Update libpq by remilapeyre · Pull Request #26886 · hashicorp/terraform

This is needed to make it possible to use the scram-sha-256 authentication method for the pg backend. It&#39;s not easy to write unit-tests for this since it requires a specific configuration of th…

Backport of cli: Fix rendering of long integers into v0.14 by teamterraform · Pull Request #27479 · hashicorp/terraform

Backport This PR is auto-generated from #27440 to be assessed for backporting due to the inclusion of the label 0.14-backport. The below text is copied from the body of the original PR. Recent cha…

sheldonh avatar

Is there anything other than tfenv that provides that smooth experience for various terraform versions. Maybe a docker driven approach that’s not hideous to look at with something like whalebrew or the like?

Also I kinda wanted on installing a new version for it to prompt me to set as default instead of having to do 2 commands so before I dive into exploring submitting a PR or something on that, would like to know if it’s still the best tool to use for managing various versions of terraform

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
loren avatar

i was kinda asking down a parallel road recently, @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) brought up env-cli, which looks cool but i still haven’t played with… https://github.com/EnvCLI/EnvCLI

loren avatar

i’ve got a probably dumb question about using docker containers… is there a simple/automatic way to refer to local files from the host, within the container environment? i was just playing with the terraform container, which says to do this:

docker run -i -t hashicorp/terraform:light plan [main.tf](http://main.tf)

but of course that fails because 1) it’s invalid syntax for terraform and 2) the container workdir does not have my main.tf. i do know about -v of course, and can mount $PWD to /, but what i’m more interested in is the idea of using a docker image to replace a binary installed to my system. if i have to mount $PWD to the workdir every time, that seems a little more annoying?

aaratn avatar

Terraform & Terragrunt Version Manager. Contribute to aaratn/terraenv development by creating an account on GitHub.

aaratn avatar

supports pip, brew, docker

Hari raghav avatar
Hari raghav

Hi Guys, I am using terraform 12.24 and trying to run cloudposse asg module,but getting below error though iam using correct version,not sure if iam missing anything else.

terraform init
Initializing modules...
Downloading git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-autoscale-group.git?ref=tags/0.10.0> for autoscale_group...
- autoscale_group in .terraform/modules/autoscale_group
Downloading cloudposse/label/null 0.22.1 for autoscale_group.this...
- autoscale_group.this in .terraform/modules/autoscale_group.this

Error: Unsupported Terraform Core version

Module autoscale_group (from
does not support Terraform version 0.12.24. To proceed, either choose another
supported Terraform version or update the module's version constraint. Version
constraints are normally set for good reason, so updating the constraint may
lead to other errors or unexpected behavior.
Tyrone Meijn avatar
Tyrone Meijn

Hey, the version of the module you’re using needs Terraform 0.13 or greater as you can see here: https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-autoscale-group/blob/b6c072f676b0b3ddcecb705dd9ffbbd6f92aba1b/versions.tf#L2


Terraform module to provision Auto Scaling Group and Launch Template on AWS - cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-autoscale-group

Hari raghav avatar
Hari raghav

Terraform module to provision Auto Scaling Group and Launch Template on AWS - cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-autoscale-group

Hari raghav avatar
Hari raghav

branch 0.12

Tyrone Meijn avatar
Tyrone Meijn
07:38:38 AM

Hmm in the output it says you’re trying to use tag v0.10.0:


Neel Patel avatar
Neel Patel
11:50:58 AM

Getting error while configure eks_cluster_node

Michael Dizon avatar
Michael Dizon

using terraform-aws-eks-cluster?

Neel Patel avatar
Neel Patel

yes @Michael Dizon

Michael Dizon avatar
Michael Dizon

what is kubernetes_config_map_ignore_role_changes set to?

Neel Patel avatar
Neel Patel

kubernetes_config_map_id = module.eks_cluster.kubernetes_config_map_id

voidSurfr avatar

hey guys, if anyone can help me understand the https://registry.terraform.io/modules/cloudposse/eks-node-group/aws/latest module - I’d appreciate it. Right now it’s creating everything except the nodes themselves. here’s a snippet: https://gist.github.com/todd-dsm/7a8f96fe488917f3d7dd1fc3516e3c3c#file-main-tf-L36-L60

$ tf apply
module.apps_cluster.null_resource.wait_for_cluster[0]: Still creating... [3m40s elapsed]

Error: Error creating IAM Role smpl-stage-pipes-workers: EntityAlreadyExists: Role with name smpl-stage-pipes-workers already exists.
	status code: 409, request id: 7bfdb776-988c-4f43-8ac0-4e596d1ee261

Error: Error creating IAM Role smpl-stage-pipes-workers: EntityAlreadyExists: Role with name smpl-stage-pipes-workers already exists.
	status code: 409, request id: 3657c9be-1038-4d79-870e-3ae73ce83a64

Error: Error creating IAM Role smpl-stage-pipes-workers: EntityAlreadyExists: Role with name smpl-stage-pipes-workers already exists.
	status code: 409, request id: 068bbe8a-b6da-47a7-a53c-b584873f84c9

Error: Error running command 'curl --silent --fail --retry 60 --retry-delay 5 --retry-connrefused --insecure --output /dev/null $ENDPOINT/healthz': exit status 7. Output: 

Releasing state lock. This may take a few moments...
Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren
voidSurfr avatar

@Yonatan Koren good eye, removed the quotes; still the same issue. does your config look similar (or the same) as mine? anything else stand out to you?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

did you start by using the example?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Terraform module to provision an EKS Node Group. Contribute to cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-node-group development by creating an account on GitHub.

Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren

@voidSurfr looks like Terraform is trying to create IAM Roles which already exist. I think you may have exited out of Terraform ungracefully. I’d try cleaning up those roles and then trying again

voidSurfr avatar

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse), yes, started with exactly that.

voidSurfr avatar

@Yonatan Koren yeah, I’ve deleted the role, re-plan, re-apply and get the same error, over and over. The next diagnostic step is to pour over every line of TF which I really don’t want to do.

voidSurfr avatar

Process wise: I started incrementally with a VPC, no issues. Subnets, no issues. Cluster, some issues but easily solvable. Nodes, just will not process due to this error.

voidSurfr avatar

as a continuous theme, the context = module.this.context had to be removed from each module before any of the pieces would work.

voidSurfr avatar

here’s a isolated example of the VPC via direct copy/paste:

$ make plan 
terraform plan -no-color \
	-out=/tmp/pipes-stage.plan 2>&1 | \
	tee /tmp/tf-pipes-stage-plan.out
Releasing state lock. This may take a few moments...

