#productivity (2020-04)

Life Hacking Discussions

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/productivity/


sheldonh avatar

[THREAD] python/go

Pierre Humberdroz avatar
Pierre Humberdroz

Oh really depends on what you are trying to do.. Log Parsing/Transforming definitely Go but that is also quite a simple piece of software.

sheldonh avatar

This question is specifically for those that are at least intermediate to advanced in both languages Python and go.

If I’m not a backend engineer building apis and mostly doing automation, dev tooling, sre stuff would your go to be Python or Go for highest priority to learn?

I started on Go but am realizing it takes a bit more to do some things and is a lot of repeat error code etc. Not sure if doing adhoc utilities or quick chatops stuff would be better served by focusing on Python instead. Im pretty advanced in powershell, so python is so similar I also was thinking go would help challenge me to think differently. It’s pretty wordy though in comparison so just looking for experience.

sheldonh avatar

I’ve heard misc complaints about go but mostly positive

sheldonh avatar

Survey days go is really good for pay scale in the industry and growing in demand

Pierre Humberdroz avatar
Pierre Humberdroz

So I use both still regularly.

Simple automation i do in Python for example a build process or similar everything that I need to give to someone else or that does not run in a pipeline I try to do in Go.

Go helps you write “good” code from the beginning. The concurrency in Go is amazing and simple once you get used to it.

sheldonh avatar

Working with day GitHub API or AWS sdk .. go or python?

Pierre Humberdroz avatar
Pierre Humberdroz

I am in my first Job using AWS right now (before I was an azure person) so I can not talk to much about the AWS sdk’s yet.

In regards to the GitHub API I mostly have used node.JS to interact with it b/c of the apollo Library which makes it quite easy to interact with GraphQL endpoints.

When it comes to cloud native things (kubernetes, docker etc.) Go is the language to go.


Pierre Humberdroz avatar
Pierre Humberdroz

Go has also the nicer/ more accessable Community.


tolstikov avatar

I’m in search for the note-taking app with Markdown & Vim-mode support

Just found this one: https://www.inkdrop.app/

Any other suggestions to try?

Inkdrop - Note-taking App with Robust Markdown Editorattachment image

The Note-Taking App with Robust Markdown Editor

tolstikov avatar

iOS version is a must as well

sheldonh avatar

Typora. I tried inkdrop but it didn’t overall provide enough for me to use. Typora is a lot more robust currently in my opinion

tolstikov avatar

seems like no vim-mode is available

tolstikov avatar

anyway, thanks for the suggestion!

