#terraform (2024-02)
Discussions related to Terraform or Terraform Modules
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/terraform/

Hi! Could anyone have a look at the PR? It’s hanging about for some time CC @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-config/pull/83
This is done to avoid exposure as the data.http.id (which contains the URL) in the logs.
Added the MacOS .DS_Store files to .gitignore
• The access token is now passed in a http header • Added the MacOS .DS_Store files to .gitignore
• This is done to avoid exposure as the data.http.id (which contains the URL) in the logs.

please use #pr-reviews
This is done to avoid exposure as the data.http.id (which contains the URL) in the logs.
Added the MacOS .DS_Store files to .gitignore
• The access token is now passed in a http header • Added the MacOS .DS_Store files to .gitignore
• This is done to avoid exposure as the data.http.id (which contains the URL) in the logs.

cc @Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse)

@Boris Dyga the PR is approved, thanks

Terraform Stacks preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8p_o-Me8VuA

it is very similar to Atmos, interesting

Any chance cloud posse would be interested in maintaining a fork of terraform docs to unblock prs?

Thanks Erik. I also opened a thread with opentofu to see if they would be interested.

Hey :wave::skin-tone-2: .
Currently, the OpenTofu Core Maintenance team does not intend to fork and maintain 3rd party tooling that is not necessary for the Core OpenTofu project.
In the future, if there’s high demand for such a tool being in high maintenance, we will reconsider this decision. However, right now we do not have the capacity to support a terraform-docs
fork alongside the main OpenTofu project
so opentofu will not fork

Hi @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) , just a friendly ping, did you get a chance to chat with the team?

Could use some help here if anybody has a moment to take a look, thanks https://sweetops.slack.com/archives/CDYGZCLDQ/p1707013439249969
Hi all - I’m trying to use this beanstalk module to spin up some infra https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-elastic-beanstalk-environment My requirement is that the beanstalk environment attaches itself to port 443 so that it’s on SSL.
Here is my configuration:
module "alb" {
source = "cloudposse/alb/aws"
version = "1.10.0"
namespace = "tpo"
name = "elastic-beanstalk"
vpc_id = data.aws_vpc.default.id
subnet_ids = data.aws_subnets.private.ids
internal = true
certificate_arn = data.aws_acm_certificate.cert.arn
security_group_ids = [module.security_groups.alb_sg]
http_enabled = false
https_enabled = true
enabled = true
stage = "prod"
access_logs_enabled = true
access_logs_prefix = "tpo-prod"
alb_access_logs_s3_bucket_force_destroy = true
# This additional attribute is required since both the `alb` module and `elastic_beanstalk_environment` module
# create Security Groups with the names derived from the context (this would conflict without this additional attribute)
attributes = ["shared"]
module "elastic_beanstalk_application" {
source = "cloudposse/elastic-beanstalk-application/aws"
version = "0.11.1"
enabled = true
for_each = toset(var.EB_APPS)
name = each.value
module "elastic_beanstalk_environment" {
source = "cloudposse/elastic-beanstalk-environment/aws"
for_each = toset(var.EB_APPS)
enabled = true
region = var.REGION
elastic_beanstalk_application_name = each.value
name = "prod-${each.value}-tpo"
environment_type = "LoadBalanced"
loadbalancer_type = "application"
loadbalancer_is_shared = true
shared_loadbalancer_arn = module.alb.alb_arn
loadbalancer_certificate_arn = data.aws_acm_certificate.cert.arn
tier = "WebServer"
force_destroy = true
instance_type = "t4g.xlarge"
vpc_id = data.aws_vpc.default.id
loadbalancer_subnets = data.aws_subnets.private.ids
application_subnets = data.aws_subnets.private.ids
application_port = 443
allow_all_egress = true
additional_security_group_rules = [
type = "ingress"
from_port = 0
to_port = 65535
protocol = "-1"
source_security_group_id = data.aws_security_group.vpc_default.id
description = "Allow all inbound traffic from trusted Security Groups"
solution_stack_name = "64bit Amazon Linux 2 v5.8.10 running Node.js 14"
additional_settings = [
namespace = "aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment"
name = "NODE_ENV"
value = "prod"
namespace = "aws:elbv2:listenerrule:${each.value}"
name = "HostHeaders"
value = "prod-${each.value}-taxdev.io"
env_vars = {
"NODE_ENV" = "prod"
enable_stream_logs = true
extended_ec2_policy_document = data.aws_iam_policy_document.minimal_s3_permissions.json
prefer_legacy_ssm_policy = false
prefer_legacy_service_policy = false

Hi all, wonder if i can get some feeback/advice of what the best approach for using terraforma and ansible together. Is there an ansible provider that facilitates the configuration of my servers? Thanks in advance!

there is an Ansible provider https://registry.terraform.io/providers/ansible/ansible/latest/docs

It depends on your usecase. This article might also be useful https://spacelift.io/blog/using-terraform-and-ansible-together

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Terraform and Ansible together. See how Spacelift can greatly simplify and elevate your workflow for both tools.

