#terragrunt (2019-02)
Terragrunt discussions
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/terragrunt/

any best practices on how to reference between terraform dependencies on different terragrunt modules. eg. I have vpc as a module and bastion as another module (terragrunt modules both) and I need to reference the vpc-id (and subnet-ids) from vpc in bastion

if you want you can try code generated by modules.tf - draw vpc+asg in cloudcraft.co and click export

I wrote small shell script which does replacement using hooks

looks interesting. Have to give them a try at some point

yes, use SSM

Provides a SSM Parameter resource

or use remote state provider

Accesses state meta data from a remote backend.

we have examples of both in this repo https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-root-modules
Example Terraform service catalog of “root module” invocations for provisioning reference architectures - cloudposse/terraform-root-modules

@Samuli Are these modules being run in the same Terraform run? (do they share state)

It would be straight forward if they did but with terragrunt modules they are not. So I went with remote_state..

set the channel description: Terragrunt discussions Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/terragrunt/

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) how are we suppose to use terragrunt in your new setup. I see eligible terraform.tfvars
only in atlantis-repo sub-module.

Example Terraform Reference Architecture for Geodesic Module Parent (“Root” or “Identity”) Organization in AWS. - cloudposse/root.cloudposse.co

this is all you need

that said, I see no strong use-case for it anymore

I think make
is a better task runner

and tfenv
let’s use define module imports

Example Terraform Reference Architecture that implements a Geodesic Module for an Automated Testing Organization in AWS - cloudposse/testing.cloudposse.co

want to avoid tfenv, it seems over populating the environment by appending all current env variables with TF_VAR

with tfenv
, we don’t need any wrappers to call terraform

fair enough

Example Terraform Reference Architecture for Geodesic Module Parent (“Root” or “Identity”) Organization in AWS. - cloudposse/root.cloudposse.co

i just don’t like this

overloading .tfvars
with a non-portable terraform code that is vendor specific to terragrunt

also i am thinking may be its kind of simpler if we have a whitelisting variables rather then excluding regex

while envs are universal across apps

is supported

I saw that, I was saying more about ideology. The whitelist value is .*.

what i don’t like is terraform telling me how envs should look in the first place. just like i don’t like chamber telling me that envs must be upper case (which doesn’t work with terraform)

so we have env

Should be something like geodesic whitelist, and customer whitelist. Where we convert all the values required for geodesic modules. SPECIALLY the ones which we are currently getting

I just wish terraform and terragrunt would not stipulate a convention on envs and then things would just work. so tfenv
is an ambassador. it does the dirty work.

the approach makes sense in the current context, its just having too much env variables makes my life hard

in your environment however you want

we were so busy mapping envs from one tool to the next. that’s what we wanted to avoid.

too much work to make a module get up. Its as good as doing a export variable in a tfenv.sh

so setting too many envs makes everyones life hard

but the env always has many envs, that’s just a fact-of-linux

on OSX, I have 87 envs that i never set


i have total 57, out of which I know about atleast 40

so in our Dockerfile
we had SOOOOOO many envs. it was unmanageable.

so we’ve gotten rid of most of them (compared to before)

then moved to .envrc
(direnv) so we localize these settings

yeah regarding that, I saw below snippet in rc.d terraform
# Translate environment variables to terraform arguments

yea, that’s strictly for backwards compatibility

I didn’t want to tell everyone to rewrite their envs

the TF_CLI_*
convention is canonical

which i assume should be good enough if we have all variables in left hand side set

~the ones on the LHS are the legacy ones we’ve had in our docs~

yeah, my point even if we are using the legacy variables, things should work

I mean the ones in the [ ... ]


yep, so using that mapping they will continue to work

is canonical

in that it maps precisely and consistently to the TF_CLI_ARGS_init=-backend-config=region=blah
which is the terraform native convention

technically, even tfenv
isn’t needed. it’s just a convenience.

so we can set k/v pairs as ENVs

rather than mucking with the tf flags in compacted envs

this is what I am doing currently

the compacted envs?

