#terraform (2023-10)

terraform Discussions related to Terraform or Terraform Modules

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/terraform/


underplank avatar

Hi All, I was hoping to create some validation for some variables in a module. I have a list of strings that the incoming variable needs to be one of. What I would like is to have a single list and then use that list in the validation and the error message. Like so

locals {
  components = ["django", "rabbitmq"]

variable "asset_component" {
  type = string
  validation {
    condition     = contains(locals.components, var.asset_component)
    error_message = "Invalid input, options: ${join(", ", local.components)}."
Pheagey Grean avatar
Pheagey Grean
error_message = "Invalid value for var.asset_component does not satisfy allowable list of: X, Y, Z."

My understanding of validation (and the error msg provided) the validate error_message can not use outside sources such as local, other vars, data, etc. The message wants to be string text without logic. Mark’s idea could work if you are willing to use lifecycle to validate a resource configuration.

underplank avatar

But when I do that I get the following error

│ Error: Invalid reference in variable validation
│   on ../modules/switchdin-tags/variables.tf line 44, in variable "asset_component":
│   44:     error_message = "Invalid input, options: ${join(", ", local.components)}."
│ The error message for variable "asset_component" can only refer to the variable itself, using var.asset_component.
underplank avatar

Any tips on how to wrangle this better?

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

Consider using a lifecycle precondition on a resource block which uses var.asset_component and catching the issue there instead.



James Worville avatar
James Worville

Reference: https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-opsgenie-incident-management - does anyone have any guidance on how best to integrate this across multiple environments and subsequently link it up to the end services they want to alert from? Would you deploy the module three times for each of dev, uat and prod or just deploy it once and handle the alert config within that module?


Terraform module to provision Opsgenie resources from YAML configurations using the Opsgenie provider,, complete with automated tests

Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse) avatar
Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse)

@Max Lobur (Cloud Posse)


Terraform module to provision Opsgenie resources from YAML configurations using the Opsgenie provider,, complete with automated tests

Max Lobur (Cloud Posse) avatar
Max Lobur (Cloud Posse)

deploying once globally, config handling everything

Max Lobur (Cloud Posse) avatar
Max Lobur (Cloud Posse)

datadog monitors which we use as an alert source have different levels set for different envs

Max Lobur (Cloud Posse) avatar
Max Lobur (Cloud Posse)

so in ops genie you can filter on alert level and decide where to route

laerti avatar

hello everyone, quick question. What is the recommended way to upgrade a redis cluster using https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticache-redis. Updating just engine version and family is not possible because of the following error:

│ Error: deleting ElastiCache Parameter Group (poller): InvalidCacheParameterGroupState: One or more cache clusters are still members of this parameter group poller, so the group cannot be deleted.
│       status code: 400, request id: 00e2d0be-e52c-435d-9731-a1d8a382feb5
Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

I suggest you do it with click ops and poster reconcile the Terraform state

laerti avatar

thank you @Alex Jurkiewicz this is what I did eventually

Mahesh avatar

Hi All.. I am trying to create multiple lambda functions using https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-lambda-function in the same tf file. Any hints to achieve?


A module for launching Lambda Fuctions

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

check out for_each for modules, you can then define a map in a variable or local variable with each lambda’s unique attributes (eg name) configured. Then pass that to the module

module "app_name" {
  source = "registry/lambda-function'

  for_each = local.lambda_functions

  function_name = each.value.function_name


A module for launching Lambda Fuctions

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

before for_each in modules, people just copy/pasted additional module blocks, which I think is more readable, but less efficient since terraform interprets this as another module to download (in some cases)

Mahesh avatar

When I try to add additional module blocks for each function ..surprisingly first one is getting destroyed

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

it’s probably because you provisioned a function without the for_each , then added it. I would recommend destroying that resource prior to adding for_each . If you can’t, you’ll have to remove those resources from the statefile and then import them again after adding that lambda’s definition into the lambda functions variable


Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

open-source Terraform registry: https://github.com/terrariumcloud/terrarium-lite

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

I haven’t used terrarium before, but I’ve been on the search for a self-hosted module registry. Looking forward to the docs on how to get started

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

I’m looking at this one because it has SSO auth, some just have individual or simple auth, which I don’t expect to fly with security teams https://github.com/MatthewJohn/terrareg


Terraform module registry

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

cool, ALB is a temporary workaround for SSO

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

interesting, how? cognito?