Might wanna take a look at this video walkthrough too https://www.env0.com/blog/ansible-vs-terraform-when-to-choose-one-or-use-them-together

AWS/Terraform question: Given multiple elastic beanstalk environments that all utilize a shared ALB, does anybody know how to add custom ALB rules to the listener so that each rule maps each environment’s custom DNS to its designated beanstalk target group?
What is happening right now is beanstalk is creating a listener rule that uses the beanstalk DNS app-name.random-characters.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com but I need this rule to have the proper host headers for the app… like *.app-domain.com

I tried this setting but it doesn’t appear to have any effect on the listener at all…
namespace: "aws:elbv2:listenerrule:${each.value}",
name: "HostHeaders",
value: "${each.value}.${aws_route53_zone.private.name}",

Does anyone know why the homebrew formula for terraform says not to bump to v1.6 because of the license change? Curious why brew is affected

the homebrew-core tap only includes open source packages. you can use the hashicorp tap if you want newer versions.
brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform

That makes sense! Thank you!

I use tfenv
but I hear mention that its not regularly maintained anymore or something…havent looked into it but it still works for me.

tfswitch is another option

tfenv is probably dead, here is a discussion thread about it https://github.com/tfutils/tfenv/issues/399
There is no new commit since Oct 1, 2022.

In that same discussion: It’s mentioned that the Tofuutils crew are working on a new tool called tenv, OpenTofu / Terraform / Terragrunt version manager
. It might be useful to check.

Anyone use the asdf Hashicorp plugin for it?

Few questions about the MSK module:
- You can work with
SASL Scram
orSASL Iam
with MSK that hasKafka version of 2.5.1
? how can I know if version is too old to support some kind of encryption ? - When you create a new MSK cluster, you are only enable the
option (via variableclient_allow_unauthenticated
) - It should be good. But what happen when you changing the client_authentication methods and enableSASL Scram
and/orSASL Iam
? The terraform module will handle it right ?
Im asking because in our own MSK module we’re also using the Kafka provider to create the kafka topics within the MSK cluster.
I think that because they both combine to one module there’s some mismatch between the MSK and aws provider and the kafka provider. some weird behavior when trying to update existing cluster auth method from unauthenticated.
even when the kafka provider has bootstrap_servers
set we are getting this error when trying to apply some changes:
No bootstrap_servers provided

v1.7.3 1.7.3 (February 7, 2024) BUG FIXES:
terraform test: Fix crash when dynamic-typed attributes are not assigned values in mocks. (#34610) provisioners/file: Fix panic when source is null. (<a href=”https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/pull/34621” data-hovercard-type=”pull_request”…
1.7.3 (February 7, 2024) BUG FIXES:
terraform test: Fix crash when dynamic-typed attributes are not assigned values in mocks. (#34610) provisioners/file: Fix panic when source is null. (#34621) im…
In versions prior to v1.6, the S3 backend ignored all errors other than NoSuchBucket when listing workspaces. This allowed cases where the user did not have access to the default workspace prefix e…
Instead of a panic return an error
Fixes #34454 Target Release
1.7.x Draft CHANGELOG entry
don’t panic when file provisioner source is null

Prismacloud is killing the free checkov vscode extension by paywalling the api key. https://github.com/bridgecrewio/checkov-vscode/issues/141
Since the implementation of the redirect from bridgecrew.cloud to prismacloud, the documentation for setting up an API token is incorrect. Please update to include the new direction on acquiring an API token.
Documentation: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Bridgecrew.checkov
Broken Integration link: https://www.bridgecrew.cloud/integrations/api-token
It’s not immediately clear whether or not checkov is now paywalled (beyond the 7 day free trial), and it’s excruciating to have to wait for a “Palo Alto Networks specialist to reach out to me” before I can get an account and API token setup. I hope this isn’t the case.

