#terraform (2022-11)

terraform Discussions related to Terraform or Terraform Modules

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/terraform/



Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
04:43:30 PM

v1.3.4 1.3.4 (November 02, 2022) BUG FIXES: Fix invalid refresh-only plan caused by data sources being deferred to apply (#32111) Optimize the handling of condition checks during apply to prevent performance regressions with large numbers of instances (<a href=”https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/32123“…

don't plan data source reads during refresh-only by jbardin · Pull Request #32111 · hashicorp/terraformattachment image

When executing a refresh-only plan, it is not valid to plan a data source read. If the data source config is not known during planning, the only valid update would be the prior state, if there is a…

Apply optimizations for handling of condition checks by jbardin · Pull Request #32123 · hashicorp/terraformattachment image

The handling of conditions during apply can have adverse affects on very large configs, due to the handling of all existing instances even when there are no changes. With extremely large configurat…

Patrick McDonald avatar
Patrick McDonald

Hello, looking for opinions: should the application create sqs queues or let terraform manage them? I say terraform should manage them since it’s infrastructure. New dev manager wants the app to manage them. What do you think?

RB avatar

Is the sqs queue ephemeral or persistent?

Patrick McDonald avatar
Patrick McDonald


RB avatar

if it’s persistent, then it sounds like terraform would make more sense

RB avatar

you may want to ask why your manager wants the app to manage sqs. I’d pull on that thread to see what problems he’s trying to workaround.

Patrick McDonald avatar
Patrick McDonald

To avoid having to run terraform before a deployment is his concern.

RB avatar

how does he feel about vpcs, subnets, eks clusters, peering, s3 buckets, etc

RB avatar

or what about shared infra vs application infra

RB avatar

i suppose it could work to build it into the app, but it’s more logic to bake in

RB avatar

it would be easier to just deploy the infra required once and then deploy the app as many times as you like

RB avatar

less code to maintain, less likely a chance to break something, and now you no longer need sqs:create perms on the iam role of the app

RB avatar

also less code to unit test


05:32:59 PM

Hi All, I’m also in the mood to get some different opinions.. What does others do with their terraform modules?

managedkaos avatar

The flip side to this question is how do you version/track the updates when breaking changes are introduced?

I am a firm proponent of using release tags in module repos and then using those tags to install the module. I’ve been burned in the past by using main or something similar and then having a breaking change bring plan and apply to a halt.

Soren Jensen avatar
Soren Jensen

Thanks everyone, appreciate the answers.. For those who keep up to date at all times, do you dependabot or a similar service?

Soren Jensen avatar
Soren Jensen

ManagedKaos, we got release tags on everything, that’s why we are falling behind, at the moment I’m not notified on new releases

omry avatar


Tyrone Meijn avatar
Tyrone Meijn

Universal dependency update tool that fits into your workflows.

Chintan avatar

Hi All, does anyone know how to configure single cloudtrail with multiple data source (like S3, Lambda, DynamoDB) events using the terraform.


setheryops avatar

I made a thing if anyone is looking for RDS IAM Authentication done with Terraform. https://gitlab.com/setheryops/rds-iam-auth

Seth Floyd / RDS-IAM-AUTH · GitLab

Creates a simple RDS instance and then uses IAM authentication to give access to other users in your org based on role assumption.

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

awesome write up, that 200 connects/sec limitations seems interesting. I also wanted to mention that you should take a look at AWS session manager so that you don’t have to create a bastion open to the public internet

Seth Floyd / RDS-IAM-AUTH · GitLab

Creates a simple RDS instance and then uses IAM authentication to give access to other users in your org based on role assumption.



David avatar

Does anyone know any information about when associate 003 will be available? I’m looking to get certified but don’t really want to sit 002 if 003 is coming soon

Norma Riggs avatar
Norma Riggs

Hey everyone! When it comes to having a git-ops workflow for applying terraform changes, do most people squash & merge code before running apply or vice versa? I’m setting up CI/CD terraform workflows for multiple repositories and keep running into this philosophical question. It would be great to hear any friction points people have experienced in either setup

loren avatar

i generally avoid squash merge, and just accept the merge commit so git sees the same commit is present in both the pr branch and in the main branch, but i don’t think that detail is the primary question here

loren avatar

we currently run a plan as part of the pr review, then merge, then run apply

loren avatar

but i’ve seen enough problems that only occur on apply, that i definitely see the value in the way atlantis does it by default, and run the apply just before merging the pr

loren avatar

that way you have a chance to fix any apply-time issues before merging the work

Norma Riggs avatar
Norma Riggs

Running apply before merge is what i’m leaning towards because of that very reason. It’s fairly often that we have to do some amount of tinkering before the apply is successful.

In your current flow, are there situations where other developers working within the same project are blocked because the terraform code on the main branch has not been cleanly applied? How do you manage this problem?

loren avatar

sure, you can get blocked by a broken apply either way. in both cases, it is important to keep the “contributor” (developer or otherwise) engaged in the result and any follow-on actions

loren avatar

terraform apply is almost inherently serial. so in either approach, before applying, any pr needs to be up-to-date with fully resolved conflicts, and have a clean, approved, understood plan

Norma Riggs avatar
Norma Riggs

Yeah that’s a fair point about it being serial. I guess the apply before merge route makes that more intentional.

Did you all ever experiment with using a merge queue for applying changes?

loren avatar

I have not, couldn’t get my brain around them, seemed too complicated

loren avatar

You may be able to limit the impact of the serial nature by splitting things into lots of states… One state may be blocked due to an apply-time issue, but devs working other, independent states may not be

Norma Riggs avatar
Norma Riggs

agreed, the smaller the tf projects the less of a problem this becomes. Unfortunately we have a fair number of large, legacy projects in a monorepo that need to be broken down

loren avatar

Heh, it’s hard to find a good balance between small states and a workflow that makes sense and is manageable for your team

loren avatar

I was just reading a blog by slack on how they do it, and it sounded like a lot of large states lol, and still needed a lot of home-built tooling to manage it all

loren avatar
How We Use Terraform At Slack - Slack Engineeringattachment image

At Slack, we use Terraform for managing our Infrastructure, which runs on AWS, DigitalOcean, NS1, and GCP. Even though most of our infrastructure is running on AWS, we have chosen to use Terraform as opposed to using an AWS-native service such as CloudFormation so that we can use a single tool across all of our …

Norma Riggs avatar
Norma Riggs

I read this one last week as well, it sounded pretty painful actually

Norma Riggs avatar
Norma Riggs

but that’s probably because I can’t help but to think of my experiences with Jenkins while reading their blog

loren avatar

Yes, I noped pretty hard. But also, I feel a lot of their pain lol. These workflows are hard, no matter the tool!

Norma Riggs avatar
Norma Riggs

So true!