Error: Reference to undeclared module

  on actuate.tf line 11, in module "label":
  11:   context = module.this.context

No module call named "this" is declared in the root module.

Error: Reference to undeclared module

  on actuate.tf line 35, in module "vpc":
  35:   context = module.this.context

No module call named "this" is declared in the root module.
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Hrmm something’s fishy

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

all of our examples are tested every single time we open a PR. The context stuff definitely works.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

we use terratest for automated testing.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Can you link me to the example you copied?

voidSurfr avatar

as an additional wrinkle, when I started experimenting the tf was not yet updated to v14 so I stayed with v0.13.5; I’m still on the old version and I see commits with “Terraform 0.14 upgrade”. So, that might be part of it.

voidSurfr avatar

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) I’ve dumped it into a temp repo https://github.com/todd-dsm/cp-eks left 2 open issues in with it

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/releases/tag/v3.25.0 • New Resource: aws_backup_global_settings (#16475) • New Resource: aws_sagemaker_feature_group (#16728) • New Resource: aws_sagemaker_image_version (#17141) • New Resource//github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/17123))

06:25:53 AM

Which task runner you would use? for Terraform operations?

Evangelos Karvounis avatar
Evangelos Karvounis

I have not used Task before! That looks like a nice tool, I will certainly be trying it! So far I have been using Makefiles and Ansible roles but makefiles can be cumbersome to use and more difficult to understand!

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I tested it, it’s awesome

roth.andy avatar

My team has been using go-task for over a year now. It is just so much cleaner and easier to understand than make. Highly recommend.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Aha! I missed this.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Wrap up your bash scripts into a modern CLI today. Graduate to a full-blown golang app tomorrow. - mumoshu/variant


Turn your bash scripts into a modern, single-executable CLI app today - mumoshu/variant2

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

variant looks almost identical to taskfile but with richer interface. variant2 is a complete rewrite that uses HCL. Both are a bit more complicated to use than taskfile (#variant)



Pierre-Yves avatar

Hello, the code below trigger a null_resource for each key at creation and when the resource is removed as well .. Can you help me figuring out how to triggered it only at resource creation ?

resource "null_resource" "connection_test" {
  for_each = local.config_map

  triggers = {
    key = each.key
  connection {
joshmyers avatar
resource "null_resource" "project_mgmt" {
  triggers = {
    project_id = google_project.my_project.project_id

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<-EOC
gcloud pubsub topics publish projects/project_mgmt/topics/register --message '{"project":"${self.triggers.project_id}"}'
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    when    = destroy
    command = <<-EOD
gcloud pubsub topics publish projects/project_mgmt/topics/unregister --message '{"project":"${self.triggers.project_id}"}'
joshmyers avatar

You can use when in the provisioner section

Pierre-Yves avatar

thnaks a lot ! so I use “when = create” in my case

oskar avatar

Has anyone in here created (CICD) deployment pipelines for ECS Fargate container based services? I’m currently falling back to AWS CLI after trying too hard to leverage aws_ecs_task_definition outside the “resource provisioning” context. So I’m just curious if anybody else had been there – I found surprisingly little out there in the blogosphere.

joshmyers avatar

Yup, what would you like to know?

oskar avatar

Hi there - nothing specific - just wanted to chat about this So small shell scripts registering tasks and updating the service (still minted with terraform at “provisional” stage) during CICD steps as well?

oskar avatar

One part I feel somewhat bad about is that I keep a “default boilerplate task” in terraform from which I get the pertaining services’ boilerplate task json through AWS CLI -> create new task -> update service.

oskar avatar

It’s only because I leverage terraform and fill environment variable values - TF is just the right tool still for that IMHO.

oskar avatar

So I guess I’m just curious how you went about this - what did you do differently in your case then?

joshmyers avatar

Terraform creates the ECS service, initial task definition, container definition etc, but ECS service ignores changes to the task definition

oskar avatar

I do a lifecycle ignore_changes on service task reference just wanted to say !

joshmyers avatar

Use ecs-deploy for CI/CD of the service from that point


Simple shell script for initiating blue-green deployments on Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) - silinternational/ecs-deploy

joshmyers avatar

Just need to make sure your ECS service Terraform code can deal with making changes to things that require a new ECS service to be created, ensuring no downtime

joshmyers avatar

e.g. if you want to change your load balancer configuration, that is a ForceNew on the aws_ecs_service

joshmyers avatar

and if you spin up a new service, make sure you run the correct image version from CICD, not the one that Terraform initially created

joshmyers avatar

Some nuances there.

oskar avatar

I’m not sure I’m following with regards to forced new ecs_service unless you mean the same thing here -> drift of actually current task definition (because the one on the terraform service will retrigger a deployment of the original “boilerplate” task).

joshmyers avatar


joshmyers avatar

What happens if you want to change an attribute that is a ForceNew attribute?

joshmyers avatar

e.g. I want to change the load balancer than fronts my ECS service.

joshmyers avatar

Or the role? Or the service registries

joshmyers avatar

If you change any of those attributes, Terraform is going to want to throw away your ECS service, and create a new one

oskar avatar

I see - in my case that should be fine though as my shell script looks up the service / task and updates accordingly at the latest at (re)deployment-of-service stage? Maybe I’m still not following though.

oskar avatar

Definitely a manual step though.

joshmyers avatar

Think missed the point

oskar avatar

I will look into ecs-deploy this is maybe a better idea than managing my own scripts.

oskar avatar

If you change any of those attributes, Terraform is going to want to throw away your ECS service, and create a new one
^ I see this as manageable as long as I keep the task insync (outside of Terraform)

oskar avatar

If that’s not the point - again I’m missing it

joshmyers avatar

This isn’t a scripts/deployment thing, specific to managing your ECS service with Terraform

oskar avatar

Just need to make sure your ECS service Terraform code can deal with making changes to things that require a new ECS service to be created, ensuring no downtime

So this then? I guess I was assuming terraform taking care of that? So in your load balancer scenario: I was assuming as long as my stack configuration is sane this will be taken care of “automatically” by Terraform (“DAG”). Load balancer update -> registering new version of services. Maybe not 0 downtime though as in k8s service redeployment kind of sense. I might be good with that but good point though. How did you fortify for that?

joshmyers avatar

It won’t be 0 downtime.

joshmyers avatar

Terraform will want to destroy/create your ECS Service

joshmyers avatar

It can’t create the new service before the old is destroyed if the service names are non unique

oskar avatar

Ok so do you append a git sha to the name for example - to mitigate that?