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

yeah, ALB supports OIDC -> Cognito -> LDAP server( or AD server)

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

very cool

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez
AWS ALB integrate with Google OAuth by AWS Cognitoattachment image

Introduction:This story is talking about ALB integrate AWS Cognito and then we can using Google OAuth to allow client to access application

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
05:23:33 PM

v1.6.0 1.6.0 (October 4, 2023) UPGRADE NOTES:

On macOS, Terraform now requires macOS 10.15 Catalina or later; support for previous versions has been discontinued. On Windows, Terraform now requires at least Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016; support for previous versions has been discontinued. The S3 backend has a number of significant changes to its configuration format in this release, intended to match with recent changes in the hashicorp/aws provider:

Configuration settings related to assuming…

Zing avatar

with the hashicorp open source fiasco, do all of the supporters / contributors plan to support ONLY opentofu?

Josh Pollara avatar
Josh Pollara

I can only speak for Terrateam. We’ll be supporting MPL Terraform versions along with OpenTofu.

Zing avatar

(and not terraform post version xyz)

Soren Jensen avatar
Soren Jensen

All our GitHub pipelines are suddenly failing with this error across all accounts:

Error while initializing Terraform:

Error: Invalid KMS Key ARN

  on backend.tf line 2, in terraform:
   2:   backend "s3" {}

Value must be a valid KMS Key ARN, got

Nothing I’m aware of has changed, the role we use got the same policy as it has for months, same for the S3 bucket and KMS key. If I checkout the repo and run the same code locally everything works as expected

loren avatar

are you pinning your tf version, or just using latest? because 1.6.0 was just released, and there were significant changes to the s3 backend implementation….

Soren Jensen avatar
Soren Jensen

That’s exactly what caught us out.. The GH action didn’t fix the version.

loren avatar

I don’t think they intended to break backwards compatibility, so I’d highly suggest opening a new issue….

Soren Jensen avatar
Soren Jensen

Good idea

underplank avatar

Ok, so Im trying to use the default_tags stuff to automatically tag my AWS resources. But I get a perpetual diff on the tags_all attribute like

  # aws_iam_instance_profile.sep2app will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "aws_iam_instance_profile" "sep2app" {
        id          = "AppInstance"
        name        = "AppInstance"
        tags        = {}
      ~ tags_all    = {} -> (known after apply)
        # (5 unchanged attributes hidden)
Adi avatar

mark, could you please try recent provider version and tf apply once and run tf plan again

underplank avatar

No matter how many times I apply this it is still a diff. I ran across this issue -> https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/18311 which seems to suggest that its a case of default_tags and tags interactiing with each other is a not so great way. This particular resource doesnt have tags attached onto it. And I think I have the right provider versions

  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = "~> 5.6.0"
#18311 default_tags always shows an update


I have been looking forward to the default tagging support and tested it on a project yesterday which uses https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-vpc/ — this immediately showed some tags on aws_vpc and aws_subnet resources as having been changed, but only if another unrelated change was also present.

Community Note

• Please vote on this issue by adding a :+1: reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request • Please do not leave “+1” or other comments that do not add relevant new information or questions, they generate extra noise for issue followers and do not help prioritize the request • If you are interested in working on this issue or have submitted a pull request, please leave a comment

Terraform CLI and Terraform AWS Provider Version

Terraform v0.14.8
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws v3.33.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/dns v3.1.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/http v2.1.0

Affected Resource(s)

• aws_subnet • aws_vpc

Terraform Configuration Files

provider "aws" {
  region = var.region

  default_tags {
    tags = local.tags

Debug Output Expected Behavior

No changes would be displayed

Actual Behavior

If an unrelated resource triggers a diff, all of the subnet and VPC resources will show an update in-place diff showing the tags which are already present. Curiously, in my project it lists 5 tags which are present as having been changed but then display a “1 unchanged element hidden”

  # module.vpc.aws_subnet.public[0] will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "aws_subnet" "public" {
        id                              = "subnet-07620b925b0c70066"
      ~ tags                            = {
          + "Environment"        = "Development"
          + "Project"            = "…"
          + "ResponsibleParty"   = "…"
          + "Terraform"          = "true"
          + "TerraformWorkspace" = "…"
            # (1 unchanged element hidden)
        # (10 unchanged attributes hidden)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. terraform apply



underplank avatar

Any tips?

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

yeah, this has been a pain since provider tags was introduced in 3.x. If a tag is set to an empty string, this might cause a problem. If there’s overlapping tags between the tags set in the provider and directly to the resource, that can be a problem. You can be strict on where tagging occurs and/or create a map of tags with conditional additions for the ones that aren’t empty strings. I’ve also seen people use null as an alternative to tags with empty strings

underplank avatar

So the actual problem seemed to be that some IAM stuff doesnt accept the default_tags, because their Tags are not the resource tags that everybody else uses. So in the plan terraform says “I dont have tags for this resource so I need to apply them” but then it cant apply them, because well that AWS Functionality doesnt exist. The way I worked around this was to create two providers, one with tags, one without and use the non-tag version for certain resources.