Andrew Miskell avatar
Andrew Miskell

Does anyone know if it’s possible to set the name of an access point created with terraform-aws-efs? It seems to want to name every access point with the same name as the filesystem itself which isn’t helpful to identifying which access point is which by name.

loren avatar

Always interesting to read about how others run terraform, especially large teams with large infrastructures… https://slack.engineering/how-we-use-terraform-at-slack/

How We Use Terraform At Slack - Slack Engineeringattachment image

At Slack, we use Terraform for managing our Infrastructure, which runs on AWS, DigitalOcean, NS1, and GCP. Even though most of our infrastructure is running on AWS, we have chosen to use Terraform as opposed to using an AWS-native service such as CloudFormation so that we can use a single tool across all of our …

Arash Bahrami avatar
Arash Bahrami

Hi guys I’d like to ask if anyone knows what is the best way to import existing aws infrastructure to terraform?

RB avatar

Probably use terraformer

RB avatar

Best thing to do is to use terraformer but dont commit its output and wipe your hands.

For example, if you want to terraform all of your hosted zone records, you do not want to dump all the records and put it in main.tf and call it done

RB avatar

You want to put each record with its respective service and use the output of terraformer as a template

RB avatar

@Arash Bahrami does that make sense?

Arash Bahrami avatar
Arash Bahrami

@RB wow thanks I’ll try it out also thanks for the advice, yeah I’d rather a clean and understandable directory with each service in different files

managedkaos avatar

You should understand, though, that using terraformer only gives you a representation of existing resources as code.

it does not do an import right out of the gate. (at least not that I am aware of).

So if you want to manage/control your existing resources with TF, you will still need to import them into the TF state.

In my experience, terraformer is excellent for:

• getting a copy of something that is already running, perhaps built in the console, so you can customize it as a module and deploy it elsewhere (vs managing the thing that is already deployed.)

• getting a copy of existing code that is not backed up as IaC just in case you have to build it over again. Essentially the generated code becomes a backup or a reference.


Liene Jansone avatar
Liene Jansone

Hello there wave I’m looking at using the amazing terraform-aws-elasticache-redis module, but stubbled across mission option to disable the *Auto upgrade minor versions* option. I’ve seen the previously created issues on this (#117, #70), which were raised when the parameter was not editable from API, which is no longer the case, based on the API documentation. It works as expected for cluster versions 6+. I’ve created an issue as well #182. Thank you for creating and maintaining this module

CreateReplicationGroup - Amazon ElastiCache

Creates a Redis (cluster mode disabled) or a Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication group.

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

looks like you could submit a pull request to add a variable and pass the value through to auto_minor_version_upgrade around here: https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticache-redis/blob/master/main.tf#L115

resource "aws_elasticache_replication_group" "default" {
Liene Jansone avatar
Liene Jansone

Thanks Alex, Will try that

RB avatar

Yes please, we always encourage contributions!

JoseF avatar

After clone the repo ECS, it gives this variable error. Of course, it can be fix with a sed and replace for the proper variable declaration. This give me the doubt if the repo is outdated?

JoseF avatar

I post some weeks ago about I can help and do some PR to suggest this fixes. But I got no attention. I was looking just to collaborate with this amazing CloudPosse infra.

RB avatar

What is the ecs repo

JoseF avatar


RB avatar

Link please?

JoseF avatar

Terraform module for provisioning an ECS cluster

RB avatar

Please put in a pr if you see an issue. We love pull requests!

JoseF avatar

Ohh, sure, thanks.

RB avatar

Also why are you using an ancient version of terraform

RB avatar

If you use the latest or at least 0.12 you wouldnt see the issue

JoseF avatar


RB avatar

dont be lazy, use the non-beta terraform

ghostface avatar

i’m finding that specifying role_arn here is ignored for the s3 bucket. it’s used for the dynamo lock lookup, but for the s3 bucket init, it doesn’t use the role_arn defined here https://www.terraform.io/language/settings/backends/s3#assume-role-configuration

and instead uses the local credentials.

Backend Type: s3 | Terraform | HashiCorp Developerattachment image

Terraform can store state remotely in S3 and lock that state with DynamoDB.

RB avatar

That is very interesting. I figured the role_arn was used to initialize the tfstate specifically for the bucket.

Backend Type: s3 | Terraform | HashiCorp Developerattachment image

Terraform can store state remotely in S3 and lock that state with DynamoDB.

ghostface avatar

how can i double confirm ? i’m running a terragrunt init now with log-level set to debug

ghostface avatar

hopefully that shows me which role it uses for state lookup?

RB avatar

id use native terraform to verify it, that way you can reduce the number of additional variables in the equation

jose.amengual avatar

do you have an assume_role_policy or just a role_arn?

ghostface avatar

just a role_arn

ghostface avatar

please scrap what i said earlier.

ghostface avatar

it is definitely using the role_arn but the init fails unless i give my local aws creds permissions to read the bucket

ghostface avatar

to clarify, i have an atlantis pod in EKS in AWS account A.

the remote_state config has a role_arn specified which exists in Account B.

the init fails unless Account A has access to the bucket, even though Account B has full access to the bucket.

ghostface avatar

is there documentation on this?

jose.amengual avatar

this is pure assume role stuff, no Atlantis related

jose.amengual avatar

and assume role policy requires the Trust relationship in account B and a explicit allow policy to assume:role action on the Role used to assume in account A

jose.amengual avatar

plus a trust policy to assume the service role

jose.amengual avatar

then it should work

ghostface avatar

definitely not atlantis related, i was asking if there was terragrunt docs available

ghostface avatar

and assume role policy requires the Trust relationship in account B and a explicit allow policy to assume:role action on the Role used to assume in account A
Yes this is all done. but still fails unless i add a bucket policy that allows Account A perms to the bucket. even though the role_arn is specifying Account B

jose.amengual avatar

I’m doing this right now and I’m using Account B role in it

jose.amengual avatar

but I had and issue like you using ECS and I was using the exec role instead of the Task role(which is the one that assumes roles)

jose.amengual avatar

maybe you have a similar issue?

ghostface avatar

but I had and issue like you using ECS and I was using the exec role instead of the Task role(which is the one that assumes roles)
can you explain this further please?

jose.amengual avatar

in ECS you have two roles : one for the task execution (init), one for the running task ( task role)

jose.amengual avatar

the exec role is for thing like giving access to pull from a registry, or s3 or something at the START/INITIALIZATION of the container lifecycle

jose.amengual avatar

the TASK role is the one that take place AFTER the container is up

jose.amengual avatar

so once Atlantis is up ,then it uses the TASK role to assume role , run terraform or access other things

Jonas Steinberg avatar
Jonas Steinberg

How do people feel about the live vs modules directory/src approach? It annoys me that everything just isn’t in a single directory. I’m trying to understand the reasoning of something like:


and then live goes:

module "my_mod" {
  source = "../modules/dev/my_mod"

something feels off about this, but maybe it’s cleaner or more convenient or something?

loren avatar

i do this pretty regularly. though instead of “live” i call them “stacks”. each stack is essentially a root module and has terraform state

loren avatar

the modules/ directory lets me centralize business logic around one or more modules, as well as gives me a single place to update versions of external modules

OliverS avatar

@Jonas Steinberg in a real system each live env (ie “stack”) will be slightly different. Eg dev might have 1 EC2 instance, qa 3 and prod 30. These would be defined in the my_mod/variables.tf, and passed as args in the my_mod module block of the stack.