oskar avatar

One could still look up the service by tag and take the latest for the deployment part?

joshmyers avatar

The way we deal with it Terraform picks up a change to e.g. load balancer, creates a new ECS service and associated resources, suffixes the ecs service name with a random string, brings it up, tests that the new containers come up healthy at the same version your CICD thinks should be deployed (not what Terraform first thought to deploy as this will now be out of date), tests that the new ECS service is healthy in the ALB, and then destroys your old service

joshmyers avatar

Moving tags on deployments for environments

joshmyers avatar

Terraform will always deploy $service_name:$env

joshmyers avatar

CICD deployment logic tags the image it deploys to $env

oskar avatar

Perfect sounds like something I also would have ended up doing - thanks for getting me on the 0 downtime vector there - I was disregarding this for now.

oskar avatar

I will probably end up using the git sha of the latest commit at hand.

joshmyers avatar

Most ECS modules out there don’t deal with this edge cases and IMO aren’t production safe

oskar avatar

Yeah I quickly realized I had to make this up myself - again didn’t see ecs-deploy for that reason.

joshmyers avatar

Been running this setup for a year at current big client

joshmyers avatar

No issues blowing away production ECS services and doing blue/green deployments for new ones

oskar avatar

Awesome, thanks a lot

oskar avatar

As I’ve been working in a vacuum and while I have you - look at the insane healthcheck I’m sideloading with terraform task config:

oskar avatar
/bin/bash -c "\
exec 3<>/dev/tcp/${HOSTNAME}/${PORT} \
&& printf '\
Host: ${HOSTNAME}:${PORT}\r\n\
Connection: close\r\n\
User-Agent: ${HOSTNAME} healthcheck\r\n\
Accept: */*\r\n\r\n\
' >&3 \
&& head -n 1 <&3 | grep -F 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' >/dev/null \
|| exit 1"
oskar avatar

I should have maybe just jumped through the hoops of installing curl in every microservice dockerfile.

oskar avatar

I admit it

oskar avatar

I feel ECS Fargate is great at face value but bringing it into prod was less straightforward than what we would have hoped for (we wanted to drop managed k8s for complexity reasons..).

oskar avatar

In the end still less complex and nice to have one layer of abstraction less (for the most part). Terraform is just awesome.

oskar avatar

So I guess if there is a question - did you end up just installing curl with every container image Josh?

joshmyers avatar

You will want something for your docker healthchecks curl, wget, whatever

oskar avatar

Yeah as you can see above as I didn’t want to bake any of those in I fell back to shell builtins.

oskar avatar

But agree a simple HTTP GET via curl would be more readable maybe.

joshmyers avatar

Not maybe, definitely

oskar avatar

Thanks for the feedback Josh, I really appreciate it. Cabin fever is real.

joshmyers avatar

np, can be hard if working in isolation

oskar avatar

For sure, thanks see you around

joshmyers avatar

This is a fairly robust module, may talk to client and see if we can publish to the registry

joshmyers avatar

ECS module, batteries included

oskar avatar

If you can do it I’m guessing we are not the only ones having to solve these problems.

oskar avatar

Are you doing this as consultant? I mean thinking cloudposse, right? Most likely some dev like myself reaches out to for you to manage it for them?

oskar avatar

Anyways open source yadayada keep the good fight

oskar avatar

Whatever floats your boat - can just tell you I didn’t find a blog article on first naive duckducking

joshmyers avatar

I’m a consultant for Disney+ at the mo, have worked with the good CP folks in the past

oskar avatar

So maybe just that, probably good karma or more.

oskar avatar

Very nice - yeah they rock.

joshmyers avatar

Lots of Disney+ services using this module now

oskar avatar

I don’t think I’ve ever ended up using one of their modules but I like to read their code and attend their wednesday office hours.

oskar avatar

But for sure if need arises would for example get in contact.

joshmyers avatar

CP modules are great, if even not quite for you, always an excellent starting point

oskar avatar

So I guess it’s a good model? I hope so as open source is great.

oskar avatar

I totally agree.

oskar avatar

Very inspiring also because they try to do quite a lot.

oskar avatar

IMHO sensing lots of Hashicorp “DNA” in that way?

joshmyers avatar

Not sure I follow

oskar avatar

Maybe too esoteric observation but I guess you know what I mean

oskar avatar

Haha that’s allright.

oskar avatar

Good work all the way.

oskar avatar

Also very cool with regards to disney+

oskar avatar

Still always amazed that even big co’s are relying on cloud platforms - I know netflix paved they way.

joshmyers avatar

Only the successful ones

oskar avatar

I guess it just makes sense and in the end you can bargain at that $ize - now even more so with Terraform and theoretical “platform independence”.

oskar avatar

I’m also exposed to some mixed on-prem / cloud infra and I hate to admit it but I prefer to work with all these nice terraform providers at this point.

oskar avatar

Pre terraform I really hated most of those cloud platforms.

oskar avatar

Anyways - getting back to my shiny ECS deploy - thanks again and have a great weekend wave

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Using terraform-aws-alb: How do you add an instance to a target group?


Terraform module to provision a standard ALB for HTTP/HTTP traffic - cloudposse/terraform-aws-alb

jose.amengual avatar

Terraform module to provision a standard ALB for HTTP/HTTP traffic - cloudposse/terraform-aws-alb

jose.amengual avatar

we usually use that module in conjunction with https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-alb-ingress


Terraform module to provision an HTTP style ingress rule based on hostname and path for an ALB using target groups - cloudposse/terraform-aws-alb-ingress

jose.amengual avatar

and the service behind (ECS, etc) will attach the container/instance

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Ahh, okay, cool. I was just writing it into the terraform-aws-alb module and was gonna do a pull request, this is a solid solution though.

David Napier avatar
David Napier


jose.amengual avatar

yes that is not the job of that module, is the “thing” ( service in aws) that should do the “glue” to attach the instance

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Makes sense. How about when there are multiple target groups to be used with the alb?

jose.amengual avatar

same deal

jose.amengual avatar

some instances will attach to one or the other

David Napier avatar
David Napier

I mean how do I attach multiple target groups to the single alb?

jose.amengual avatar


jose.amengual avatar

attached to the same ALB

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Okay cool, I’ll use that.

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Thank you again so much.

jose.amengual avatar


David Napier avatar
David Napier

Hmm.. I’m still struggling to make sense of the pattern here. The Host header rules are configured within wordpress_alb_ingress, correct? So I should have a wordpress_alb_ingress for each target group?