I have an interesting challenge. There’s a very large terraform codebase (thousands resources) and currently the team relies on cloud resource names (e.g. s3 bucket name) to find those resources in terraform code. Literally, searching bucket name in codebase.
We want to introduce terraform-null-label
for consistency. However, it will break the current way of finding resources in the tf codebase.
We tried to use yor but it adds too much complexity and also introduces an extra step - to find a resource in the code, you need first lookup tags (e.g. s3 bucket tags) and then using those meta-tag values to search in the codebase. Ideally, we want to avoid it.
There’s also no access to state. Only tf codebase.
Question: Has anyone tried to pre-generate null-label resource names and add them to terraform files as comments? Any other ideas how to map cloud resource names to terraform files in a large codebase?

Probably a good extended conversation to have on #office-hours if you can make it tomorrow

Yes, I feel like yor
is an anti-pattern. Although I could understand it for legacy code. But everything new, using a null-label pattern (or similar implementation).

Has anyone tried to pre-generate null-label resource names and add them to terraform files as comments?
Can you provide a code snippet of the hypothetical example of the comment and code?

also, “in a perfect world”, would you be able do look up a terraform resource name and get it’s AWS resource name? …that name being “unconventional” (non-label generated).

Sure. Here’s an example. Let’s say I have a customer who has problem with eg-prod-bastion-public
instance and raised an internal support ticket with instance name. I can simply search for label_id:eg-prod-bastion-public
in my codebase. Without it however, it’s a needle in a haystack problem.
module "bastion_label" {
source = "cloudposse/label/null"
# Cloud Posse recommends pinning every module to a specific version
# version = "x.x.x"
namespace = "eg"
stage = "prod"
name = "bastion"
attributes = ["public"]
delimiter = "-"
tags = {
"BusinessUnit" = "XYZ",
"Snapshot" = "true"
# label_id:eg-prod-bastion-public
resource "aws_instance" "bastion" {
instance_type = "t1.micro"
tags = module.bastion_label.tags

also, “in a perfect world”, would you be able do look up a terraform resource name and get it’s AWS resource name?
That would be a bonus, but it’s less of a problem for my scenario. The main challenge is finding where a particular resource is defined in the codebase.

Without it however, it’s a needle in a haystack problem.
Aha, I see what you mean.

Basically you need annotations that tie deployed infrastructure back to where it is on disk.

If those annotations were in the code, you could search for it.

Since cloud posse deploys the same root modules/modules thousands of times, with strictly configuration via atmos, the code-style comment annotations are not something we’ve considered. E.g. To deploy 20 VPCs, we still have exactly one VPC root module (component). Then 20 configurations on how to deploy it.

here’s a very large terraform codebase (thousands resources) and currently the team relies on cloud resource names (e.g. s3 bucket name) to find those resources in terraform code. Literally, searching bucket name in codebase.
So, I think there are 2 challenges.
- What to do with your existing code base
- What to aim for in new projects delivered

In new projects delivered, I think https://atmos.tools solves the attribution error very easily because you can enforce tag conventions that pass through to all resources deployed. So everything is tagged with their Stack identifier.
Atmos is the Ultimate Terraform Environment Configuration and Orchestration Tool for DevOps to manage complex configurations with ease. It’s compatible with Terraform and many other tools.

For existing Terraform, would have to take a closer look.

Thanks @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse), appreciate your feedback. Rolling out something like Atmos would be very hard in a large org.
I’ll update if we find something interesting.

hi all :wave:, new to the group…
I’m facing an issue in creating Datadog monitor.
getting this error, saying the module datadog_monitors
is not found…. all of a sudden starting today mng
│ Error: Module not found
│ Module "datadog_monitors" (from main.tf:14) cannot be found in the module
│ registry at registry.terraform.io.
it used to work with below version:
module "datadog_monitors" {
source = "cloudposse/monitor/datadog"
version = "1.3.0"
started seeing the issue today mng..

I know he’s been working on this and we released a new version today.

Yes, that version is super outdated, and we stopped publishing it under that name. It is still available as cloudposse/platform/datadog
but we recommend you upgrade to the dedicated submoudle cloudposse/platform/datadog//modules/monitors


We just rolled out a big update to our atmos docs. As part of that we published a write up of the limitations we encountered with standalone terraform that led to atmos, or have seen customers encounter. We break it into 10 stages, with the 10th stage being terraform bankruptcy.
Overcoming Terraform Limitations with Atmos

What do you do when you have one resource/module that you want to deploy in multiple accounts and it needs to be the same in all accounts? Is there any other way other than copy/pasting the resource/module x times with different providers?
What I’d like to do is something like this
module "example" {
source = "source"
providers {
aws = aws.one
aws = aws.two
aws = aws.three
some_var = aws.alias
# rest of config is the same

This is the problem we solve with atmos. What you describing is a configuration management and orchestration problem. You would define your root module one time. Then you define you configuration for that root module as part of a Stack configuration.
See https://atmos.tools/core-concepts/stacks/catalogs#organizations
Catalogs are how to organize all Stack configurations for easy imports.

copy/pasting the resource/module x times with different providers?
Sadly, this is what many companies do through the abuse of root modules.
With atmos, there’s no copy/pasting.