If that doesn’t help maybe you can be more specific?

Jonas Steinberg avatar
Jonas Steinberg

I don’t know. I guess it’s the same with anything else. You keep interfaces, abstract classes and the like in separate directories than main app src.

Jonas Steinberg avatar
Jonas Steinberg

Thanks for the responses!


Jonathan Forget avatar
Jonathan Forget

Hi, I am currently having an issue using the module: <https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-client-vpn>

If I don’t set the variable name I get this error:

│ Error: "name" isn't a valid log group name (alphanumeric characters, underscores, hyphens, slashes, hash signs and dots are allowed): ""
│   with module.client_vpn.module.cloudwatch_log.aws_cloudwatch_log_group.default[0],
│   on .terraform/modules/client_vpn.cloudwatch_log/main.tf line 17, in resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_group" "default":
│   17:   name              = module.log_group_label.id

If I do set it I get this one:

│ Error: failed creating IAM Role (ci-vpn-log-group): InvalidInput: Duplicate tag keys found. Please note that Tag keys are case insensitive.
│ 	status code: 400, request id: *********************
│   with module.client_vpn.module.cloudwatch_log.module.role.aws_iam_role.default[0],
│   on .terraform/modules/client_vpn.cloudwatch_log.role/main.tf line 29, in resource "aws_iam_role" "default":
│   29: resource "aws_iam_role" "default" {

I don’t really see a way to make it works, does somebody have an idea ?

RB avatar

The first error makes sense. We usually always set a name because that’s tied to the null label in context.tf and every resource is named based on that

RB avatar

The second error is unfamiliar to me

RB avatar

One thing you could do is reach out to the examples and see if you can use a similar approach because thats the one thats tested on every new PR


RB avatar

It would also help to create a written ticket in that repo with the following

• Reproducible examples containing your hcl and exact inputs

• Errors that you found and worked around

• References to similar errors thrown found on the web

RB avatar

A workaround could be to just disable logging for now since logging_enabled=true is whats creating the kog group


Jonathan Forget avatar
Jonathan Forget

Thx, so just to clarify. For the first error I think it is due to the fact that in the complete test you pass the context to the module. In the Readme however you don’t so by default “name” is use and is refused as a name for the log-group.

Jonathan Forget avatar
Jonathan Forget

The second error appear due to the fact that I try to correct it without passing a full context (since we use a different model in my company)

I just do:

module "client_vpn" {
  source  = "cloudposse/ec2-client-vpn/aws"
  version = "0.13.0"

  name                = module.tags.id
Jonathan Forget avatar
Jonathan Forget

Which override the name and works until I have the duplicate tags error which I think is caused by:

      + tags                  = {
          + "Attributes" = "log-group"
          + "Name"       = "my-custom-name"
      + tags_all              = {
          + "Attributes"      = "log-group"
          + "Name"            = "my-custom-name"
Jonathan Forget avatar
Jonathan Forget

I don’t know if that clarify the issue for you. I am just wondering now if I can use it without using the context

RB avatar

it’s more clear now. please create an issue and then we can work towards resolving it

RB avatar

for now you can either try disabling the logging, if that’s the only duplicate tag issue, or try passing in a context with only the name filled

RB avatar

we also love PRs on our documentation and fixes to our modules

Jonathan Forget avatar
Jonathan Forget

Ok I am going to try to see what I can do

Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
06:43:35 PM

v1.4.0-alpha20221109 1.4.0 (Unreleased) BUG FIXES: The module installer will now record in its manifest a correct module source URL after normalization when the URL given as input contains both a query string portion and a subdirectory portion. Terraform itself doesn’t currently make use of this information and so this is just a cosmetic fix to make the recorded metadata more correct. (<a href=”https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/31636” data-hovercard-type=”pull_request”…

Release v1.4.0-alpha20221109 · hashicorp/terraformattachment image

1.4.0 (Unreleased) BUG FIXES:

The module installer will now record in its manifest a correct module source URL after normalization when the URL given as input contains both a query string portion …

ModuleSourceRemote String now considers query string (#31250) by fatahfattah · Pull Request #31636 · hashicorp/terraformattachment image

This fixes an issue in the String() for ModuleSourceRemote in which it does not consider query strings (if present). Before this fix, any subdirectory would simply be appended to the ModuleSourceRe…

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

Hello All! I wanted to share a post I created about simplifying your terraform workflow with a wrapper https://www.taccoform.com/posts/tf_wrapper_p1/

Terraform Wrappers - Simplify Your Workflow

Overview Cloud providers are complex. You’ll often ask yourself three questions: “Is it me?”, “Is it Terraform?”, and “Is it AWS?” The answer will be yes to at least one of those questions. Fighting complexity can happen at many different levels. It could be standardizing the tagging of cloud resources, creating and tuning the right abstraction points (Terraform modules) to help engineers build new services, or streamlining the IaC development process with wrappers.


Matty Marshall avatar
Matty Marshall

Hi is anyone able to help me with the EC2 Client VPN Module?


My first initial run of this module ran out successfully, I then made some changes to the configuration and ever since my applies fall over on the SSM Parameter creation. I have also completed changed the naming standard so they are ‘fresh resources’ - it still seems to fall over.

│ Error: error creating SSM Parameter (/staging-awsvpn.key): ParameterAlreadyExists: The parameter already exists. To overwrite this value, set the overwrite option in the request to true.
│   with module.ec2_client_vpn.module.self_signed_cert_server.aws_ssm_parameter.private_key[0],
│   on .terraform/modules/ec2_client_vpn.self_signed_cert_server/ssm.tf line 12, in resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "private_key":
│   12: resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "private_key" {

Any help in regards this would be extremely appreciated!

Matty Marshall avatar
Matty Marshall

managed to escape around this by running the tf apply cycle and before pressing apply, deleting the parameters manually before allowing the apply run to proceed.