David Napier avatar
David Napier

Reading the source now, this is making it more clear

David Napier avatar
David Napier

unauthenticated_hosts and unauthenticated_listerner_arns were unclear to me before.


Ankit Rathi avatar
Ankit Rathi

Hi amazing folks, We are using the following module in our codebase

module "module-name" {
  source    = "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-iam-s3-user.git?ref=0.14.1>"
  namespace = "xxx"
  stage     = "xxx"
  name      = "xxx"
  s3_actions = [
  s3_resources = [

  depends_on = [

now strangely it is removing those s3_actions when i execute terraform plan

      ~ json    = jsonencode(
              - Statement = [
                  - {
                      - Action   = [
                          - "s3:PutObjectAcl",
                          - "s3:PutObject",
                          - "s3:ListBucket",
                          - "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",
                          - "s3:GetObjectVersion",
                          - "s3:GetObjectAcl",
                          - "s3:GetBucketLocation",
                          - "s3:DeleteObjectVersion",
                          - "s3:DeleteObject",
                      - Effect   = "Allow"
                      - Resource = [
                          - "***"
                      - Sid      = ""
              - Version   = "2012-10-17"
jose.amengual avatar

If is the same module version an you just changed the tf version and this is happening then try to compare the providers version installed, this could e a provider change unless you were on a very old version of the module version and you upgraded to the latest and there has been changes that are doing this but that is unlikely

Ankit Rathi avatar
Ankit Rathi

Thanks a lot @jose.amengual for taking time in answering .. let me go through the changes … i feel i need to sandbox these things to get more undestanding …. anyway thanks a lot

Ankit Rathi avatar
Ankit Rathi

we are upgrading to version 0.14.4 and our expection is that there should be no change in infrastrucure when we execute terraform plan/apply

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

theoretically, it depends more on the version of the terraform-aws-provider since sometimes behavior there can change (E.g. defaults)

Ankit Rathi avatar
Ankit Rathi

ah okay … yeah i think its the default policy which is changing… we want to upgrade the terraform resource files without effecting the infrastructure … so i think i need to dig more


Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Testing https://taskfile.dev/#/ by creating TF taskfile for all TF ops instead of Makefile Sample of Taskfile.yml:

# <https://taskfile.dev>

version: '3'

  GREETING: XXX >> Terraform Taskfile!


    desc: Hello MSG.
      - echo "{{.GREETING}}"
    silent: true

    desc: Main workflow.
      - task: init
      - task: validate
      - task: plan

    desc: Login using aws-vault.
      - aws-vault --version
      - aws-vault exec {{.PROFILE}} --duration=2h
    silent: true

    desc: Terraform init.
      - terraform -chdir=$DIR init

    desc: Terraform upgrade.
      - terraform -chdir=$DIR init -upgrade=true

    desc: Terraform validate.
      - terraform -chdir=$DIR validate

    desc: Terraform plam.
      - terraform -chdir=$DIR plan -compact-warnings

    desc: Terraform apply.
      - terraform -chdir=$DIR apply -auto-approve

A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

What are you impressions?

I noticed a small typo here:

  desc: Terraform plaM. <-

A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Thanks, just for testing, thinking replacing my makefile with Taskfile, I want to see how others are using Taskfile

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

• Fast

• easy to understand and implement

• more features than makefile

• easy help output

• can be used to unify operations across development machines and CICD tools

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

and my Fav one support .env so you can have secrets and tokens in .env file out of git

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

Thanks for sharing. We wanted to give this a try, but haven’t had time to play around. Will try to do some poc in the future

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I think @roth.andy is using it

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Which task runner you would use? for Terraform operations? :one: https://taskfile.dev 2 @Mohammed Yahya, @roth.andy :two: Makefile 3 @aaratn, @loren, @mfridh :three: Other tool! - let me tell you more about it! 1 @Pierre-Yves Created by @Mohammed Yahya with /poll

View original message

roth.andy avatar


Ofek Solomon avatar
Ofek Solomon

Hi guys, when trying to use the terraform-aws-eks-workers module with terraform 0.14.3 im unable to do so because of the hard coded version of the terraform-aws-ec2-autoscale-group in here , is there a reason for that? it prevents me from using the module with our current terraform version. Appreciate the help!


Terraform module to provision an AWS AutoScaling Group, IAM Role, and Security Group for EKS Workers - cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-workers


Terraform module to provision Auto Scaling Group and Launch Template on AWS - cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-autoscale-group


Terraform module to provision an AWS AutoScaling Group, IAM Role, and Security Group for EKS Workers - cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-workers

pete avatar

Is there a way to tell terraform to ignore changes on “latest_version” while using the autoscale-group module?

RB avatar

is your module tagged

RB avatar

whats your current “source” argument for the module

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

also ignore is not working as expected in ecs-service-alb module check this issue https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ecs-alb-service-task/issues/93

ignore is not working as expected · Issue #93 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-ecs-alb-service-task

Found a bug? Maybe our Slack Community can help. Describe the Bug tash_definition ignore is not working as expected tf version 0.14.5 Expected Behavior tash_definition should be ignored

pete avatar

@RB Module isn’t tagged and I’ve forked the module repo, so I’m using my GitHub account’s link.

pete avatar

@Mohammed Yahya Any ideas? Is ignore for latest version supposed to work out of the box for this module? It’s messing up my automation a bit, err.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

not sure, try to use it locally - update the terraform-aws-provider to latest and test

diogof avatar

Hi everyone, been using ecs-alb-service-task for a long time but now I have come up with a problem: how to make 2 services on the same Cluster to communicate with one another (or better A –> B)? I found out an easy way to use Service Discovery that matches well the modules BUT there is this problem:

Error: InvalidParameterException: Specify a value for either 'port' or the 'containerName' and 'containerPort' combination, but not both. Remove one and retry. Registry: arn:aws:servicediscovery:eu-west-1:790682551775:service/srv-6ixnxocmk32rt3on "demo-release-3tier-web"
diogof avatar

The module requires all 4 properties, but the underlying module in Terraform states this error

Pierre-Yves avatar

Hello, how do you organize your code for multi-region ? do you set the region at provider level ? or providing location at each element ? or include the region in the directory structure ?