Anti-patterns to avoid:
• more than 2 providers in a root module. Only use 2 providers if it’s a hub/spoke relationship.
• Generally use 1 provider.
• Do not use 1 provider per region (e.g. you have poor DR resiliency if terraform root modules expect all regions online)

Overcoming Terraform Limitations with Atmos

you are on this journey @Adnan let us know if you need help on this or how to start using Atmos

thanks, I will take a look at it and try to understand how I could solve my problem with atmos.

what I did at the moment is this
module "one" {
source = "source"
providers {
aws = aws.one
some_var = "one"
# rest of config is the same
module "two" {
source = "source"
providers {
aws = aws.two
some_var = "two"
# rest of config is the same

this is what we call “stage 3” (in that link andriy shared)

v1.8.0-alpha20240214 1.8.0-alpha20240214 (February 14, 2024) UPGRADE NOTES:
The first plan after upgrading may show resource updates with no apparent changes if -refresh-only or -refresh=false is used. The fix introduced for <a class=”issue-link js-issue-link” data-error-text=”Failed to load title” data-id=”2098393853” data-permission-text=”Title is private” data-url=”https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/34567” data-hovercard-type=”pull_request”…
1.8.0-alpha20240214 (February 14, 2024) UPGRADE NOTES:
The first plan after upgrading may show resource updates with no apparent changes if -refresh-only or -refresh=false is used. The fix introdu…
The original sensitivity handling implementation applied the marks from a resource schema only when decoding values for evaluation. This appeared to work in most cases, since the resource value cou…

Hi - Is there a way to merge multiple policy statements using terraform? I have a bunch of json files for each service. I want to create a iam policy based on user input of services.

here’s an example on how to use it https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-iam-policy/blob/main/examples/complete/main.tf
provider "aws" {
region = var.region
module "iam_policy" {
source = "../../"
iam_policy = var.iam_policy
iam_policy_enabled = false
context = module.this.context
module "iam_policy_two" {
source = "../../"
iam_policy = var.iam_policy_two
iam_policy_enabled = false
context = module.this.context
module "iam_policy_three" {
source = "../../"
iam_source_policy_documents = [module.iam_policy_two.json]
iam_policy_enabled = false
context = module.this.context
module "iam_policy_statements_map" {
source = "../../"
iam_policy_statements = var.iam_policy_statements_map
iam_policy_enabled = false
context = module.this.context
module "iam_policy_statements_list" {
source = "../../"
iam_policy_statements = var.iam_policy_statements_list
iam_policy_enabled = false
context = module.this.context
module "iam_url_policy" {
source = "../../"
iam_source_json_url = var.iam_source_json_url
iam_policy_enabled = false
context = module.this.context
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "assume_role" {
count = module.this.enabled ? 1 : 0
statement {
actions = ["sts:AssumeRole"]
principals {
type = "Service"
identifiers = ["ec2.amazonaws.com"]
resource "aws_iam_role" "default" {
count = module.this.enabled ? 1 : 0
name = module.this.id
assume_role_policy = one(data.aws_iam_policy_document.assume_role[*].json)
inline_policy {
name = "test_policy"
policy = module.iam_policy.json

it merges policies together using source_policy_documents

Thank you Andriy. I did look at merging documents using source policy documents. But I sum look at the module you shared. Thank you very much.

Hello! I’m working in your api gw module. I wanted to know how i’m supposed to get custom access logs working?
I have the following variables related to logging, but as the screenshot shows, custom access logging is not turned on.
xray_tracing_enabled = true #X-Ray tracing
metrics_enabled = true #Detailed metrics
logging_level = "INFO"
#log_group_arn = "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:829505554415:log-group:blue-parakeet"
access_log_format = <redacted for simplicity>
i’ve already run the account-settings module once per region

if you run account-settings that should enabled

so maybe you run it but did no pass true to enable it?

what do you mean “pass true”? how can i do that now?

