#terragrunt (2023-09)
Terragrunt discussions
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/terragrunt/

is terragrunt dead? community seems quite inactive these days

Terragrunt is fine, just doesn’t have a lot of active users in cloudposse slack community, or maybe just has users that don’t have questions lol

do you know of any other slack communities with a more active terragrunt community?

you could try the gruntwork community? https://gruntwork-community.slack.com/?redir=%2Farchives%2FCHH9Y3Z62

hmm, while that one claims to be a “community” slack, it restricts the logon domain…

I reached out to gruntwork and they offered their github discussions as the most publicly available discussion forum… https://github.com/orgs/gruntwork-io/discussions


definitely active and heavily used. But fairly stable so doesn’t need tons of updates. They were never intending to replace terraform, only extend it with features not taken into terraform.
I assume some of those features will be brought into OpenTF which could in time reduce need for terragrunt… like better handling of backends.

how are you all handling remote state lookups for outputs to module inputs?

I pass information from one stack output to another stack input using dependency blocks.

so you’re creating a .hcl file for remote state calls?

(resources created via terraform/external sources)

Yes, all my stacks are using terragrunt.hcl. I avoid terraform remote states because this makes refactoring much harder.

you don’t have any resources that were created OUTSIDE of terragrunt?

we put values like this into yaml files (1 per environment: prod / staging)
then in our module-level terragrunt.hcl
we do something like:
locals {
common = yamldecode(file(find_in_parent_folders("common_vars.yaml")))
then in the inputs = {}
section we can reference values:
imports_smtp_user = local.common.imports.smtp_user
imports_smtp_port = local.common.imports.smtp_port
imports_smtp_host = local.common.imports.smtp_host
also works with sops:
db_connection = yamldecode(sops_decrypt_file(find_in_parent_folders("db.sops.yaml")))

Are those imports hardcoded values though?