#kubecost (2019-06)
Kubernetes resource and cost management
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/kubecost/


@sarkis pointed it out to me

Will kubecost work on GKE? just now learning about it

Yep It will @Ryan Richards!

I just deployed it to test it out lol yeah works great

really liking the helmfile util

@Ryan Richards which helmfile did you use?

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) we are playing with a few from your repo

sweet! thanks for letting me know

@Ryan Richards great to hear! Let me know if there are additions that would be useful

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) what is the best way to convert standard helm charts into the helmfile format?

or is simply the matter of a helmfile pointing to a helm chart?

yep! the latter

all a helmfile
does is describe how to install a helm chart

have you seen our #helmfile for kubecost?

ah great - now it makes more sense! thanks