By the way, i am determining that the account-settings module ran because i see the CloudWatch log role ARN in API Gateway -> APIs -> Settings.

enabled = true

Can i add that as an input? i tried doing that and it didn’t work.

enabled = true
xray_tracing_enabled = true #X-Ray tracing
metrics_enabled = true #Detailed metrics
logging_level = "INFO"

^ when i do this and run the code, custom access logging is still inactive

create_log_group = local.enabled && var.logging_level != "OFF"

do you have that enabled?


i have logging_level = INFO

enabled isn’t seeing itself as true

then you should have a log group created for your api

Both execution logs and access logs are disabled in the stage details

you will have to check the plan and see

it looks like i manually created the cloudwatch role instead of using the account-settings module that came with api gw (https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-api-gateway/tree/main/examples/account-settings)

is that why “enabled” isn’t true?

account-settings is run once per region. i run the api-gw module many times to create new api-gw’s. how can the api-gw enabled variable rely on account-settings module to pass enabled=true if it’s only run once and the other is run many??

no, that is not how it works

the account-setting is run once per region

then you go an deploy your api gateways with loglevel = XXX

that is all you need

and the “enabled=true” follows the future api gw’s that get deployed using the module?


the account-setting its a submodule

look at the examples folder

i did. none of the examples show with logging enabled.

i don’t understand how to get “local.enabled” to be true along with logging_level. It looks like both need to be true to create create_log_group as mentioned in your code snipped:
create_log_group = local.enabled && var.logging_level != "OFF"
I have logging level set to “INFO”.

just pass to your module instantiation enabled = true

the value comes from the context.tf

I pass these variables to the api gw module and it does not create the cloudwatch logs:
enabled = true
xray_tracing_enabled = true #X-Ray tracing
metrics_enabled = true #Detailed metrics
logging_level = "INFO"

what about your plan? does it show the cloudwatch group at all?

what version of the module are you using?

No, it creates aws_api_gateway_method_settings and aws_api_gateway_stage
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
+ create
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# aws_api_gateway_method_settings.all[0] will be created
+ resource "aws_api_gateway_method_settings" "all" {
+ id = (known after apply)
+ method_path = "*/*"
+ rest_api_id = "vu1a6hqjxk"
+ stage_name = "io"
+ settings {
+ cache_data_encrypted = (known after apply)
+ cache_ttl_in_seconds = (known after apply)
+ caching_enabled = (known after apply)
+ data_trace_enabled = (known after apply)
+ logging_level = "OFF"
+ metrics_enabled = true
+ require_authorization_for_cache_control = (known after apply)
+ throttling_burst_limit = -1
+ throttling_rate_limit = -1
+ unauthorized_cache_control_header_strategy = (known after apply)
# aws_api_gateway_stage.this[0] will be created
+ resource "aws_api_gateway_stage" "this" {
+ arn = (known after apply)
+ deployment_id = "naxrtf"
+ execution_arn = (known after apply)
+ id = (known after apply)
+ invoke_url = (known after apply)
+ rest_api_id = "vu1a6hqjxk"
+ stage_name = "io"
+ tags = {
+ "Name" = "green-parakeet-io"
+ "Stage" = "io"
+ tags_all = {
+ "Name" = "green-parakeet-io"
+ "Stage" = "io"
+ "Terraform" = "true"
+ web_acl_arn = (known after apply)
+ xray_tracing_enabled = true
Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

we pinned to this version of the module - https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-api-gateway.git?ref=0.3.1

that is old….

` + logging_level = “OFF”`

” + logging_level = "OFF"
??? what do you mean by this?

that is on your plan

so is not reading your value for some reason

you have logging_level = “INFO”

and that should be on the settings

i see that now. ok. thanks for pointing that out. i’ll look into that and then update to newer module.
I’m using terragrunt to pass logging_level as an input

Thank you @jose.amengual it is working now

Do you know if logging_level will be updated to support the selected category in the screenshot?

create a PR , we can review it


It’s a terraform issue. I don’t think your code can add that isn’t there yet in the original resource. I opened a fix with terraform to hopefully get it added. https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/35863
AWS API Gateways offer 4 logging levels in the stage settings:
- Off
- Errors only
- Errors and Info Logs
- Full request and response logs
Currently, the resource api_gateway_method_settings
has options for the first 3 but not the 4th. I’m requesting that the option be added to select “Full request and response logs” in the logging_level
argument for the api_gateway_method_settings
Affected Resource(s) and/or Data Source(s)
Potential Terraform Configuration
Currently "The available levels are OFF, ERROR, and INFO" for logging_level. I propose "FULL" be added to configure "Full request and response logs".
Terraform resource:
Setting in api gw:
image (1)
Would you like to implement a fix?