Matty Marshall avatar
Matty Marshall

The below resources seem to constantly want to update/recreate on every apply run

Matty Marshall avatar
Matty Marshall

• module.ec2_client_vpn.module.self_signed_cert_ca.aws_ssm_parameter.certificate will be updated

• module.ec2_client_vpn.module.self_signed_cert_ca.aws_ssm_parameter.private_key[0] will be updated in-place

• module.ec2_client_vpn.module.self_signed_cert_server.aws_acm_certificate.default[0] will be updated in-place

• module.ec2_client_vpn.module.self_signed_cert_server.aws_ssm_parameter.certificate[0] will be updated in-place

• module.ec2_client_vpn.module.self_signed_cert_server.aws_ssm_parameter.private_key[0] will be updated in-place

• module.ec2_client_vpn.module.self_signed_cert_server.tls_locally_signed_cert.default[0] must be replaced

IK avatar

has anyone been able to pass any pre-defined variables from say Github or Gitlab into Terraform Cloud? Looking to pass in say the $GITLAB_USER_EMAIL`` variable to use in Terraform Cloud (via TF_VAR_user_email or something). The documentation (https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/enterprise/run/run-environment#environment-variables) indicates a set of pre-defined environment variables are injected automatically, however haven’t been able to find a way to pass in other variables.. cheers!



karandeep singh avatar
karandeep singh

hello guys. i am using this module for creating emr cluster. https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-emr-cluster While, creating task instance group. i want task instance group to be spot and bid_price as use_on_demand_as_max_price. How do i pass that ?It’s failing when i pass bid_price=”OnDemandPrice”. I don’t see any example for this issue.Can anyone help?


Terraform module to provision an Elastic MapReduce (EMR) cluster on AWS

ghostface avatar

what is it failing with?


Terraform module to provision an Elastic MapReduce (EMR) cluster on AWS

karandeep singh avatar
karandeep singh

task_instance_group_bid_price = “OnDemandPrice” i used this.

karandeep singh avatar
karandeep singh

Error: ValidationException: The bid price is invalid. Revise the configuration and resubmit. │ status code: 400, request id: c07e612b-fd9d-4324-a9ab-522276c0cee8

ghostface avatar

OnDemandPrice is an invalid value

ghostface avatar

you have to express a number

ghostface avatar
bid_price - (Optional) If set, the bid price for each EC2 instance in the instance group, expressed in USD. By setting this attribute, the instance group is being declared as a Spot Instance, and will implicitly create a Spot request. Leave this blank to use On-Demand Instances.


karandeep singh avatar
karandeep singh

yes, but i don’t want to specify number. i want to use_on_demand_as_max_price. AWS Management console gives that option.

karandeep singh avatar
karandeep singh
ghostface avatar

terraform aws provider doesn’t currently support it

ghostface avatar
attachment image

Community Note

• Please vote on this issue by adding a :+1: reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request • Please do not leave “+1” or “me too” comments, they generate extra noise for issue followers and do not help prioritize the request • If you are interested in working on this issue or have submitted a pull request, please leave a comment


The api EMR natively provided the way to set the maximum Spot price at On-demand price whenMarket parameter is set to SPOT and BidPrice at NULL.

This is really important when you pay attention to the price.

This feature allows us to assign the current price of the SPOT course and allows us to keep our emr workload up to the On-demand price.
This more cost efficient and more secure for your Workload .

This information is not in the aws APIreference but you can find it on boto3 documentation.

bidPrice EMR API-reference

boto3 EMR bidPrice and Market parameters

BidPrice (string) --
The maximum Spot price you are willing to pay for EC2 instances.

An optional, nullable field that applies if the MarketType for the instance group is specified as SPOT.
Specify the maximum spot price in USD.
If the value is NULL and SPOT is specified, the maximum Spot price is set equal to the On-Demand price.

Affected Resource(s)

• aws_emr_cluster

Potential Terraform Configuration

We can add a new parameter like Market which can take two value : ON_DEMAND | SPOT
bid_price parameter if set to blank send a null value in the API payload .

  instance_group {
    instance_role  = "CORE"
    instance_type  = "c4.large"
    instance_count = "1"
    ebs_config {
      size                 = "40"
      type                 = "gp2"
      volumes_per_instance = 1
    market              = "SPOT | ON-DEMAND"
    bid_price          = ""

Actual CODE


unc expandBidPrice(config *emr.InstanceGroupConfig, configAttributes map[string]interface{}) {
	if bidPrice, ok := configAttributes["bid_price"]; ok {
		if bidPrice != "" {
			config.BidPrice = aws.String(bidPrice.(string))
			config.Market = aws.String("SPOT")
		} else {
			config.Market = aws.String("ON_DEMAND")


capture d ecran 2019-01-16 a 11 51 18

info wrong in Docs

Info about biprice on Master Instance group is wrong
Actually i can bid on Master Instance group

bid_price - (Optional) If set, the bid price for each EC2 instance in the instance group, expressed in USD.
By setting this attribute, the instance group is being declared as a Spot Instance, and will implicitly create a Spot request. 
Leave this blank to use On-Demand Instances.
bid_price can not be set for the MASTER instance group, since that group must always be On-Demand
karandeep singh avatar
karandeep singh

i see this issue is closed. but why

karandeep singh avatar
karandeep singh


ghostface avatar

the issue is not closed

ghostface avatar
karandeep singh avatar
karandeep singh

yeah sorry.Just checked.

ghostface avatar

karandeep singh avatar
karandeep singh

So, what can i do to solve this problem?

ghostface avatar

best you can do is probably the issue, add a comment, or attempt to add support to the provider by opening a PR.

karandeep singh avatar
karandeep singh

Sure. Thanks for your time.

ghostface avatar

no problem


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Active questions tagged cloudposse - Stack Overflow
06:47:43 PM

Deciphering Terraform Module Vars I inherited some Terraform to manage but I am quite new to HCL and so I am struggling to decipher this commonly used code. I have no one to pass on this knowledge to me and so I find myself here. This below is a snippet, but I am looking for is an explanation to what is going on. I am particularly interested in the var definitions and how that translates to finding a value.

#main.tf module “alb_multi_target” { for_each = local.alb_multi_target_components source =…

Deciphering Terraform Module Vars

I inherited some Terraform to manage but I am quite new to HCL and so I am struggling to decipher this commonly used code. I have no one to pass on this knowledge to me and so I find myself here. T…


Susie avatar

How can I use additional_tag_map to change the “Name” tag for the security groups created by the module? https://registry.terraform.io/modules/cloudposse/emr-cluster/aws/latest?tab=inputs

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Can you describe how you’re trying to change the name?

Susie avatar

I thought I could take advantage additional_tag_map to overwrite the “Name” tag generated by terraform-null-label by a value I provided as a string.

Susie avatar

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

additional_tag_map is for a special use case, the details of which I forget but you and find in Git history. In any case, it does not do what you want, nor is it intended to. As a general rule, you cannot overwrite the Name tag because Name is special and gets the generated label id which is the main point of null-label.



