#lax (2020-01)
A place for people in (and around!) Los Angeles
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/lax/

Happy New Year Los Angeles! 

Happy NY!

SCALE early bird registration ends this weekend www.socallinuxexpo.org if you want your low cost pass for even cheaper, nows the time to buy

Just got my ticket!


@channel Is your lack of versioning leading to system instability? Learn about the importance of versioning at WLAD #5 (Jan 30th @ 6pm), right here at GumGum HQ in Santa Monica: https://www.meetup.com/West-LA-DevOps/events/267897847/

Thu, Jan 30, 2020, 6:00 PM: WHENJanuary 30, 2020Doors open at 6pmWHEREGumGum HQ[masked]th St.4th floorSanta Monica, 90401ORGANIZERSCorey Gale (DevOps Manager @ GumGum)Brian Tai (DevOps Engineer @ Audi

Won’t be able to make it, but hope everyone else can!!