Terraform responded. I don’t see the variable in your module. I’ll create a PR.

i submitted a pr


• Added variable data_trace_enabled
to the aws_api_gateway_method_settings
• This change allows for configuration of CloudWatch logging setting “Full Request and Response Logs” available in the AWS UI. [2]
The variable logging_level
controls CloudWatch log setting in the AWS UI for OFF, INFO, and ERROR, but doesn’t include an option for “Full Request and Response Logs”. In the AWS UI for API GW, there’s an additional option, “Full Request and Response Logs”, as shown in the screenshot:
According to terraform documentation, the variable data_trace_enabled = true
is required in conjunction with logging_level = "INFO"
to enable “Full Request and Response Logs”. This is added to the aws_api_gateway_method_settings
resource in the settings
code block [2]:
settings {
logging_level = "INFO"
metrics_enabled = true
data_trace_enabled = true
[1] Terraform resource:
[2] Closed Issue with Terraform citing solution
hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws#35863 (comment)

please check the comments on the PR

run make precommit/terraform
nd commit the changes


v1.8.0-alpha20240216 1.8.0-alpha20240216 (February 16, 2024) UPGRADE NOTES:
The first plan after upgrading may show resource updates with no apparent changes if -refresh-only or -refresh=false is used. The fix introduced for <a class=”issue-link js-issue-link” data-error-text=”Failed to load title” data-id=”2098393853” data-permission-text=”Title is private” data-url=”https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/34567” data-hovercard-type=”pull_request”…
1.8.0-alpha20240216 (February 16, 2024) UPGRADE NOTES:
The first plan after upgrading may show resource updates with no apparent changes if -refresh-only or -refresh=false is used. The fix introdu…
The original sensitivity handling implementation applied the marks from a resource schema only when decoding values for evaluation. This appeared to work in most cases, since the resource value cou…

@Everyone Hi all friends can anyone help me out to refer a terraform modules where root module called child module as a source and create required resources from locals like locals{ } module “rds” { for_each = { for k, v in local.rds : k => v if try(v.create, true) } source = ./modules/rds }


Hi folks! I am trying to create a “composite” DataDog monitor (https://registry.terraform.io/providers/DataDog/datadog/latest/docs/guides/monitors#composite-monitors).
We have some alarms defined in .yaml, like these: https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-datadog-platform/blob/main/catalog/monitors/k8s.yaml.
I couldn’t find an example composite alarm in the repo, and am struggling to piece together a query that DataDog validates successfully. Using some existing monitors here for a simple composite alarm example, should something like this work?
name: "(k8s) High CPU and High Disk Usage Detected"
type: composite
query: |
datadog_monitor.k8s-high-cpu-usage.id || datadog_monitor.k8s-high-disk-usage.id
I tested a query of 123456789 || 987654321
, and that works OK. So it just seems to be a problem of grabbing those IDs.
Also tried k8s-high-cpu-usage.id || k8s-high-disk-usage.id
, but that also had validation issues.

@Ben Smith (Cloud Posse) @Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) @Jeremy White (Cloud Posse)

@jswc I do not know the direct answer to your question, but I have some tips for you.
• The monitors in our catalog are old and the format outdated. (We are working on updating them.)
• If you can update to the latest version of our monitors
module, then you can define the monitor in JSON.
The advantage of defining the monitor in JSON is that you can use the Datadog website/console to create the monitor, using all the built-in help and shortcuts, and then export the final monitor as JSON and import it into Terraform. See our examples for what that looks like.

@jswc Oh, sorry, I misunderstood your question. No, we do not have a way for you to insert a monitor ID from a monitor created in Terraform into another monitor query. Terraform in general does not let you use outputs as inputs in the same cycle (plan/apply). Probably the best thing to do is create monitors in one component and then use that component’s outputs create either composite monitors or synthetic tests in another component, using the output of the first component as input. We do that via Terraform state right now, and have support for that if you are using atmos
and its stacks.

Hi Jeremy, thanks for your replies.
Do I understand correctly that your recommendation around components would be like:
# from <https://registry.terraform.io/providers/DataDog/datadog/latest/docs/guides/monitors>
resource "datadog_monitor" "bar" {
name = "Composite Monitor"
type = "composite"
message = "This is a message"
query = "${datadog_monitor.metric1.id} || ${datadog_monitor.metric2.id}"
# me adding some example monitor whose ID is used above
resource "datadog_monitor" "metric1" {
name = "metric 1 monitor"
type = "metric alert"
message = "..."
query = "${someMetric} > 10"
i.e. writing plainer Terraform, not using the CloudPosse terraform-datadog-platform way?
Using the IDs like this reminds me of aws policies/policy_attachments, like
# <https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/iam_policy_attachment#example-usage>
resource "aws_iam_policy" "policy" {
name = "test-policy"
description = "A test policy"
policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.policy.json
resource "aws_iam_policy_attachment" "test-attach" {
name = "test-attachment"
users = [aws_iam_user.user.name]
roles = [aws_iam_role.role.name]
groups = [aws_iam_group.group.name]
policy_arn = aws_iam_policy.policy.arn
I’m pretty confused how doing it this way could be OK, but when we go via yaml the output/IDs are not accessible.
I may be way off the mark, but my instinct is that:
• .yaml could have ${paramter1}
for use with cloudposse/config/yaml
, but can also leave some ${}
◦ so later, the composite query could still see ${datadog_monitor.foo.id}
but that doesn’t really consider what’s actually happening so it’s probably nonsense