Raymond Chen avatar
Raymond Chen

Hi, I found there were always changes when I terraform plan with module cloudposse/lb-s3-bucket/aws although I haven’t changed my config. It never gets to the synchronized state.

Raymond Chen avatar
Raymond Chen

Here is an example:

module "alb_log_s3_bucket" {
  source                             = "cloudposse/lb-s3-bucket/aws"
  version                            = "0.15.0"
  name                               = "my-test-alb-bucket-rchen"
  stage                              = var.environment
  namespace                          = var.namespace
  attributes                         = [var.region]
  lifecycle_rule_enabled             = true
  enable_glacier_transition          = false
  expiration_days                    = 31
  noncurrent_version_expiration_days = 30
Raymond Chen avatar
Raymond Chen

Just tested version 0.12.0. It doesn’t have this issue.

Raymond Chen avatar
Raymond Chen

0.14.1 also works. So it must be broken in 0.15.0, which upgrades cloudposse/s3-log-storage/aws from 0.24.0 to 0.26.0

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

After spending most of my time provisioning AWS resources in Terraform, I decided to try provisioning resources across multiple Cloud/SaaS offerings. This exploration opened up a new level of orchestration https://www.taccoform.com/posts/tfg_p6/ (link fixed)

Multiple Provider Orchestration

Overview When working in our respective cloud service providers, we tend to get tunnel vision and think only in terms of compute, networking, and storage for our task at hand. This may be feasible for all in scenarios, but the reality is that we most likely leverage multiple SaaS offerings to get the best experience possible. Using DigitalOcean for infrastructure, Cloudflare for CDN/WAF, GitHub for code repositories, and Datadog for logging/metrics.

Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
08:03:32 PM

v1.3.5 Version 1.3.5

Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
08:23:32 PM

v1.3.5 1.3.5 (November 17, 2022) BUG FIXES: Prevent crash while serializing the plan for an empty destroy operation (#32207) Allow a destroy plan to refresh instances while taking into account that some may no longer exist (<a href=”https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/32208” data-hovercard-type=”pull_request”…

Ensure destroy plan contains valid state values by jbardin · Pull Request #32207 · hashicorp/terraformattachment image

Some prior refactors left the destroyPlan method a bit confusing, and ran into a case where the previous run state could be returned as nil. Get rid of the no longer used pendingPlan value, and tra…

Make the pre-destroy refresh a full plan by jbardin · Pull Request #32208 · hashicorp/terraformattachment image

In order to complete the terraform destroy command, a refresh must first be done to update state and remove any instances which have already been deleted externally. This was being done with a refr…


jose.amengual avatar
#10329 Lambda Associated EC2 Subnet and Security Group Deletion Issues and Improvements


Beginning in September 2019, improved VPC networking for AWS Lambda began rolling out in certain AWS Commercial regions. Due to the underlying AWS infrastructure changes associated with this improved networking for Lambda, an unexpected consequence was a slight change in the Elastic Network Interface (ENI) description that Terraform used to manually delete those in those EC2 Subnets and Security Groups as well as an increased amount of time to delete them. During this Lambda service deployment, it was noticed by HashiCorp, AWS, and the community that deleting Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Subnets and Security Groups previously associated with Lambda Functions were now receiving DependencyViolation errors after those Terraform resources’ default deletion timeouts (20 minutes and 10 minutes respectively). These errors during a Terraform apply operation may look like the following:

$ terraform destroy
Error: errors during apply: 2 problems:
        - Error deleting subnet: timeout while waiting for state to become 'destroyed' (last state: 'pending', timeout: 20m0s)
        - Error deleting security group: DependencyViolation: resource sg-xxxxxxxxxxxx has a dependent object
          status code: 400, request id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx

Please note: not all DependencyViolation errors like the above are associated with this Lambda service change. The DependencyViolation error occurs when *any* infrastructure is still associated with an EC2 Subnet or Security Group during deletion. This may occur due to multiple, separate Terraform configurations working with the same subnet/security group or infrastructure manually associated with the subnet/security group.

Working on top of a community contribution (thanks, @ewbankkit and @obourdon!) and in close communication with the AWS Lambda service team to determine the highest percentile deletion times, Terraform AWS Provider version 2.31.0 and later includes automatic handling of the updated ENI description and handles the increased deletion times for the new Lambda infrastructure. See the Terraform documentation on provider versioning for information about upgrading Terraform Providers.

For Terraform environments that cannot be updated to Terraform AWS Provider version 2.31.0 or later yet, this issue can be mitigated by setting the customizable deletion timeouts available for these two Terraform resources to at least 45 minutes and ensuring any Lambda execution IAM Role permissions with ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface are explicitly ordered after the deletion of associated subnets/security groups so the Lambda service has permissions to delete the ENIs it created in your VPC before those permissions are removed.

Example configuration for Terraform AWS Provider versions 2.30.0 and earlier:

resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "example" {
  policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole"
  role       = "${aws_iam_role.example.id}"

resource "aws_subnet" "example" {
  # ... other configuration ...

  timeouts = {
    delete = "45m"

  depends_on = ["aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.example"]

resource "aws_security_group" "example" {
  # ... other configuration ...

  timeouts = {
    delete = "45m"

  depends_on = ["aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.example"]

In those earlier versions of the Terraform AWS Provider, if the IAM Role permissions are removed before Lambda is able to delete its Hyperplane ENIs, the subnet/security groups deletions will continually fail with a DependencyViolation error as those ENIs must be manually deleted. Those ENIs can be discovered by searching for the ENI description AWS Lambda VPC ENI*.

Example AWS CLI commands to find Lambda ENIs (see the AWS CLI documentation for additional filtering options):

# EC2 Subnet example
$ aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces --filter 'Name=description,Values="AWS Lambda VPC ENI*",Name=subnet-id,Values=subnet-12345678'
# EC2 Security Group example
$ aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces --filter 'Name=description,Values="AWS Lambda VPC ENI*",Name=group-id,Values=sg-12345678'

Example AWS CLI command to delete an ENI:

$ aws ec2 delete-network-interface --network-interface-id eni-12345678

While the deletion issues are now handled (either automatically in version 2.31.0 or later, or manually with the configuration above), the increased deletion time for this infrastructure is less than ideal. HashiCorp and AWS are continuing to closely work together on reducing this time, which will likely be handled by additional changes to the AWS Lambda service without any necessary changes to Terraform configurations. This issue serves as a location to capture updates relating to those service improvements.

jose.amengual avatar

I wonder if there anything that could speed it up, or literally just wait for them to fix the bug

#10329 Lambda Associated EC2 Subnet and Security Group Deletion Issues and Improvements