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

damn, I get why you did two providers, but that’s a pain just for tags

underplank avatar

Well the wierd thing was that I wasnt setting tags on the resources at all. I also tried to set the same tags on the iam resources, and it just ended up with a diff on tags as well as tags_all.

underplank avatar

It makes me think default_tags still doesnt really work the way that it needs to, if it cant do IAM resources like IAM Roles and things.

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

yeah, it was supposedly fixed in AWS Provider 5.0

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

it’s a great idea to have them at the provider level, but then you have to rely on humans to remember/set tags

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

and getting it right/consistent is super important

underplank avatar

Yeah totally. I can see the value, just annoying that it doesnt work on IAM stuff (apparently).

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

so much so that I wrote a blog on it https://www.taccoform.com/posts/tfg_p2/

Elevate your AWS environment with tagging and Terraform

Overview What are tags? Why should I care about tags? How can I create tags? How do I query tags? Lesson What are tags? In AWS, tags are metadata that you can attach to AWS resources like ec2 instances, rds databases, and s3 buckets. The tags are create as key/value pairs and can be queried by tools like awscli and Terraform. Why should I care about tags? When done right, tags can make automation easier and more efficient.

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

yeah, it’s always a game of figuring out which resources have tags and which don’t


Michael Baldry avatar
Michael Baldry

Hi there, I’m trying to add actions to an module with source = "cloudposse/s3-bucket/aws" via allowed_bucket_actions but changing this and applying the configuration, it doesn’t see any changes

Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse) avatar
Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse)

@Max Lobur (Cloud Posse)

Max Lobur (Cloud Posse) avatar
Max Lobur (Cloud Posse)

what version of s3-bucket module do you use? could you share the code?

Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse) avatar
Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse)

@Michael Baldry

Michael Baldry avatar
Michael Baldry


Michael Baldry avatar
Michael Baldry

I don’t specify a version anywhere

Max Lobur (Cloud Posse) avatar
Max Lobur (Cloud Posse)

it’s latest then, checking now

Max Lobur (Cloud Posse) avatar
Max Lobur (Cloud Posse)

Do you have user_enabled set to true? Otherwise this module will not create an underlying user and thus allowed_bucket_actions value will be ignored

Max Lobur (Cloud Posse) avatar
Max Lobur (Cloud Posse)

Hi @Michael Baldry do you still face this issue or it’s solved?

Michael Baldry avatar
Michael Baldry

Sorry, I don’t think there was an issue, I think I was adding something to allowed_bucket_actions that was already part of the default value, so it was just showing as no change

Pawel Rein avatar
Pawel Rein

When running TF in CI, what do people do with the TF output to be able to browse it later or alert on errors? It’s not formatted like logs. For the moment we rely on a wrapper to capture errors, but that’s a bit ugly

omry avatar

Do you mean the command terraform output ? If so, you can use -json to make it more readable - https://opentofu.org/docs/cli/commands/output/#usage

Command: output | OpenTofuattachment image

The tofu output command is used to extract the value of an output variable from the state file.

Pawel Rein avatar
Pawel Rein

I mean what TF prints to stdout when you run terraform apply

Pawel Rein avatar
Pawel Rein

good hint nevertheless, thanks, I can see the JSON format reminds of logs, has level field and so on https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/internals/machine-readable-ui#sample-json-output

sheldonh avatar

Has anyone done a comparison of what you gain from the new terraform testing approach vs terratest?

jose.amengual avatar

in in HCL which is nice

sheldonh avatar

I actually prefer Go so it’s more functionality or limitations I was curious on. I’d guess native testing would be limited but get momentum and actually be the best option but kinda why I’m asking

underplank avatar

So we have a monorepo of terraform with a bunch of different folders containing different sets of terraform. Each with its own provider and statefile. I understand that you cant use variables in the Provder or Configuration blocks, which makes centralizing the version of all this different things difficult. How do folks do this?

underplank avatar

Is terragrunt the way to solve this? any other options?

loren avatar

Terragrunt is how I do it

loren avatar

Cloudposse maintains atmos, with similar capabilities

loren avatar

There’s also terramate

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)
Quick Start | atmos

Take 20 minutes to learn the most important atmos concepts.

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

can atmos support crossplane please?

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

I just took a look at crossplane. It has a Tf provider https://github.com/upbound/provider-aws


Official AWS Provider for Crossplane by Upbound.