Looked around more and I think I understand your recommendation better:
• keep the setup as is, but
◦ use the output datadog_monitors
(https://registry.terraform.io/modules/cloudposse/platform/datadog/latest?tab=outputs) in another module
▪︎ filter irrelevant monitors, pair up the alarms needed for composite
• create composite monitor using those pairs
I’ll try and read more about what structure datadog_monitors
is - that approach may be fair.

Yes, you need one component (root module) to do terraform apply
to create the monitors, then another one to take the IDs output from the first one and use them to make a composite monitor.

Nice, thanks Jeremy That could be a nice example in the repo, as it’s quite different from how it’s done with just TF.

v1.7.4 1.7.4 (February 21, 2024) BUG FIXES:
terraform test: Fix automatic loading of variable files within the test directory on windows platforms. (#34666) plan renderer: Very large numbers (> 2^63) will no longer be truncated in the human-readable plan. (<a href=”https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/pull/34702“…
This PR updates the testing framework to use the platform independent filepath package instead of the linux-only path package. This fixes loading and processing variable values loaded from automate…
When unmarshalling the JSON plan, the renderer now uses json.Number to represent numbers instead of float64. This means that very large numbers (> 2^63) will no longer be truncated down to 2^63.

Hi Guys, I’m having an issue I can’t seem to figure out. I’m working on a few terraform modules for our application and one of them is a AWS Transfer Family module. Everything so far appears to be working, however, I can’t figure out why it’s not picking up the EIP allocation ids for the endpoint details, everything else in the endpoint details works.
The specific area I’m having trouble with is below. Everything else works, like the similar security_group_ids line above it) and I’ve verified the EIP’s are created using terraform state show. The weird thing is, if I change “address_allocation_ids” in the lookup to anything else, like “foo”, it picks up the EIPs the module created and works.
dynamic "endpoint_details" {
for_each = var.transfer_server_type == "VPC" || var.transfer_server_type == "VPC_ENDPOINT" ? ["enabled"] : []
content {
vpc_id = lookup(var.endpoint_details, "vpc_id", null)
vpc_endpoint_id = lookup(var.endpoint_details, "vpc_endpoint_id", null)
subnet_ids = lookup(var.endpoint_details, "subnet_ids", null)
security_group_ids = lookup(var.endpoint_details, "security_group_ids", aws_security_group.this[*].id)
address_allocation_ids = lookup(var.endpoint_details, "address_allocation_ids", aws_eip.this[*].allocation_id)

Hi, I have a question regarding Permission Sets
on SSO. Currently I’m working with permission sets without problems. I’ve tried to add a new one that has a customer_managed_policy_attachments
, but I’m not able to make it work.
I followed up the documentation from the components but I always get this error:
Error: waiting for SSO Permission Set (arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-7223c730732a9a98/ps-ffa7195776e1bd0d) provision: unexpected state 'FAILED', wanted target 'SUCCEEDED'. last error: Received a 404 status error: Not supported policy arn:aws:iam::999999999999:policy/RedshiftManagement.
What I saw, and I don’t know if this is the issue is that the Customer Managed Policy RedshiftManagement
is created under the root account
, but it needs to be attached to the permission Set at the Account 999999999999
Here is the complete code of the Permission Set:
locals {
red_shift_access_permission_set = [{
name = "RedshiftAccess",
description = "Allow access to Redshift",
relay_state = "",
session_duration = "",
tags = {},
inline_policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.SqlWorkbench.json,
policy_attachments = [
customer_managed_policy_attachments = [
name = aws_iam_policy.RedshiftManagement.name
path = aws_iam_policy.RedshiftManagement.path
resource "aws_iam_policy" "RedshiftManagement" {
name = "RedshiftManagement"
path = "/"
# policy = aws_iam_policy_document.RedshiftManagement.json
policy = jsonencode({
Version = "2012-10-17",
Statement = [
Effect = "Allow",
Action = "s3:GetObject",
Resource = "*",
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "SqlWorkbench" {
statement {
sid = "SqlWorkbenchAccess"
effect = "Allow"
actions = ["sqlworkbench:*"]
resources = ["*"]
statement {
sid = "s3Actions"
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
resources = [
Here RedshiftManagement
has a simple action to test the policy attachment.