Beginning in September 2019, improved VPC networking for AWS Lambda began rolling out in certain AWS Commercial regions. Due to the underlying AWS infrastructure changes associated with this improved networking for Lambda, an unexpected consequence was a slight change in the Elastic Network Interface (ENI) description that Terraform used to manually delete those in those EC2 Subnets and Security Groups as well as an increased amount of time to delete them. During this Lambda service deployment, it was noticed by HashiCorp, AWS, and the community that deleting Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Subnets and Security Groups previously associated with Lambda Functions were now receiving DependencyViolation errors after those Terraform resources’ default deletion timeouts (20 minutes and 10 minutes respectively). These errors during a Terraform apply operation may look like the following:

$ terraform destroy
Error: errors during apply: 2 problems:
        - Error deleting subnet: timeout while waiting for state to become 'destroyed' (last state: 'pending', timeout: 20m0s)
        - Error deleting security group: DependencyViolation: resource sg-xxxxxxxxxxxx has a dependent object
          status code: 400, request id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx

Please note: not all DependencyViolation errors like the above are associated with this Lambda service change. The DependencyViolation error occurs when *any* infrastructure is still associated with an EC2 Subnet or Security Group during deletion. This may occur due to multiple, separate Terraform configurations working with the same subnet/security group or infrastructure manually associated with the subnet/security group.

Working on top of a community contribution (thanks, @ewbankkit and @obourdon!) and in close communication with the AWS Lambda service team to determine the highest percentile deletion times, Terraform AWS Provider version 2.31.0 and later includes automatic handling of the updated ENI description and handles the increased deletion times for the new Lambda infrastructure. See the Terraform documentation on provider versioning for information about upgrading Terraform Providers.

For Terraform environments that cannot be updated to Terraform AWS Provider version 2.31.0 or later yet, this issue can be mitigated by setting the customizable deletion timeouts available for these two Terraform resources to at least 45 minutes and ensuring any Lambda execution IAM Role permissions with ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface are explicitly ordered after the deletion of associated subnets/security groups so the Lambda service has permissions to delete the ENIs it created in your VPC before those permissions are removed.

Example configuration for Terraform AWS Provider versions 2.30.0 and earlier:

resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "example" {
  policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole"
  role       = "${aws_iam_role.example.id}"

resource "aws_subnet" "example" {
  # ... other configuration ...

  timeouts = {
    delete = "45m"

  depends_on = ["aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.example"]

resource "aws_security_group" "example" {
  # ... other configuration ...

  timeouts = {
    delete = "45m"

  depends_on = ["aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.example"]

In those earlier versions of the Terraform AWS Provider, if the IAM Role permissions are removed before Lambda is able to delete its Hyperplane ENIs, the subnet/security groups deletions will continually fail with a DependencyViolation error as those ENIs must be manually deleted. Those ENIs can be discovered by searching for the ENI description AWS Lambda VPC ENI*.

Example AWS CLI commands to find Lambda ENIs (see the AWS CLI documentation for additional filtering options):

# EC2 Subnet example
$ aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces --filter 'Name=description,Values="AWS Lambda VPC ENI*",Name=subnet-id,Values=subnet-12345678'
# EC2 Security Group example
$ aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces --filter 'Name=description,Values="AWS Lambda VPC ENI*",Name=group-id,Values=sg-12345678'

Example AWS CLI command to delete an ENI:

$ aws ec2 delete-network-interface --network-interface-id eni-12345678

While the deletion issues are now handled (either automatically in version 2.31.0 or later, or manually with the configuration above), the increased deletion time for this infrastructure is less than ideal. HashiCorp and AWS are continuing to closely work together on reducing this time, which will likely be handled by additional changes to the AWS Lambda service without any necessary changes to Terraform configurations. This issue serves as a location to capture updates relating to those service improvements.

loren avatar

open a ticket with aws support i guess? been an issue for years now

jose.amengual avatar

it takes exactly

ws_security_group.lambda_sg: Still destroying... [id=sg-00c13d8760cf5ced7, 27m50s elapsed]
aws_security_group.lambda_sg: Destruction complete after 27m51s
Releasing state lock. This may take a few moments...
jose.amengual avatar

every time

loren avatar

that’s awful

loren avatar

state rm first lol

loren avatar

or maybe suggest a flag on security groups to skip waiting, similar to the flag on cloudfront distributions

jose.amengual avatar

let. me try state rm…….

jose.amengual avatar

what is that flag in cloudfront?

loren avatar

well, it’s the opposite, since it’s on creation, but the deployment takes forever, so you can set wait_for_deployment = false and it will just continue on and let aws do its thing in the background… https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/cloudfront_distribution#wait_for_deployment

loren avatar

so, for security groups, maybe wait_for_destroy?

jose.amengual avatar

yes, that would work

jose.amengual avatar

my workflow look like this:

    description: Deploy terraform projects in order
      - command: terraform deploy fetch-location -s stackname
      - command : terraform deploy fetch-weather -s stackname
      - command : terraform deploy output-results -s stackname
OliverS avatar

Has anyone used the terraform-provider-github? 200k downloads for the latest release, lots of issues raised, so it seems to be well used. But only 500 stars on github, so I’m just curious to find out limitations before I start using it?

loren avatar

it’s kind of a pain to use on files. but otherwise it worked fine for me

OliverS avatar

what do you mean by “to use on files”, what files?

loren avatar

you can manage files with the provider

loren avatar

but it’s a mess if you have branch protection, or use a pr-based workflow

loren avatar

i was trying to use it to template an initial repository with a bunch of common files. but i ended up not doing that, because i couldn’t get it to work very well

OliverS avatar

did you try using “bypass branch protections” permission on the role/account used by terraform?

loren avatar

it was a couple years ago, i don’t remember what i tried or didn’t. all i remember is it wasn’t worth it

OliverS avatar

Thanks for the info @loren

David Karlsson avatar
David Karlsson

We use it a bit too manage teams and repositories belonging to different teams, as well as populating repos with templates on creation.

If I change a file that is used in a terraform module and trigger an apply, it can create a lot of noise in all the repos that are managed by terraform, and including that module. (similar to what loren mentions about: pain on files )

loren avatar

Yeah, I was just thinking that maybe using lifecycle ignore_changes on file contents might work, for at least the initial file contents of the repo

OliverS avatar

Makes sense. Once a file is managed by terraform, it should be modified only through terraform, which would be easy to forget in a repo.

loren avatar

But I might rather just create a template repo, and create new repos from that template, using the github provider mostly just to create the repo from that template, and to manage repo settings

OliverS avatar

lifecycle and github-provider-to-create-repo-from-template is worth trying

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I think the bigge st challenge is if you’re using it on a large organization with hundreds of repos, you can easily exhaust rate limits if you don’t architect the terraform with that in mind.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

e.g. doing a plan on 600+ repos is basically guaranteed to exhaust rate limits.