I don’t like terraform native envs

TF_CLI_ARGS_init="-from-module=git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-root-modules.git//aws/ecs?ref=tags/0.40.0> -backend-config=region=us-west-2 -backend-config=dynamodb_table=cpco-testing-terraform-state-lock -backend-config=bucket=cpco-testing-terraform-state -backend-config=key=ecs/terraform.tfstate"

that’s what it looks like.

PIA to toggle individual fields

so we just came up with a convention to not do that. but that’s opinionated and might not suit all parties.

I like it b/c you can set envs at different levels (E.g. Dockerfile, project, parent folder, etc)

i was doing something like export TF_CLI_INIT_BACKEND_CONFIG_BUCKET=niki-root-terraform-state

that looks good

but its still asking me for bucket name


that’s what we are doing


this definitely works with every terraform *

if you use tfenv
to cast it to the TF_CLI_ARGS_blah=....

in short with my legacy variables, use_terraform
and terraform init
should give me required resuly


# Terraform State Bucket
ENV TF_BUCKET="${NAMESPACE}-${STAGE}-terraform-state"
ENV TF_DYNAMODB_TABLE="${NAMESPACE}-${STAGE}-terraform-state-lock"

i can’t use use_terraform also

is what we have in our docker file

has to source it manually

Geodesic is a cloud automation shell. It's the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! h…

Geodesic is a cloud automation shell. It's the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! h…

something like this is happening

Geodesic is a cloud automation shell. It's the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! h…

✓ (root-admin) tfstate-backend ⨠ use_terraform
✓ (root-admin) tfstate-backend ⨠ printenv | grep TF_CLI
✓ (root-admin) tfstate-backend ⨠ terraform init
Initializing modules...
- module.tfstate_backend
- module.tfstate_backend.s3_bucket_label
- module.tfstate_backend.dynamodb_table_label
Initializing the backend...
The name of the S3 bucket
Enter a value:



Good afternoon #terragrunt - I have an odd situation I can’t explain and was wondering if one of you had any insight.

What happens if you run a) without –terragrunt-source?

@loren - same thing happens: terragrunt wants to create all the wave resources.

And the contents of wave/terraform.tfvars
? And do you have a parent terraform.tfvars?

At least the source
line, if vars are sensitive

terragrunt = {
terraform {
source = "git::<ssh://[email protected]/xxxxx/terraform-modules.git//wave>"
# dependencies for wave
dependencies {
paths = ["../vpc", "../route53", "../securitygroups"]
# Include all settings from the root terraform.tfvars file
include = {
path = "${find_in_parent_folders()}"
terraform {
backend "s3" {}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
wave_es_cluster_name = "events"

And yes, there is a parent terraform.tfvars
. It sets up s3 remote states and dynamo locking.

I think the terraform backend bit is off… That should be in a .tf file, not .tfvars

I’ll have to take a look at my own setups when back at a computer to compare

You mean this from the parent terraform.tfvars

terragrunt = {
# Configure Terragrunt to automatically store tfstate files in an S3 bucket
remote_state {
backend = "s3"
config {
encrypt = true
region = "ca-central-1"
s3_bucket_tags {
creator = "terraform"
terraform = "true"
purpose = "canada"
name = "terraform state storage"
dynamodb_table_tags {
creator = "terraform"
terraform = "true"
purpose = "canada"
name = "terraform lock table"


No, sorry, I can’t copy/paste easily on my phone, I mean the block with backend "s3" {}
in wave/terraform.tfvars

ok - i’ll look

I removed it, but still see the same situation: plan-all
wants to create all wave-resources; plan-all --terragrunt-include-dir wave
does not want to create them; plan
inside the wave directory also does not want to create them.

ok, i’m not seeing anything, but have the sense it’s got to be something fundamental that is just easy for the eyes to pass over

maybe open an issue on the terragrunt repo… they’re pretty decent about responding to this kind of help request

And I’m ashamed to admit that this was a stupid mistake where I had started a new component in a parallel directory, which had the terraform.tfvars
file from the wave-directory in it.
Hope I did not waste too much of your time, @loren.
Thanks again!

Aha! That’ll do it! No worries, glad you figured it out!

~Any ideas why ~his turned out to be a stupid mistake where I had created a new component in the live directory and it had a copy of the wave terraform.tfvars in it … plan-all
in the root wants to create resources that already exist?