#helmfile (2022-08)
Questions and discussion around helmfile https://github.com/roboll/helmfile and https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/helmfile/

We’re thinking how we can use helmfile to add a new object definition to a third-party chart we have no control over. I know that it should be possible, but can’t find any examples. Appreciate any help)

Oblivious option is to use raw
chart to deploy raw manifests + helmfile dependencies. But it may not suit your needs. I have some ugly example of strategicMergePatches
to patch resulting yaml on the fly:
- name: test0
namespace: test0
createNamespace: true
chart: dysnix/nginx
wait: false
waitForJobs: false
atomic: false
- values/test0.yaml.gotmpl
- apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: test0-nginx
- name: sleep
image: alpine:latest
imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
- /bin/sh
- -c
- sleep 7200

Yes, I definitely have a raw chart solution in my mind, but thought that maybe there would be a more elegant solution to treat the whole thing as a bundle.
In your example it seems this dysnix/nginx has a Deployment object, right, and you just mutate it? We tried with strategicMergePatches:
with a new object and helmfile threw an error: failed to find unique target for patch

yes, strategicMergePatches
works w/ existing object only

Yeah, that’s what I thought. It seems the less cryptic way would be, as you mentioned, a new release with an additional object even though I would like to avoid it. Thanx!

Hi All, How can I add an already deployed helm chart to be managed by helmfile? Thank you!

Hi, you may try to write a helmfile release using values from deployed helm chart helm get values <release-name>

Hello everyone, I’m just starting with helmfile and was wandering whether it can sufficiently cover the following use-case: I have multiple micro-services with separated charts - I use single umbrella-chart to install them at once. Everything works fine until I want to install separate chart into an environment where umbrella had already been installed… I came up with a few hacks but this is wrong and against best practices (according to this issue https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/9433) Is it possible to manage charts like that with helmfile without aforementioned issue? I.e. install charts both separately and through helmfile?

Yep, perfectly possible with helmfile.

@steenhoven so I can install my chart (for service A) into the namespace and then install a bundle of charts (service A, B, C etc.) into same namespace through helmfile without problems?

no. But you can create different ‘stacks’ for different environments.

hello again) I think I miss something about Environment values files https://helmfile.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#environment
as per this example I’m able to use separate values from values.yaml
in environments
section (in the values.yaml.gotmpl
But is there a way to simply merge the whole values file from environments
my helmfile looks like this right now
- git::<https://gitlab-ci-token>:{{ env "CI_JOB_TOKEN" }}@gitlab
- name: my_app
namespace: staging
chart: repo/chart
version: 0.5.0
- "values.yaml"
- "values.yaml.gotmpl"

ok, found out that it’s rather easy to control this via go-templating

Does helmfile support helm’s native hooks?
"helm.sh/hook": pre-install,pre-upgrade,post-install,post-upgrade

We are using a vendor’s chart which has [helm.sh/hook](http://helm.sh/hook)
specified. Do you know if helmfile
will execute those?
I’ve found that Kustomize, Spinnaker, Argo, Flux, … will not.

helmfile is just a wrapper for helm, thus the hook should be executed by helm, if not disabled explicitly

hi everyone, did someone already use th adhoc features ? i’m trying to add certificate generation to my existing helm charts
- name: concourse
<<: *default
- chart: charts/certificates/
with a subchart like this
├── charts
│ └── certificates
│ ├── Chart.yaml
│ ├── templates
│ │ └── certificate.yaml
│ └── values.yaml
and i’ve got an error that i don’t understand..
helm template --debug=false --output-dir=/tmp/chartify1738494718/concourse/concourse/concourse/helmx.1.rendered concourse /tmp/chartify1738494718/concourse/concourse/concourse -f /tmp/chartify1738494718/concourse/concourse/concourse/values.yaml -f /tmp/helmfile3009150001/concourse-concourse-values-5968dd4c6b --namespace concourse
Error: found in Chart.yaml, but missing in charts/ directory: certificates]
in ./helmfile.yaml: [exit status 1
helm template --debug=false --output-dir=/tmp/chartify1738494718/concourse/concourse/concourse/helmx.1.rendered concourse /tmp/chartify1738494718/concourse/concourse/concourse -f /tmp/chartify1738494718/concourse/concourse/concourse/values.yaml -f /tmp/helmfile3009150001/concourse-concourse-values-5968dd4c6b --namespace concourse
Error: found in Chart.yaml, but missing in charts/ directory: certificates]

Anyone facing the same issue ?

did you try to find the helmfile with locate or which command ?

Solved the issue. Our anti virus or something saw that as a threat and kep deleting that file no matter how many times I download it … Thanks for the reply … Noob mistake ik.

Command not found even after installing right before

how can I use –three-way-erge with helmfile? I added a new annotation to my deployment and tried to set HELM_DIFF_THREE_WAY_MERGE=true an dthen run helmfile diff but I did not get any changes back