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

Atmos orchestrates and manages Terraform configurations (separates Terraform code from configs for diff environments)

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

so if you add terraform components to provision the Crossplane resources using the crossplane provider, then you can use Atmos to manage the configurations for those resources. It’s the same as using the aws provider to provision AWS resources in TF

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

i don’t see why not (although I just looked at it for a few minutes, so can’t say anything for sure)

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

we are using Atmos to manage configurations for components provisioned using diff TF providers like aws, helm, kubernetes , datadog, crowdstrike etc. Using the crossplane TF provider should be exactly the same (no changes to Atmos are required as I see it)

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang


Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

yeah, they got TF provider

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

I suggest not bothering to centralise the provider version. You don’t want upgrades to be all our nothing in future when V6 lands and it has a critical fix for one stack and bugs in other ones

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I agree with @Alex Jurkiewicz - pin providers per root module (what we call components). Don’t try to DRY this up. Use something like dependabot or rennovatebot to manage the updates.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
Also, as others have alluded to, one of <#C031919U8A0>’s many features is to manage this type of architecture in a monorepo, and we have a lot of conventions built up around it.
kallan.gerard avatar

Centralisation is overrated.

kallan.gerard avatar

That’s why version constraints are an intersection.





Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
05:43:32 PM

v1.6.1 1.6.1 (October 10, 2023) ENHANCEMENTS:

backend/s3: The skip_requesting_account_id argument supports AWS API implementations that do not have the IAM, STS, or metadata API. (#34002)


config: Using sensitive values as one or both of the results of a conditional expression will no longer crash. [<a class=”issue-link…

Release v1.6.1 · hashicorp/terraformattachment image

1.6.1 (October 10, 2023) ENHANCEMENTS:

backend/s3: The skip_requesting_account_id argument supports AWS API implementations that do not have the IAM, STS, or metadata API. (#34002)



Add skip_requesting_account_id Parameter to S3 Backend by knoppiks · Pull Request #34002 · hashicorp/terraformattachment image

As recent (1.6) changes to the s3 backend are breaking for anyone using an s3 api without STS API (like minio), this PR introduces a skip_requesting_account_id param analogously to the aws provider…



Pawel Rein avatar
Pawel Rein

does anyone ship terraform output to log analytics tools? I have TF running in CI that ships raw (not JSON) logs to SaaS tool. The problem is these are not logs so no way to filter for errors (no severity information other than the color coding). There must be a better way, right?

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

What do you want this log shipping to do for you?

Pawel Rein avatar
Pawel Rein

I want to be able to filter for and optionally alert on errors

kallan.gerard avatar

I think you just need to set TF_LOG

kallan.gerard avatar

Terraform operations really are pass/fail scenarios though, as in exit code zero/non zero.

kallan.gerard avatar

Remember It’s a CLI tool not a service

Pawel Rein avatar
Pawel Rein

set TF_LOG to what?


Brent G avatar
Brent G

If I have a data source, how am I supposed to debug to verify what exactly what that returned data looks like considering console won’t let you look at it

RB avatar

if you create a new dir, add the data source, apply the no-change, then terraform console will allow you to see it

RB avatar

you can also output it to see it in the temp dir

Brent G avatar
Brent G

So basically rip out the data souce I’m wanting standalone?

RB avatar

to test, yes

Brent G avatar
Brent G

it just tells me known after apply, but can’t apply because it’s not what I’m expecting


Ahmed Kamal avatar
Ahmed Kamal

Hello .. This looks like a pretty simple PR to fix EFS for ECS .. Can we please get it merged as I’m blocked on it. Thanks! https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ecs-web-app/pull/235/files

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Jeremy White (Cloud Posse) @Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse)

Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse) avatar
Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse)

Hi @Ahmed Kamal Please see comments

Ahmed Kamal avatar
Ahmed Kamal

Thanks .. I replied on GH. I guess I’ll wait a few days if the original PR author wants to handle it, otherwise I can refactor the variables of the other module


Xu Pengfei avatar
Xu Pengfei

https://medium.com/@xpf6677/writing-terraform-plan-polices-with-kcl-programming-language-ce94a6236798 Hi forks! I just published a blog on medium about the terraform planning policy writing with the KCL programming language. Welcome to read and provide feedback.



Sebastian Mank avatar
Sebastian Mank

hey, is there an option for configuring a pidMode in the terraform-aws-ecs-container-definition module?

TaskDefinition - Amazon Elastic Container Service

The details of a task definition which describes the container and volume definitions of an Amazon Elastic Container Service task. You can specify which Docker images to use, the required resources, and other configurations related to launching the task definition through an Amazon ECS service or task.

Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse) avatar
Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse)

@Igor Rodionov

TaskDefinition - Amazon Elastic Container Service

The details of a task definition which describes the container and volume definitions of an Amazon Elastic Container Service task. You can specify which Docker images to use, the required resources, and other configurations related to launching the task definition through an Amazon ECS service or task.

Igor Rodionov avatar
Igor Rodionov

@Sebastian Mank you should check this module


pidMode is a setting related to task definition, not to container definition.


the support was added 3 month ago in this PR https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ecs-alb-service-task/pull/206

Sebastian Mank avatar
Sebastian Mank

@Igor Rodionov thank you!

rohit avatar

How do people manage secrets when using terraform and kubernetes? We hand off some code, customer deploys product in their environment, and we want to prevent them from tampering or seeing those secrets (in backend state or aws secrets manager). Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated!

Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) avatar
Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp)

Vault has a k8s auth method that uses the service account JWT to authn/authz. This all assumes they have no access to the service account themselves. So you can’t let them use that service account for anything or they’ll have access to the secrets. There’s even an operator for easier operations.

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

If customer can deploy the code which can read the secret, they can modify the code to print secrets. It seems like you could put in place guard rails to discourage inappropriate use, but not prevent it outright

kallan.gerard avatar

Something smells off here. This is just like running code in the client’s browser. You have to just assume it’s out of your control.

kallan.gerard avatar

Sounds like you have long live shared secrets, not credentials which are used for the client to authenticate to whatever you need their system to do.

rohit avatar

From further investigation these might end up just being short term secrets to RDS, Cognito, etc. Our code just deploys all of it for a customer, along with artifacts we share via ECR.

kallan.gerard avatar

I’d just leverage iam trust as much as possible

rohit avatar

Yeah we’re still going through what secrets and things are being shared within the application, let alone the infrastructure.


Leo avatar

How do people manage resources that should exist as a singleton, i.e. outside the usual dev/stag/prod structure? For example a route53 registered domain, or an IAM user. Would you have something like a general environment, or take a different approach?

RickA avatar

Someone before me used gbl as a standard for resources that don’t fit into our environmental buckets. IAM and 3rd party configurations like GitHub are env:gbl customer:root which gives us a gbl-root-iam stack to manage for example.

tommy avatar

gbl is used in cloudposse modules.

wattiez.morgan avatar

We use tooling

kallan.gerard avatar

I don’t like gbl for several reasons

  1. It’s a bad abbreviation, it’s not apparent to the average person what it means.
  2. Global is really a geographical term not an environment term. Like a global load balancer vs a regional load balancer Also environments are more like attributes not buckets. And they’re not universal. As in, a dev database for a product team is still production to the data platform team.
kallan.gerard avatar

My point being that don’t get too hung up on ‘dev/staging/prod’ or whatever.

kallan.gerard avatar

If you can’t delete it without impacting someone, it’s production. Which would be most of the situations you described

Val Naipaul avatar
Val Naipaul

If you dedicate a branch to a single environment or tenant, rebased against a common ancestor (e.g. “main”), that common ancestor can be that base layer.

Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
06:53:32 PM

v1.6.2 1.6.2 (October 18, 2023) BUG FIXES

terraform test: Fix performance issues when using provisioners within configs being tested. (#34026) terraform test: Only process and parse relevant variables for each run block. (<a href=”https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/pull/34072” data-hovercard-type=”pull_request”…

Stop the resource validate node transforming the original config by liamcervante · Pull Request #34026 · hashicorp/terraformattachment image

Currently, the validate resource node merges the base resource connection with any connection defined within the provisioner block. It then applies that merged result back into the original config….

Process only relevant variables in the testing framework by liamcervante · Pull Request #34072 · hashicorp/terraformattachment image

This PR adds in the concept of “relevant variables” to the testing framework. Previously, each run block would process every available variable and attempt to parse even those they had no need for….



Soren Jensen avatar
Soren Jensen

I’m curious to understand what others are doing regarding Terraform vs OpenTofu. Migrating a production env to OpenTofu alpha release sounds scary. Should I keep my Terrafrom version fixed at v1.5.7 to be sure my state file and infra is compliant with OpenTofu when we at some stage in the future decide to make the change. Or is the general consensus here to keep using Terrafrom at the latest version and worry about the future another time?

loren avatar

I don’t need Terraform 1.6 features yet, so I’m holding at 1.5.x to wait and see

Soren Jensen avatar
Soren Jensen

Okay, that’s exactly where I’m at the moment.

kallan.gerard avatar

Honestly I just carry on as if OT doesn’t exist. Infrastructure is not the domain to mess around with experimental or new stuff.

kallan.gerard avatar

What will likely happen is, in 3-5 years if OpenTofu becomes the defacto, then you can just start using it for new projects and migrate critical projects in the future. Stuff that doesn’t change much or is near abandoned can just stay on TF.

And if OpenTofu doesn’t take off, well you’ve just saved yourself a massive headache having to migrate everything to OT and then back to TF, since you can’t leave anything still used on abandonware

Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) avatar
Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp)

I’m more curious what’s driving you to use OpenTofu in the first place. Terraform will always be free for end users to use.

loren avatar

For me it was not just about being free for end users. The list of points is something like this, in no particular order: Strong preference for other TACOS, open source, accepting community contributions, avoiding licensing battles with the legal department over BUSL, not worrying about Hashicorp changing their mind about our business use/competition

Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) avatar
Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp)

What specifically about “open source” are you concerned with?

loren avatar

I’m not concerned about open source

loren avatar

Sorry, was a continuation of “Strong preference for … Open source”

Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) avatar
Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp)

That’s the piece I’m asking about, what’s driving the strong preference for open source, versus source available? The ability to do whatever you want (including building competing software) or the ability to know what’s in the code, or something else?

Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) avatar
Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp)

I understand a preference for TACOS other than Terraform Cloud/Enterprise.

loren avatar

A lot for me is that I feel compelled to contribute when i can, to compensate for using it for free and not having the option of paying. It’s an important part of the community aspect of open source

loren avatar

I say compelled, but I actually value that quite highly

Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) avatar
Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp)

I see, so you’re someone who actually contributes to the core Terraform language.

loren avatar

Me and my team, yes. Well, when/if contributions were accepted anyway. Not just Terraform core, but all of the open source projects that we use (and their dependencies). Wherever our use cases take us

loren avatar

To me that’s just part of the contract/responsibility being an open source user and builder

Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) avatar
Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp)

OK, as I understand it so far, the reasons folks are moving to OpenTofu are one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Want to use an alternative TACOS to Terraform Cloud/Enterprise
  2. Want the potential to contribute to the core OpenTofu engine
  3. Want to build a TACOS alternative using the OpenTofu engine.
Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

I see, so you’re someone who actually contributes to the core Terraform language.
I think your framing here is disingenuous. You can contribute in many ways and still be affected by the relicensing. I contributed several patches to the AWS and other providers. I also provide support in this channel. I don’t really do either any more, because I want to contribute my efforts to open ecosystems.

Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) avatar
Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp)

More seeking clarification and what contributions folks are looking to make. I can see why folks would not want to contribute to Terraform Core for many various reasons. The providers are still open source and the vast majority of them are maintained by folks outside HashiCorp. The ecosystem is still open.

Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) avatar
Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp)

Also, I respect everyone’s preferences. I’m trying to understand what is making folks shift.

Malcolm Matalka (Terrateam) avatar
Malcolm Matalka (Terrateam)

@Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) The preferred capitalization is “OpenTofu”

Malcolm Matalka (Terrateam) avatar
Malcolm Matalka (Terrateam)

@Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) Thank you for fixing the capitalization.

rohit avatar

I am trying to find the right language, but am I correct to assume any version prior to 1.6 is still “free” to use without license restrictions?

Josh Pollara avatar
Josh Pollara

Prior versions to 1.6 are MPL (open source)

Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) avatar
Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp)

The BSL licensed Terraform is still free for the vast majority of folks. And the source is still available. Versions become open sourced after 4 years.

The FAQ has a bunch of useful information. https://www.hashicorp.com/license-faq#what-is-the-bsl

managedkaos avatar

I usually alias terraform to t so this switch shouldn’t be too hard


Getting Started with OpenTofu Alphaattachment image

A quick guide to installation and importing Terraform state files.




Mike Vanbuskirk avatar
Mike Vanbuskirk

any Spacelift users seeing an issue with tracking/head commits not syncing on their stacks?

Michael avatar

I encountered this a few days ago, raised the question to another team member, and he noted that he inquired with Spacelift about it a few months ago but no follow up.

Mike Vanbuskirk avatar
Mike Vanbuskirk

didn’t notice it during initial usage, but it’s impacted some runs lately

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

Check the sample history for your push policy, see what the event action was, or if the event was missing

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

If the former, you can fix that yourself. If the latter, speak to Spacelift support

Mike Vanbuskirk avatar
Mike Vanbuskirk

Thanks everyone for your help!

Mike Vanbuskirk avatar
Mike Vanbuskirk

Some of this does appear to be push-policy related




Release notes from terraform avatar
Release notes from terraform
12:13:19 PM

v1.7.0-alpha20231025 1.7.0-alpha20231025 (October 25, 2023) UPGRADE NOTES:

Input validations are being restored to the state file in this version of Terraform. Due to a state interoperability issue (#33770) in earlier versions, users that require interaction between different minor series should ensure they have upgraded to the following patches:


Release v1.7.0-alpha20231025 · hashicorp/terraform

1.7.0-alpha20231025 (October 25, 2023) UPGRADE NOTES:

Input validations are being restored to the state file in this version of Terraform. Due to a state interoperability issue (#33770) in earlie…

Michael avatar

Are there any plans to add OpenTofu releases to this channel?

Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) avatar
Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp)

I’d suggest having a separate OpenTofu channel.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I think that would be a good idea. They should probably be kept separate.



setheryops avatar

Im hitting a wall with “Provider configuration not present” errors…details in the thread…

setheryops avatar

I inherited a terraform stack of code that is severely out of date. Im trying to upgrade it and then get it moved over to a different repo where the rest of our TF code lives. Currently this code is on TF 1.1.9. (this doesnt super matter because I have the same issue when I upgraded to 1.3.10) When i run a plan I get the following error:

│ Error: Provider configuration not present
│ To work with module.cops_term.aws_route53_record.private_dns[0] (orphan) its original provider configuration at module.cops_term.provider["registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws"].dns_private is required, but it has been removed. This occurs when a provider configuration
│ is removed while objects created by that provider still exist in the state. Re-add the provider configuration to destroy module.cops_term.aws_route53_record.private_dns[0] (orphan), after which you can remove the provider configuration again.

In my root module I have the following:

provider "aws" {
  alias  = "dns_public"
  region = var.dns.region

  assume_role {
    role_arn = var.dns.public.role_arn

provider "aws" {
  alias  = "dns_private"
  region = var.dns.region

  assume_role {
    role_arn = var.dns.private.role_arn

In the module that is called module.cops_term there is also this in the providers.tf…

#This is the same as whats in the root module...
provider "aws" {
  alias  = "dns_private"
  region = var.dns.region

  assume_role {
    role_arn = var.dns.private.role_arn

So the error is a little misleading. The resource its talking about doesn’t need to be destroyed. That resource actually exists in the state file also. So the error says the provider needs to be added but its already in there. Obviously having it in both is not correct. Ive tried having it in the root only and then in the module only but I get the same error either way.

setheryops avatar

Any ideas about how to proceed?

Dominique Dumont avatar
Dominique Dumont

I’ve seen this issue. IIRC, I solved it by removing .terraform directory

setheryops avatar

Thats not going to fix this…the issue is in the state file.

Dominique Dumont avatar
Dominique Dumont

What’s the output of terraform providers ?

setheryops avatar
$ TF providers
Providers required by configuration:
├── provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws] 4.14.0
├── provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/template]
├── module.cops_did
│   ├── provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws]
│   └── provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/template]
Providers required by state:
Dominique Dumont avatar
Dominique Dumont

Looks like the module cops_did was renamed to cops_term. You could try either to add a moved block (if your terraform is recent enough) or to revert the renaming of you module. HTH

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

Just published a blog post on Cloud Posse’s terraform-null-label that we all know and love: https://masterpoint.io/updates/terraform-null-label/

terraform-null-label: the why and how it should be used | Masterpoint Consultingattachment image

A post highlighting one of our favorite terraform modules: terraform-null-label. We dive into what it is, why it’s great, and some potential use cases in …

RB avatar

Thanks! Now i have a link to point to

terraform-null-label: the why and how it should be used | Masterpoint Consultingattachment image

A post highlighting one of our favorite terraform modules: terraform-null-label. We dive into what it is, why it’s great, and some potential use cases in …

RB avatar

i posted this issue the other day and your blog post fixes it


RB avatar

still would be nice to have something official too

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

Yeah, I was describing to a client on how we do this and I thought it would be a great blog post to share going forward. Hopefully for lots of people!

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

Plus all terraform projects that we run into never use a label module…. which is just a damn shame. The more usage of this pattern in the ecosystem, the better.

RB avatar

Chatting with some clients and i get questions like “Why do we need the <context input> in every name” too

RB avatar

Stage: This indicates the stage of the application, such as dev, stage, prod. While this is what we would normally call an environment in most settings, for legacy reasons the naming within the module has made this a bit funky. It may help to think of the term “stage” by its general English usage, referring to a distinct phase or period within a series of events or a larger process.
This doesnt seem right. The stage is the account name.

Currently the environment and stage, i believe, plan to be renamed in the next context null label overhaul

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

Eh the usage of stage / environment is blurry as hell. People can use them for what they want and we probably should have stated that. You’re definitely right. But we’ve also used them to signify dev vs stage resources when a client wants a non-prod AWS account and those resources are co-mingled.

RB avatar

so this is what ive done to help with the overloaded terms for stage/env/account-name/region

ive stuck with the stage == account-name and env == short (or fixed) -region

but for actual environments, such as brownfield accounts that have multiple environments, i leverage the attributes.


RB avatar

This way we can keep with the same null label intention (as the way cloudposse currently uses it) and still be able to codify the real environments (dev/prod/etc) in those older accounts

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

Ah that’s not a bad way to do it We’ve done it different, but I like that.