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

user providers with aliases

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
# The default "aws" configuration is used for AWS resources in the root
# module where no explicit provider instance is selected.
provider "aws" {
  region = "us-west-1"

# An alternate configuration is also defined for a different
# region, using the alias "usw2".
provider "aws" {
  alias  = "usw2"
  region = "us-west-2"

# An example child module is instantiated with the alternate configuration,
# so any AWS resources it defines will use the us-west-2 region.
module "example" {
  source    = "./example"
  providers = {
    aws = aws.usw2
Pierre-Yves avatar

yes that’s the documentation, but my point is how code is organised to propagate 1+ provider for many module to keep things clean

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

there are many ways to do it

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

my approach a folder layouts as follows:


I would use account_id as parent folder and regions as sub folders but this is highly personal option

Pierre-Yves avatar

Thanks for your input

jose.amengual avatar

I have a flat base repo

jose.amengual avatar

I have two backends configs ( one per each repo)

jose.amengual avatar

so I run -backend-config=east2.tfvars etc

jose.amengual avatar

but the repo is the same, no folder structure etc

jose.amengual avatar

I’m not a fan of subfolders

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

that should work also, I tried this before, but some time the identical TF templates with different config is not covering all use cases. the way with TF subfolders that you can map easily to TF Cloud

jose.amengual avatar

that is true

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
Pierre-Yves avatar

thanks a lot @Mohammed Yahya and @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) for your time and the detailed information in the video



David Miranda avatar
David Miranda

Hi, Just passing here to ask from you guys experience what is the best approach (first one) to build mine Terraform project structure. A little bit of context:

• Currently I’m not using Terraform for provisioning servers; I have a strict infrastructure requirement… be cloud-agnostic; We can use AWS or Azure or even on-premise;

• I already have all the necessary software configurations required to met the previous requirement; All the things are in a “IaS”/automation using Ansible;

• Currently my platform are in a cloud-provider and now I want to add a new one for platform redundancy; Now I believe that is the time to add a provision tool like Terraform.

• All the environment should have the same structure (same network settings, same databases, same backend services, etc). The difference should be production have 5 servers and dev only 1, for example;

• I’ve seen several examples of code structure like the modules approach, separate the environment by folders an reuse the modules; On question here: this can lead to code duplication right? Any strategy on this or maybe exists a better approach?

• What is the better strategy to use a collaborative approach on the Terraform development? Starting at the beginning saving the state on a centralized service like S3 (is a must have)? Would be happy to hear from someone with experience about this use case.

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

can anyone recommend some good documentation on configuring terraform compliance?

we would like to run it against CI for our terraform modules monorepo as well as when we execute this modules from other repos as part of Atlantis

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

do you use this?

corcoran avatar

Yup, tons more coverage for both static/dynamic TF on pre-commit, build and run with githooks. Also covers Serverless, k8s manifests, cfn ..

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

but this is python based right ?

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

or do you use it in conjunction with tf compliance?

corcoran avatar
Shifting Cloud Security Left — Scanning Infrastructure as Code for Security Issues

Identify cloud security issues and misconfigurations even before they pose an actual security risk by performing static analysis of Terraform code.

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

hmmm interesting

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

the issue we have is our team aren’t python devs

corcoran avatar

There’s tons of checks for AWS now and the documentation for adding checks is on checkov.io too.. it’s not super hard (even I have done a few and I am an idiot).

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

it does not look too bad but will probably be a hard sell as its python which is unfortunate

MattyB avatar

Check #security Edit: didn’t mean to send just yet

Erik just posted a link that goes over aws security or something to that effect

corcoran avatar

Interesting! Try a couple manual runs on your monorepo and see how you get on - should give you an idea of coverage/gaps.

MattyB avatar

Here’s what Erik linked - https://summitroute.com/downloads/aws_security_maturity_roadmap-Summit_Route.pdf

I’m revamping our pipelines to run some type of security scan after deploying to an environment, or weekly/monthly/etc.. not exactly sure. I might introduce BridgeCrew as well.

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

sure i am looking to run terraform-compliance during the CI of our mono repo firstly

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

tools to start with:

• tfsec

• checkov

• terraform-complaince more advance use case:


Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

I have tfsec setup already

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

Looking to get compliance setup

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

basically looking for recommendations on the best approach for such a setup

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

all of the tools to start with are static analysis tools SAST. so start with one tools at a time, reduce false positives, integrate in your CICD, then you can add other tools to the pipeline

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

more monorepo, you need a bit of bash scripting to cover all your folders

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

Yeh trying to work out the best way to do terraform compliance with our mono repo

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

Is the best way to have tfvars in each module? Do init, plan with the tfvars and then validate?

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

no tfvars should be in a module, a module should get it’s values from calling it and pass these values down, tfvars should exist in tf-templates folder or something like that.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

do init - fmt - validate - tfsec - plan – ….

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

Doesn’t it make sense to have the tfvars as close to the module as possible?

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

Because we have dedicated root repos where we execute terraform in accounts from.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

What is a module in your use case?

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

It could be for another

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

But we have root repos that call modules at a specific hash

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

there are no single way to do this, terraform can be used in many different ways

Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

The root repos are easy to run compliance against

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

cloud posse is updating all of our modules to pass bridgecrew compliance

Pierre-Yves avatar
Mohammed Yahya  1 day ago
do init - fmt - validate - tfsec - plan -- …

Done and I have added validate and tfsec in the pre-commit hook ;)



Shannon Dunn avatar
Shannon Dunn

Is there anyway to collect all resources of a certain resource type into a list, without explicitly knowing the names of all the resources:

Say I want to get all resources of type azuread_group that exist, but not really have to know the resource name of all of them.

[for azure_ad_group.*] or something along those lines?

jose.amengual avatar

I do not that is possible

jose.amengual avatar

you will have to have a list or map with all the resources of that type and iterate over

jose.amengual avatar

and it will be pretty slow and buggy

Chris Wahl avatar
Chris Wahl

Seems like a better fit for Azure cli / PowerShell

Shannon Dunn avatar
Shannon Dunn

yeah i thought so, i am creating a bunch of aad groups in tf, but want to output all of their ids. i was hoping there was a clean way to collect them all. but doesn’t look like it

jose.amengual avatar

you could drop to local exec and do the api calls and such if the resources are not on the state

Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
07:34:25 PM

v0.15.0-alpha20210127 0.15.0 (Unreleased) BREAKING CHANGES:

The list and map functions, both of which were deprecated since Terraform v0.12, are now removed. You can replace uses of these functions with tolist([…]) and tomap({…}) respectively. (#26818)

Terraform now requires UTF-8 character encoding and virtual terminal support when running on…

lang/funcs: Remove the deprecated "list" and "map" functions by apparentlymart · Pull Request #26818 · hashicorp/terraform

Prior to Terraform 0.12 these two functions were the only way to construct literal lists and maps (respectively) in HIL expressions. Terraform 0.12, by switching to HCL 2, introduced first-class sy…


zadkiel avatar

CLI tool to generate terraform files from existing infrastructure (reverse Terraform). Infrastructure to Code - GoogleCloudPlatform/terraformer

Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)

Question for discussion here:

Yesterday I noticed that terraform-aws-rds doesn’t set encryption on the RDS by default. I opened an issue which @antonbabenko closed. I completely understand Anton’s reasoning here, but it raises a question for me: how opinionated should the Terraform modules be?

