#variant (2021-01)
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Not sure if this channel is best to discuss atmos (https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos) when using the config stack if a component hasn’t been defined at any level in the config files it will still return the full global config instead of error’ing out. Not sure if this is the intended behavior or a side effect of the multi layer import configs.
Universal Tool for DevOps and Cloud Automation. Contribute to cloudposse/atmos development by creating an account on GitHub.

I think that is a side effect of layering the configuration, but not a deliberate feature. I think it should error in this case. @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)
Universal Tool for DevOps and Cloud Automation. Contribute to cloudposse/atmos development by creating an account on GitHub.

you might make it a option flag to error or return null

then the error handling can be done downstream

this is a side effect of switching to stacks and multi-imports

we’ll look into that

@Robert Horrox we are adding new features to imports
for atmos
, and will fix the issue you mentioned

thank you