Alcp avatar

I am trying out the Getting started with Atmos — Cloud Posse Developer Hub The workflow command seems to fail

 ✗ . [none] (HOST) 02-atmos ⨠ atmos workflow deploy-all -s example                                           
Error: required flag(s) "file" not set
  atmos workflow [flags]

if I try with -f option I get the following error

 ⧉  Tutorials 
 ✗ . [none] (HOST) 02-atmos ⨠ atmos workflow deploy-all -s example -f /tutorials/02-atmos/stacks/example.yaml
yaml: unmarshal errors:
  line 1: cannot unmarshal !!seq into config.WorkflowConfig
  line 3: cannot unmarshal !!str `example` into config.WorkflowDefinition

not sure what I am missing

jose.amengual avatar

how does this look like in your atmos.yaml

jose.amengual avatar
  # Can also be set using `ATMOS_WORKFLOWS_BASE_PATH` ENV var, or `--workflows-dir` command-line arguments
  # Supports both absolute and relative paths
  base_path: "stacks/workflows"
jose.amengual avatar

how does your workflow file looks like? that error could be a yaml issue

Alcp avatar

I didn’t change anything from git clone

  # Can also be set using 'ATMOS_WORKFLOWS_BASE_PATH' ENV var, or '--workflows-dir' command-line arguments
  # Supports both absolute and relative paths
  base_path: "stacks/workflows"


    description: Deploy terraform projects in order
      - job: terraform deploy fetch-location
      - job: terraform deploy fetch-weather
      - job: terraform deploy output-results
Alcp avatar

✗ . [none] (HOST) 02-atmos ⨠ atmos version v1.9.1

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Dan Miller (Cloud Posse)

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

(also note, we’re moving these atmos tutorials to https://atmos.tools/category/tutorials)

Introduction to Atmos | atmos

Atmos is a workflow automation tool to manage complex configurations with ease. It’s compatible with Terraform and many other tools.

Alcp avatar

I checked this location too…same instructions and the workflow command doesn’t work Is there a particular version of atmos I need to pin to get this working? There are also few other command lines that doesn’t work based on the document For example This command doesn’t work

atmos terraform backend generate component tfstate-backend --stack ue2-root

it should actually be

atmos terraform generate backend tfstate-backend --stack ue2-root
jose.amengual avatar

is it atmos terraform backend generate in the docs?

Alcp avatar


jose.amengual avatar

can you share the link, because In the docs I see it correct

Alcp avatar
[Your first environment on AWSatmos](https://atmos.tools/tutorials/first-aws-environment)
Introduction to Atmos | atmos

Atmos is a workflow automation tool to manage complex configurations with ease. It’s compatible with Terraform and many other tools.

jose.amengual avatar
jose.amengual avatar

do you ming creating an issue in the atmos repo about this?

Alcp avatar
#262 Atmos tutorial documentation bug

Found a bug? Maybe our Slack Community can help.

Slack Community

Describe the Bug

This document https://atmos.tools/tutorials/first-aws-environment
Has commands that reference to create terraform-backend

atmos terraform backend generate component tfstate-backend –stack ue2-root

Expected Behavior

The correct command line should be
atmos terraform generate backend tfstate-backend –stack ue2-root

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
This document https://atmos.tools/tutorials/first-aws-environment
Has commands that reference to create terraform-backend
check the Build and generate our tfstate-backend section

Screenshots Environment (please complete the following information): Additional Context

Alcp avatar

Any suggestions on the workflow command issue?



Adnan avatar

Does terraform have a mechanism of knowing that a plan file was already executed?

Rik avatar

A plan is returned as stale when you try to apply it a second time. The exact mechanism i don’t know.

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

I’m guessing an apply against the plan file would yield no changes and would provide an exit code that corresponds to no changes

Rik avatar

Hi, I’m trying to implement the terraform-aws-datadog-lambda-forwarder. and have enabled the forwarder_rds I keep running into the following error:

Error: error creating IAM Policy rds: MalformedPolicyDocument: Resource  must be in ARN format or "*".
      status code: 400, request id: 0d4b0d8a-3fee-4f6f-8149-d2f049c9286e
 with module.datadog_lambda_forwarder.aws_iam_policy.lambda_forwarder_rds[0], on .terraform/modules/datadog_lambda_forwarder/lambda-rds.tf line 53, in resource "aws_iam_policy" "lambda_forwarder_rds": 53: resource "aws_iam_policy" "lambda_forwarder_rds" {

I tried many things to get past it. I just cannot figure out what resource or variable must exist to get this to pass…

Denis avatar

Well as the error says the resource "aws_iam_policy" "lambda_forwarder_rds" { has a malformed Policy Document because the Resource must be in ARN format or “*”. Maybe share your code, and we can see what you have?

Rik avatar


module "datadog_integration" {
  source  = "cloudposse/datadog-integration/aws"
  version = "1.0.0"

  context      = module.datadog_label.context
  name         = "datadog"
  integrations = ["all"]
  host_tags    = local.datadog_host_tags

resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "datadog_key" {

  name        = "/datadog/datadog_api_key"
  description = "Datadog key"
  type        = "SecureString"
  value       = var.datadog_api_key

module "datadog_lambda_forwarder" {
  source  = "cloudposse/datadog-lambda-forwarder/aws"
  version = "1.0.0"

  forwarder_rds_enabled = true
  depends_on            = [aws_ssm_parameter.datadog_key]
Rik avatar

the upper one, datadog/integration/aws is already working correctly

Denis avatar

you need to populate the value for variable dd_api_key_source.

Denis avatar

the default for dd_api_key_source.identifier currently is just "" which needs to be either * or an actual ARN

Rik avatar

that was it. Thanks a lot Denis.

Kavish Khanna avatar
Kavish Khanna

Hi team I am implementing the module terraform-aws-ecs-cloudwatch-sns-alarms and there is no input variable for datapoints_to_alarm. This is part of the additional configurations. Should I make the changes and raise a PR or is there any new release coming for these changes?

RB avatar

Yes prs are always welcome! We may not get to it right away but we will eventually

Kavish Khanna avatar
Kavish Khanna

And if I make changes and raise the PR then after how much time i might be able to use it in my project?

RO avatar
03:28:33 PM
Guru Prasad avatar
Guru Prasad

Hi team, I am getting below error when trying to run ‘terraform plan’ to check for changes to K8 service accounts. There are loads of service account but the error is being thrown only for few service accounts, has anyone come across this or do you have any suggestions plz?

Error: Get "<https://eks_control_plane_endpoint/api/v1/namespaces/namespace-name/serviceaccounts/serviceaccount-name>": dial tcp: lookup eks-control-plane-api-endpoint on read udp> i/o timeout
OliverS avatar

DNS misconfigured? It looks like eks_control_plane_endpoint is being resolved to or that a DNS request (since port 53 is mentioned) is being made to that address.