Users can use checkov/cloudrail/sentinel/terrascan/tfsec to catch things like this, but why not reduce the chances they trip on something?

I’m generally of the opinion of reducing the potential for someone to make a mistake, as many people using Terraform today are new to both TF and AWS. I’m curious what others think here.

loren avatar

i think you end up with pain either way. there are always new features being released, new ways to configure things the “best” way.

a maintainer can implement those features in their module as defaults, with likely backwards-breaking changes, and release a new major version. but then the user needs to be flexible and aware of how to update their config/state much more frequently.

or the maintainer can choose to prioritize backwards-compatibility, release minor versions with new features as much as possible, and users can update configs to consume those features as it becomes important to them.

Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)

True. And AWS, as an example, are very good at prioritizing backwards compatibility. But that also results in people making grave mistakes, ending up with exposed buckets, sub-optimal performance, etc.

So there’s a case to be made for nudging people towards better use of their cloud resources, even at the cost of them needing to do some upgrade work between versions.

loren avatar

i think if someone takes that approach, it needs to be quite explicit as a goal, so the user knows what they are opting into

loren avatar

this is a whole different module and maintainer, most likely, with different principles

Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)

Valid point. @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) what’s cloudposse’s approach on this matter?

MattyB avatar

It might add too much overhead, but CloudPosse could have a set of hardened modules (think fork/clone of the original) https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-rds & https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-rds-hardened or something to that effect. We ended up cloning some of the repos and then abandoning it ~6 months later..way too much maintenance for just a few of our teams to use.


Terraform module which creates RDS resources on AWS - terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-rds

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Yep, we’re currently updating all over our modules to use secure defaults. This is a “New Years Resolution” - something we kicked off at the beginning of january.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

We’ll probably finish updating all modules this week (@Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse)

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

It might add too much overhead, but CloudPosse could have a set of hardened modules (think fork/clone of the original)

Cloud Posse has a pretty stark philosophical difference to developing modules that is incongruent with terraform-aws-modules

Also, it’s frequently confused that terraform-aws-modules are “official” but they are just another organization not directly affiliated with hashicorp.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

For example, take the VPC module:

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
04:42:53 PM
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

for any module to have 400+ inputs, it’s doing way too much.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Here’s an example of some of the updates we made to the S3 bucket //github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-s3-bucket/pull/70>

Bc compliance by maximmi · Pull Request #70 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-s3-bucket

what BridgeCrew compliance checks fix readme updated default behaviour changed: S3 bucket MFA delete enabled by default default behaviour changed: S3 Bucket Versioning enabled by default default b…

Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)

Interesting approach @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse). So essentially it’s down to the maintainer/developers’ philosophy, and then users can choose which one they prefer to go with. Makes sense.

Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)

Wow, here we have a live example from today: https://sweetops.slack.com/archives/CB6GHNLG0/p1611851584111900

Where enforcing more strict security is causing breaking changes.

Hi folks, I am not sure if this should be here, or the AWS channel. But I am having some difficulty with the new changes on the terraform-aws-codebuild module. That recently enabled mfa_delete by default. That requires manual intervention to change. When modifying on the CLI, I got the error:

An error occurred (InvalidBucketState) when calling the PutBucketVersioning operation: Mfa Authentication is not supported on a bucket with lifecycle configuration. Delete lifecycle configuration before enabling Mfa Authentication.

So, I deleted the rule temporarily. However, when running the apply I now get:

Error putting S3 lifecycle: InvalidBucketState: Cannot put lifecycle configuration on a bucket that has MFA enabled

Anyone run into this, and perhaps have a way to resolve? On this particular project, I can safely delete the stack and re-create, but I a have another where I likely cannot.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Thanks for pointing out! Looks like we had to roll this one back.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

No good deed goes unpunished.

Joe Hosteny avatar
Joe Hosteny

Hi folks, I am not sure if this should be here, or the AWS channel. But I am having some difficulty with the new changes on the terraform-aws-codebuild module. That recently enabled mfa_delete by default. That requires manual intervention to change. When modifying on the CLI, I got the error:

An error occurred (InvalidBucketState) when calling the PutBucketVersioning operation: Mfa Authentication is not supported on a bucket with lifecycle configuration. Delete lifecycle configuration before enabling Mfa Authentication.

So, I deleted the rule temporarily. However, when running the apply I now get:

Error putting S3 lifecycle: InvalidBucketState: Cannot put lifecycle configuration on a bucket that has MFA enabled

Anyone run into this, and perhaps have a way to resolve? On this particular project, I can safely delete the stack and re-create, but I a have another where I likely cannot.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Just wanted to link to this thread for reference: https://sweetops.slack.com/archives/CB6GHNLG0/p1611842168105200

Question for discussion here:

Yesterday I noticed that terraform-aws-rds doesn’t set encryption on the RDS by default. I opened an issue which @antonbabenko closed. I completely understand Anton’s reasoning here, but it raises a question for me: how opinionated should the Terraform modules be?

Users can use checkov/cloudrail/sentinel/terrascan/tfsec to catch things like this, but why not reduce the chances they trip on something?

I’m generally of the opinion of reducing the potential for someone to make a mistake, as many people using Terraform today are new to both TF and AWS. I’m curious what others think here.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Sorry for the grief here - but yes, the gist of it is we are moving to secure defaults for CIS benchmark compliance

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Everything can be overrriden and disabled

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Just it’s better to explicitly disable security features

Joe Hosteny avatar
Joe Hosteny

Hi @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) understood - I guess it just wasn’t clear to me how to get this one to apply, at all.

Joe Hosteny avatar
Joe Hosteny

I did open a ticket on the repo, maybe I am missing something

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse)

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Please look into this

Joe Hosteny avatar
Joe Hosteny

I fully believe I could be doing something wrong

Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse) avatar
Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse)

@Joe Hosteny please, try new release: <https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-codebuild/releases/tag/0.30.0> I’ve removed mfa_delete due to terraform issue related to it. Thanks for feedback!