this is using the cloudposse aws-sso, account, and account-map component

Yes, it’s using all the components mentioned

if you’re using the root account as the identity administrator with AWS Identity Center, then that’s where the Permission Sets should be as well. Then you can attach a Permission Set to any account under that Organization

Alternatively you could also attach the policy doc directly if you merge SqlWorkbench
locals {
red_shift_access_permission_set = [{
name = "RedshiftAccess",
description = "Allow access to Redshift",
relay_state = "",
session_duration = "",
tags = {},
inline_policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.redshift_access.json,
policy_attachments = [
customer_managed_policy_attachments = []
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "redshift_access" {
statement {
sid = "SqlWorkbenchAccess"
effect = "Allow"
actions = ["sqlworkbench:*"]
resources = ["*"]
statement {
sid = "s3Actions"
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
resources = [
statement {
sid = "RedshiftManagement"
effect = "Allow",
actions = [
resources = ["*"]

he is using identity
as the account for role chaining
then the Permission Sets should be in your identity
account as well

and the policies in the same account as the permission set

Thanks, I’ll try with that

v1.8.0-alpha20240228 1.8.0-alpha20240228 (February 28, 2024) UPGRADE NOTES:
The first plan after upgrading may show resource updates with no apparent changes if -refresh-only or -refresh=false is used. The fix introduced for <a class=”issue-link js-issue-link” data-error-text=”Failed to load title” data-id=”2098393853” data-permission-text=”Title is private” data-url=”https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/34567” data-hovercard-type=”pull_request”…
1.8.0-alpha20240228 (February 28, 2024) UPGRADE NOTES:
The first plan after upgrading may show resource updates with no apparent changes if -refresh-only or -refresh=false is used. The fix introdu…
The original sensitivity handling implementation applied the marks from a resource schema only when decoding values for evaluation. This appeared to work in most cases, since the resource value cou…

This is fascinating to me: Someone has written their own full-blown Terraform framework for themselves + a complete Stacks

@Hans D @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) it’s using Cuelang

Cuelang is cool (as @Hans D knows :slightly_smiling_face: ). In Cue
you can describe things, generate things, and validate things all using the same config/model (data is self-validating unlike YAML). But not simple, and not widely used

Yeah, I’ve run into it a few times and Ive heard people sing the praises. Of course it’s one of those tools where I question if the additional complexity it adds only further complicates things, but I tend to question that about a lot. You’re probably not practicing “Infrastructure as Data” anymore if you’re using Cue.

We were looking into https://kcl-lang.io/ internally a tiny bit, which is similar.
KCL is an open-source constraint-based record & functional language mainly used in configuration and policy scenarios.

Depends on your definition of “Infra as Data”. Personally, I prefer the dynamic parts of Cue over the HCL implementation. And it solves a lot of the repetitive bits that are now all over the place ( I really the attributes/includes also as part of asciidoc for documentation)

cue, rego, asciidoc, gomplate and jq/yq … perhaps throw in some go-task (sorry)

i wonder why Google doesn’t promote Cue better. They should have created some frameworks on top of it to increase the adoption (eg a terraform-like framework in Cue). Like Rails for Ruby (before which Ruby was almost unknown)

cue, rego, asciidoc, gomplate and jq/yq

i’d take cue
over all of that

lol, Apple are driving their Terraform with pkl, generate JSON, pass it to Terraform. Validation stuff is super nice. env var support, arguably nicer language to write than HCL.

That’s a smart use of pkl+JSON. I’d be curious if they are generating imperative terraform (JSON) code, e.g., without vars, and handling that entirely in PKL.

Is there a way to merge aws_secretsmanager, values, I’m trying to create a secret that I can add to. My main problem is the first run when there is no secret yet.

Please explain a bit more

I think I have down to something simple, I have a variable that might be empty or might be a key value pair, I want to combine it with another key value pair as a map?

I just don’t know if the variable will be a key value pair or an empty string “”

i work with the api-gateway module a lot. i’m curious how it’s recommended to manage the lambda permissions that go along with resources configured inside the api-gw. Say, if a resource used a lambda function for it’s integration request, that lambda would need a policy statement for invoke permissions for that api gw. i see there isn’t lambda permission code in the module. i’m working on a separate module to add permissions after the gateway is deployed. i wanted to know if the cloudposse team had any discusssions on navigating this when creating the code for the module.