Are all the failures showing a similar error, like same domain?

Guru Prasad avatar
Guru Prasad

thanks for your reply; I have masked the DNS and yes all the failures are showing the same DNS. let me know if you need any more details.



Soren Jensen avatar
Soren Jensen

Anyone who got an example using the cloudposse/s3-bucket/aws module to create 2 buckets in different regions with cross region replication setup between them?

Joe Niland avatar
Joe Niland

Did you solve this? I have a module for this somewhere.

Soren Jensen avatar
Soren Jensen

No I didn’t… I ended up postponing it as I’m on a very tight deadline to make improvements to the infra before an audit..

Soren Jensen avatar
Soren Jensen

If you can share the module you wrote it will be much appreciated

Joe Niland avatar
Joe Niland

Here you go: https://github.com/deploymode/terraform-aws-modules/tree/master/modules/s3-replication

I pulled it out of another project and made a few untested tweaks, so let me know if you have any issues.

Soren Jensen avatar
Soren Jensen

Great, thanks a million I will let you know how it goes



Vinko Vrsalovic avatar
Vinko Vrsalovic

Target group ‘arnawselasticloadbalancing110072843540:targetgroup/mytargetgroup/1d7561147f16c315’ is currently in use by a listener or a rule

I’m trying to change the target group on terraform but I get the above error. Is there a way to fix it in pure terraform? I know I can go to the UI and remove the target from the lb, but I’d rather let terraform do it correclty

Denis avatar

maybe share your terraform code as well?

Vinko Vrsalovic avatar
Vinko Vrsalovic

Oooh, great point- I may have not imported the liatener into terrafom, that’s why it doesn’t know to recreate it




VvV V avatar

Hi guys. I have been using terraform for some years, but still time to time struggle with for_each stuff. Compiling complex objects from locals etc using multiple for each loops and extracting needed values. Anyone has any good recommendation for book, documentation, video guide or blog post that would be helpful for me to deal with these in terraform? Anyone that faced similar issues and found good resource, paid or free and can recommend something, would be appreciated.

Denis avatar

Honestly I can relate. I can’t actually write a complex for_each without google, and I’ve contributed code to the terraform aws provider. But with a few examples from CloudPosse from relevant modules and from internal modules, I can usually infer the syntax that I need to write. So, my suggestion is look for examples.

Of course there is terraform’s docs, but I haven’t found them helpful with complex objects (for the simpler ones I can do it by myself). For the books, I’ve seen praises for Terraform Up & Running, but I can’t speak wether the complicated stuff has enough coverage. So I still go with looking for examples, and adjust them to my needs.

VvV V avatar

Thanks @Denis i have read up and running on oreilly.com it has simple one liners for loop examples just with key value stuff, easy ones so not really helpful and examples from modules that other people use, including cloudposse is also something i’m using, but figured, i want to understand it and be able to write them without looking for examples as it takes time and got tired of it But anyway, thanks for your suggestions!

Denis avatar

Understood. Personally, I’m not writing complex for_each loops often, so my cost benefit ratio for understanding it deeply is reduced, that’s where my suggestions are coming from But yeah, it’s good to dive deep on it if it makes a difference.

loren avatar
Terraform For Expressionsattachment image

Using the for expression in Terraform to filter, group, order and mutate information. With this knowledge in hand you will easily be able to construct complex objects based on existing information/configuration or from configuration passed in via input variables or ingested. Easily create multiple instances of resources or data sources using the for_each meta-argument.

VvV V avatar

Thanks! This is useful

Ryan Ryke avatar
Ryan Ryke

has anyone seen this error

Error: Error retreiving Projects: "InvalidInputException: Invalid project ARN: region does not match caller's region"
Denis avatar

I’ve seen something similar when a provider is configured for only one specific region. But this may be something different. Maybe share the terraform code?

Ryan Ryke avatar
Ryan Ryke

It was nested providers in the module.

Ryan Ryke avatar
Ryan Ryke

it was orginally built in the wrong region, i changed the module along with the provider to a new region and then it barfed… with that non-descriptive error. I actually found the error by logging to a file with error logs

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05:02:55 PM

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Jeff Behl avatar
Jeff Behl

folks - guidance on best way to keep configuration around but not have the resources active? case in point is a eks cluster with a number of node groups defined with the terraform-aws-eks-node-group module. I don’t need a specific node group that was dedicated to some testing, but may want to bring it up later. maybe this is as much a terraform question as this specific module, but what’s the best way to accomplish? I could obviously just comment out the block, but perhaps there’s another way within the module? thx

Chris Dobbyn avatar
Chris Dobbyn

Set the min and desired qty to 0

Jeff Behl avatar
Jeff Behl

that’s…too easy. thanks


Adnan avatar

In the terraform aws rds docs there is this serverless v2 example:

“An aws_rds_cluster_instance resource must also be added to the cluster”

resource "aws_rds_cluster" "example" {
  cluster_identifier = "example"
  engine             = "aurora-postgresql"
  engine_mode        = "provisioned"
  engine_version     = "13.6"
  database_name      = "test"
  master_username    = "test"
  master_password    = "must_be_eight_characters"

  serverlessv2_scaling_configuration {
    max_capacity = 1.0
    min_capacity = 0.5

resource "aws_rds_cluster_instance" "example" {
  cluster_identifier = aws_rds_cluster.example.id
  instance_class     = "db.serverless"
  engine             = aws_rds_cluster.example.engine
  engine_version     = aws_rds_cluster.example.engine_version

Did I understand this correctly and is it really the case that you cannot create a serverless v2 cluster without an aws_rds_cluster_instance resource?

Paula avatar

Hi! someone had this problem before? i made a mess with the state, destroying all and migrating it. https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/pull/2376 i ran the last script in there:

while read -r addr
  if [[ "$addr" == "module."** ]]
    echo terraform taint -module="${module//module./}" "$addr"
    echo terraform taint "$addr"
done < <(terraform state list | grep "aws_security_group_rule")

but when i apply the error still being the same. I tried deleting by hand all the security group rules and it didnt work neither

Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
09:03:37 PM

v1.3.6 1.3.6 (November 30, 2022) BUG FIXES: Terraform could crash if an orphaned resource instance was deleted externally and had condition checks in the configuration (#32246) Module output changes were being removed and re-added to the stored plan, impacting performance with large numbers of outputs (<a…

A deleted orphan should have no planned change by jbardin · Pull Request #32246 · hashicorp/terraformattachment image

If when refreshing an orphaned instance the provider indicates it has already been deleted, there is no reason to create a change for that instance. A NoOp change should only represent an object th…