Joe Hosteny avatar
Joe Hosteny

@Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse) thanks for looking into this so quickly, will do!

Joe Hosteny avatar
Joe Hosteny

This worked for me now, with versioning being set, but mfa_delete staying set to false

Joe Hosteny avatar
Joe Hosteny

I attempted to solve this by deleting the bucket, and letting TF re-apply from the start, but now I am stuck on:

Error putting S3 versioning: AccessDenied: Mfa Authentication must be used for this request
Chris Wahl avatar
Chris Wahl
Using mfa_delete on an S3 bucket · Issue #629 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

This issue was originally opened by @Techbrunch as hashicorp/terraform#12973. It was migrated here as part of the provider split. The original body of the issue is below. How to enable mfa_delete o…

Joe Hosteny avatar
Joe Hosteny

Right. When running this command using geodesic, though, it is using an assume role into the account. I think this setting needs you to use to root account credentials, so it’s not even clear to me this change is compatible with the workflow as is stands (but I could be wrong). FWIW, I opened this issue: https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-codebuild/issues/76

mfa_enable default setting preventing apply of updated module · Issue #76 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-codebuild

Found a bug? Maybe our Slack Community can help. Describe the Bug The module was updated to include a versioning configuration, with the default set to enable it, with mfa_delete also defaulted to …

Chris Wahl avatar
Chris Wahl

The linked thread and module’s variable help point to it not being possible to configure mfa_delete using Terraform, though? I’ve yet to try this, just reading docs.

Joe Hosteny avatar
Joe Hosteny

Right, I think so as well. But it appears that you cannot also set it via the CLI, and then update the bucket either (at least the lifecycle rule).

Joe Hosteny avatar
Joe Hosteny

I’m just wondering if I am missing something, since the change to add that recently seemed pretty intentional, but it looks like it can’t be enabled at all to me.

jose.amengual avatar

did you figure out @Joe Hosteny

Joe Hosteny avatar
Joe Hosteny

Hi @jose.amengual, the flag has been removed with an update to the module

jose.amengual avatar

I say that late yesterday, thanks

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

terraform-provider-aws/releases/tag/v3.26.0 is out

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

NOTES: • data-source/aws_route53_zone: The Route 53 ListResourceRecordSets API call has been implemented to support the name_servers attribute for private Hosted Zones similar to the resource implementation. Environments using restrictive IAM permissions may require updates. (#17002) FEATURES: • New Data Source: aws_imagebuilder_image (#16710) • New Resource: aws_imagebuilder_image (#16710) • New Resource: aws_prometheus_workspace (#16882) • New Resource: aws_sagemaker_app_image_config (#17221) ENHANCEMENTS: • data-source/aws_elasticache_replication_group: Add multi_az_enabled argument (#17320) • data-source/aws_vpc_peering_connection: Add cidr_block_set and peer_cidr_block_set attributes (#13420) • provider: Support AWS Single-Sign On (SSO) cached credentials (#17340) • resource/aws_codeartifact_domain: Make encryption_key optional (#17262) • resource/aws_elasticache_replication_group: Add multi_az_enabled argument (#17320) • resource/aws_elasticache_replication_group: Allow changing cluster_mode.replica_count without re-creation (#17301) BUG FIXES: • data-source/aws_elb_hosted_zone_id: Correct values for cn-north-1 and cn-northwest-1 regions (#17226) • data-source/aws_lb_listener: Prevent error when retrieving a listener whose default action contains weighted target groups (#17238) • data-source/aws_route53_zone: Ensure name_servers is populated for private Hosted Zones (#17002) • resource/aws_ebs_volume: Allow both size and snapshot_id attributes to be specified (#17243) • resource/aws_elasticache_replication_group: Correctly update computed member_clusters values (#17201)

• resource/aws_sagemaker_code_repository: fix doc name (#17221)

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

For me the new 3.26 provider breaks the usage of credential_process and sso :disappointed:

Prior to 3.26 one needed to use something like aws-vault in order to get terraform to play along nicely with sso. Issue in terraform provider repo https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/17353

Provider assume role block with profile no longer works with 3.26.0 · Issue #17353 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Community Note Please vote on this issue by adding a reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request Please do not leave &quot;+1&quot; or other comme…

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns
The behavior of validateCredentialType is too strict and doesn't align with the AWS CLI or other SDKs · Issue #3763 · aws/aws-sdk-go

I&#39;ve gone though Developer Guide and API reference I&#39;ve checked AWS Forums and StackOverflow for answers I&#39;ve searched for previous similar issues and didn&#39;t find any solution Descr…

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

will test this week.

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

Let me know what you find out - for now rolling back to 3.25 as it does not seem to support sso yet

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

Seems like the aws provider 3.26 can work with SSO - however for the state backend we need terraform 0.15 to work with sso

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I see, so far I’m working with aws-vault without any issue with latest Terraform

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I only wish for aws-vault to work with TouchID

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

:thinking_face: - strange - are you using credential_process ?

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

No, I’m not.

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

are you then performing rather the wrapped call with aws-vault ... exec terraform ?

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I’m using subshell,

	aws-vault --version
	aws-vault exec $(PROFILE)
Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

then calling Terraform from subshell

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

:thinking_face: - interesting - now I need to find a way to switch to the correct subshell via .env / direnv

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya


aws-vault exec $PROFILE_1
terraform init/plan/apply/*
aws-vault exec $PROFILE_2
terraform init/plan/apply/*
Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/terraform-mono-repo-vs-multi-repo-the-great-debate @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) @Matt Gowie @jose.amengual the debate from them, similar to stacks approach , the only thing I would do is to add stacks to env folders

Terraform Mono Repo vs. Multi Repo: The Great Debateattachment image

Learn about the pros and cons of using mono repositories and multi repositories along with the most logical use case for each.

loren avatar

Multi-repo advantages:
* You can apply module versioning using release tagging and existing tag constructs.

Multi-repo disadvantages:
* If you have a configuration that references many remote modules, Terraform will take time to download them. Try using git submodules to clone the remote repository and store it locally based on commit.
When using git submodules, I presume the source reference would be a local relative path… what is the git syntax for that, and do submodules fetch git tags?