RB avatar

i suppose it doesnt matter as long as its consistent

Sergei avatar

Hi all, We are running Terragrunt OSS and were planning to update both terraform and terragrunt to a latest verson at some point. Back in August, Terragrunt released a statement where it said that ‘commercial products’ would not be supported beyond 1.5.5 : https://blog.gruntwork.io/the-impact-of-the-hashicorp-license-change-on-gruntwork-customers-5fcd096ba86a At that point I thought, fine, that does not affect us because we were not using ‘commercial producuts’. Now we are finally ready to update both Terragrunt and Terraform but when looking at ‘supported versions’ page it looks like only OpenTofu is supported with Terraform 1.6.x : https://terragrunt.gruntwork.io/docs/getting-started/supported-versions/

This is confusing to me. Does it meanTerraform 1.6.x is not supported yet” ? Or does it mean “Terraform 1.6.x will not be supported, even for OSS Terragrunt “?
The Impact of the HashiCorp License Change on Gruntwork Customersattachment image

[Update, Aug 15, 2023] Please see our new blog post for more detailed thoughts and our plan for the future: The future of Terraform must be…

Terraform and OpenTofu Version Compatibility Table

Learn which Terraform and OpenTofu versions are compatible with which versions of Terragrunt.

loren avatar

Terraform 1.6 works in some cases, but not officially yet. Still a work in progress… https://github.com/gruntwork-io/terragrunt/issues/2747

fanovilla avatar

Hi folks, the terragrunt August blog post says “As long as you use Terraform 1.5.5 or older, you can keep using all our commercial and open source products”. However the compatibility page now says TF 1.6.x is officially supported. As far as I know 1.6 is still on BSL. Any chance anyone here knows why/how?

Terraform and OpenTofu Version Compatibility Table

Learn which Terraform and OpenTofu versions are compatible with which versions of Terragrunt.

Brent G avatar
Brent G

Currently have a project with remote state. Doing some refactoring, going to have to be doing some state mv‘ing, is there a ‘best practice’ for testing state changes locally before pushing the refactor and doing the mv’s on the remote state?

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

Not really. Take a backup of the state file locally if you want to be safe. Worst case, you screw up the state file, your backup is non-existent, and you have to rebuild the state file from scratch with imports. It’s painful, but ultimately has no risk to your product availability

Brent G avatar
Brent G

Figured as much. I was thinking to export the state from cloud, then just drop the remote backend config section and drop the state file locally. That way I can do all the mangling I want and remote wont change and I can plan to my hearts content

Tyrone Meijn avatar
Tyrone Meijn
Refactoring | Terraform | HashiCorp Developerattachment image

How to make backward-compatible changes to modules already in use.

Brent G avatar
Brent G

Yeah, but to me that’s just kicking the can down the road and not really getting rid of the tech debt.



Utpal Nadiger avatar
Utpal Nadiger

Created this so that users can compare the following tacos head to head:

Atlantis, Digger, Spacelift, Env0, Scalr and Terraform Cloud.

All data was taken either from the repos, AWS marketplace or websites of the above tacos.


PS: if anyone wants to add their TACO, happy to add it, feel free to DM me the information along with publicly available links.

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

It doesn’t seem to work on Chrome mobile

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

Tapping compare does nothing

Utpal Nadiger avatar
Utpal Nadiger

Can you check now? Shipped a fix

Utpal Nadiger avatar
Utpal Nadiger

Should work now

venkata.mutyala avatar

Personally, I would rather see a big table on page load and filter out as needed. Might also be better for SEO if it’s the default. Regardless, thanks for putting this together!

Utpal Nadiger avatar
Utpal Nadiger

@venkata.mutyala thanks for the suggestion. Turned the website into an article here: https://medium.com/p/4dbe77f0883d

Alternatives to Terraform Cloud — A head to head comparisonattachment image

TACOs or Terraform/OpenTofu automation and collaboration tools, are tools that help you use IaC at scale.

venkata.mutyala avatar

I gave you all my claps. One small bit of feedback. The table view you had like this makes it a lot easier to consume (in a past life I used to do a bunch of BI dashboards). If you are able to edit/update the article to include a markdown table I think it could go a long way for the reader. Also, you didn’t link to your site in that article, I’d recommend throwing it in there especially if adding a matrix/table to the medium post isn’t possible.

venkata.mutyala avatar

And thanks again for putting this together. We are actively looking at spacelift and chatting with their sales team. So this will definitely help me and my team with those discussions

Utpal Nadiger avatar
Utpal Nadiger

Thanks Venkata!

Utpal Nadiger avatar
Utpal Nadiger

Noted - will update.

venkata.mutyala avatar

Sorry I see the table at the bottom

Utpal Nadiger avatar
Utpal Nadiger

Yes but it’s not in markdown

Utpal Nadiger avatar
Utpal Nadiger

So will keep that in mind for the next post/an update to this one



Dhamodharan avatar

hi All, I am trying to create GCP service account using terraform, i could create it, but i wanted to download the private_key JSON file aswell, i tried to create it using output resource in terraform, but it seems like the format is different, It is not like the same as the one which we creating in the web console. Can someone help me the procedure to get the key in JSON format same as its creating in manual way..