Terraform Mono Repo vs. Multi Repo: The Great Debateattachment image

Learn about the pros and cons of using mono repositories and multi repositories along with the most logical use case for each.

jose.amengual avatar

Since I use git I have always thought using submodules it was a bad idea, is like svn external repos

RB avatar

i dont believe relative paths fetch git tags

loren avatar

i use submodules for packaging reasons sometimes… it’s an easy way to pull in any external project that can be updated by tools like dependabot/renovatebot and exercised by CI in the associated pull request

loren avatar

i dont believe relative paths fetch git tags
i was kinda imagining a syntax something like:

source = git::file://<path>?ref=<tag>
RB avatar

hm maybe that works. ive used this in the past.

  source = "./test/module"
loren avatar

yeah a pure relative path definitely works. but it doesn’t support the git syntax for tags/refs. i’m just trying to reconcile the seemingly conflicting recommendation from the blog post

loren avatar

i.e. “version modules with tag constructs” and “try git submodules if you have lots of modules”

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

We’re kicking the tires on vendir has an alternative to things like git subtrees, git submodules. https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-vendir


Easy way to vendor portions of git repos, github releases, helm charts, docker image contents, etc. declaratively - vmware-tanzu/carvel-vendir

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Supports many more ways to vendor/version.

loren avatar

nice, now to get support for vendir.yml updates into dependabot/renovatebot

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

haha, yea… though I think it has it’s own concept for that.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

…with a lock file


Laurynas avatar

Hi, I had terraform resource (route53 dns record) created by provider-a (one aws account) but now I manually moved this resource to provider-b(another aws account) I now want to change terraform state to reference to this new manually created resource, what’s the way to do that?

Troy Taillefer avatar
Troy Taillefer
Import - Terraform by HashiCorp

Terraform is able to import existing infrastructure. This allows you take resources you’ve created by some other means and bring it under Terraform management.

Laurynas avatar

Thanks, I don’t think it’s possible to do imports from one provider to other? A bit more details of what I have:

provider "aws" {
  alias   = "us-east-1"
  region  = "us-east-1"
  profile = var.aws_profile

provider "aws" {
  alias   = "route53_aws_profile"
  region  = "us-east-1"
  profile = var.route53_aws_profile

and resource:

resource "aws_route53_record" "cloudfront" {
provider = aws.route53_aws_profile

I need to change the provider of route53 record to us-east-1"

loren avatar

maybe state mv? or state rm and then import?

Laurynas avatar

ok what worked was state rm and then using import it’s a bit dangerous but works

loren avatar

re-reading, i think the latter… remove it from the state first, then import it

loren avatar

yep, i call it tfstate gentle massage

Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)

Anybody here using privately built, locally saved, plugins in Terraform? (that is, not a binary that was automatically downloaded via terraform init)

RB avatar

We were using one to get kms encrypted secrets from our secrets s3 bucket but then i realized that a data source s3 object (with the object as type text) could replace the plugin. The plug-in is still in use due to old code but it’s used less frequently.

Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail) avatar
Yoni Leitersdorf (Indeni Cloudrail)

Can you share an example of how the providers file or required_providers block looks like?

RB avatar

we did it for 0.12.x and below so we were downloading it directly to ~/.terraform/plugins/ or some directory

RB avatar

To download that plugin, we hosted it in a separate s3 bucket. Would be better to put it in artifactory id imagine but it’s old so we’ll deprecate it eventually

Miguel Zablah avatar
Miguel Zablah

Hi, I have a question about GCP Cloud Run is it a good practice to have it on a Load Balancer? Is it possible? I try to have a serverless google_compute_region_network_endpoint_group and then point that to a backend service but it’s failing bc of the health check any ideas?

EvanG avatar

I’m not super familiar with GCP, but typically the job of a Load Balancer is to route traffic through to healthy instances. If the instance is unhealthy the LB should route traffic to a different instance. Typically you place your instances in an auto-scaling group (to compensate for demand) then you designate a load balancer to route traffic through to the service instance. Hope this helps correct me if I’m wrong.

EvanG avatar

Question for AWS users. Has anyone figured out how to use cli MFA with terraform?

RB avatar

aws-vault works well

RB avatar

ive been playing with aws sso integrated with aws-vault which is superb so far

EvanG avatar

Maybe we could do that. We are trying to correct preexisting issues. Do you a good example?

RB avatar

we use okta as our sso

RB avatar
Okta - AWS Single Sign-On

Learn how to set up SCIM provisioning between Okta and AWS SSO.

RB avatar

then play with the aws sso login command

RB avatar

that command won’t work unless you’re authenticated with your sso provider (which requires mfa)

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
04:22:56 AM
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
readme updated, Encrypt SNS Topic Data enabled by default by maximmi · Pull Request #26 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-cloudtrail-cloudwatch-alarms

what BridgeCrew compliance checks fix readme updated default behaviour changed: Encrypt SNS Topic Data enabled by default why To be able to position our modules as standards compliant Providing…

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

awesome !

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

We been using Checkov for one year now, it’s part of the shift left movement

RB avatar

Module dependencies will finally get documented soon in terraform docs


Add documentation on module you depend on · Issue #255 · terraform-docs/terraform-docs

Prerequisites Put an x into the box that applies: This issue describes a bug. This issue describes a feature request. For more information, see the Contributing Guidelines. Description The goal is …

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

long waited for, thanks for sharing

Add documentation on module you depend on · Issue #255 · terraform-docs/terraform-docs

Prerequisites Put an x into the box that applies: This issue describes a bug. This issue describes a feature request. For more information, see the Contributing Guidelines. Description The goal is …


Sarath Pantala avatar
Sarath Pantala

I need helpin Terraform i getting this error in terraform apply

i am using terraform *v0.12.0* and AWS eks module *v5.0.0*

Error: Incorrect attribute value type

  on .terraform/modules/eks/workers_launch_template.tf line 40, in resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "workers_launch_template":
  40:   vpc_zone_identifier = lookup(

Inappropriate value for attribute "vpc_zone_identifier": set of string
Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Paste your terraform template.

Sarath Pantala avatar
Sarath Pantala

How to pass variable *vpc_zone_identifier* in the terraform

Sarath Pantala avatar
Sarath Pantala

Terraform Template in the sense of *main.tf*


Michael Dizon avatar
Michael Dizon

love when tf cloud is down

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

Anyone played with Terraform CDK? Thoughts? When i think about the truly awful code I’ve written in HCL to express quite basic logic, it is appealing…

Chris Fowles avatar
Chris Fowles

My general feeling with CDKish things is that infrastructure code is generally a “known desired end state” process which I think is why declarative syntax is a much better fit for it.

In saying all this; I feel your pain on obtuse HCL logic - I would rather this be solved in HCL though rather than another abstraction layer.
