#random (2020-02)
Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/random/

I’ve put together some of my scripts for creating cloudposse/packages PRs (mainly new apps I want easy/quick access to on any system that are released via github) into its own repo and dropped it out to the world here if anyone is interested: https://github.com/zloeber/ghr-installer. The side benefit of this wrapper is that one off tools which are released on github can be more quickly found and installed regardless if you decide to release it as a full blown packages bundle. Run make install
and, assuming you have whiptail installed, one should get prompted for baseline information to get most kinds of releases automatically installed at the most recent release version.
Github Releases Installer. Contribute to zloeber/ghr-installer development by creating an account on GitHub.

I used it to install minikube and k3sup for example. Most github releases should work well enough I’d think

ghr-helper prompting for k3sup URL to install from.

At the very least this should be handy for the cli tool junkies out there that are having a hard time keeping up with all the new binary releases that seems to have emerged with golang’s rising popularity…


That’s pretty cool - how you can select the package. Does it default to some arch by auto detecting?

I like the graph/information has someone seen / done similar stuff with other languages ?

Did you know you can’t breathe while smiling?

smiles… passes out

Discord switches some of their services to Rust. https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/eyuebc/why_discord_is_switching_from_go_to_rust/?sort=confidence
Posted in r/programming by u/malicious_turtle • 3,711 points and 738 comments

I’ll take not needing a GC any day



Folks, do you have any recommendations for NAS with 2 bays and ability to connect via usb-c/thunderbolt3? I have decade old synalogy NAS but it starts to run really slow after few recent OS upgrades and I’m starting to consider a replacement. It would be nice to have ability to install additional software like e.g. pihole or docker so I can drop rpi being online. Also I would be thrilled if I could just insert synalogy formatterd disks and be done with migration but AFAIK synalogy doesn’t offer usb-c connectivity in their products

You can order the Helios64 which are currently building

5 disks, ARM64, 4GB RAM


thanks. it looks promissing and quite interesting solution price wise.

Anybody here have Security+ cert? If so, did you get Network+ first?

yes to the first, no to the second

Yes to the second, no to the first. But I got the network+ so many years ago that it may even be considered another era. Of all my certs the network+ was probably the most valuable applicable knowledge with the least value in the market… wierd.

Security+ was the other way around zero applicable knowledge, but a fundamental job requirement

haha, figures

has someone used the codecentric/keycloak helm chart and provided custom themes? I am just looking for an example how to do it. Dockerfile + folder structure.

nope, but i’m interested!

let me know what you find out.

I think the message here is that Hitler doesn’t want to use Kubernetes. So, uh, now I don’t know how I feel about that.

Yeah he is kinda biased toward AWS

“Even helm looks like a software designed by Stalin”

We’re partnering with Microsoft for Startups to make GitHub available for all participants, starting on February 13.

I’m late to the party, but thanks for this. Just saved some money here.

We’re partnering with Microsoft for Startups to make GitHub available for all participants, starting on February 13.

Thanks great!

How GURPS Cyberpunk triggered a Secret Service raid of RPG publisher Steve Jackson Games’ offices.

Does anyone have any experience with BeyondCorp? https://cloud.google.com/beyondcorp/

BeyondCorp is an enterprise security model that allows employees to work more securely from any location without the need for a traditional VPN. Learn more.

Specifically with Google’s variant, or other implementations?

BeyondCorp is an enterprise security model that allows employees to work more securely from any location without the need for a traditional VPN. Learn more.

IAP is a “thing” now, so Okta, Duo, Cloudflare, and a handful of others offer it

For IAP, we use Keycloak + gatekeeper - both open source

Yes with Google’s

Thanks, your keycloak helm chart could be a good option as we’ve already got EKS in this environment. I’ve got some reading to do!

I wrote a codelab (and launched a codelab website for the company I work for) and am very excited about it

Very cool, thanks for sharing. I didn’t know codelabs was a thing, this could definitely be useful.

No problem! Google’s repo for codelab tools is really easy to work with: https://github.com/googlecodelabs/tools
That entire codelab is 733 lines of markdown, and of that probably 300 lines are code blocks, so they’re really easy to manage and put into CI
Codelabs management & hosting tools. Contribute to googlecodelabs/tools development by creating an account on GitHub.


that looks nice does it support some kind of authentication out of the box?

It spits out static html or markdown, so no

Well still a cool project.

and actually much nicer than let’s say confluence is down and then what do you do when your confluence is down. You might still have a local version of this.

for like ops run books

Yeah, this seems perfect for run books

codelabs looks really sweet!

Argh, too late to the party.

Surprised we don’t hear more of this

Right? I bet it’s happening more and more often. But I bet many companies lack the sophistication to even be able to detect this kind of behavior. There are companies much smaller than Twitter that can provide just as valuable intel (ip, gps, etc)

Intelligence agencies have long had their people deep inside tech companies. Just look at a list of who In-Q-Tel has funded.

And for those that refuse to take that sweet CIA money there is the old watering hole attack

If they want your data they will get your data

SRE for Twitter was recruited as an operative for SA

As microservices grow, monoliths still exist for enterprises. Here’s how to apply SRE principles to those single-tiered software apps.

@scorebot can you keep tabs on who posts the most random content?

@scorebot has joined the channel

Thanks for adding me emojis used in this channel are now worth points.

Wondering what I can do? try @scorebot help

@scorebot help

You can ask me things like @scorebot my score - Shows your points @scorebot winning - Shows Leaderboard @scorebot medals - Shows all Slack reactions with values @scorebot = 40pts - Sets value of reaction

@scorebot help

You can ask me things like @scorebot my score - Shows your points @scorebot winning - Shows Leaderboard @scorebot medals - Shows all Slack reactions with values @scorebot = 40pts - Sets value of reaction

@scorebot winning

erik: 105 scorebot: 35 marco803: 25 briantai35: 20 zloeber: 5

How is the bot winning?

haha, lots of reactions from the bot getting invited to each channel

haha, there’s no retro-active scoring =(

basically, the tally starts as soon as the bot is invited

so everyone has a clean slate!


How many of you devops pros are also drawn to just shifting into a pure developer role?

I like doing pipelines, k8s, terraform, etc more than I do dev work

true enough, but the more k8s I do the more I feel that development is the way to go. It’s amazingly fun to work with but drawing out the true power of the thing pushes me further into the fringes of straight up development

How would you define the difference between devops and just dev @Zachary Loeber?

Having a hard time differentiating between the two lately. I’ve written entire python apps with their own pipeline for some of the deployment pipelines I’ve worked on.

Yeah, that’s what I was curious about too. We’ve all come a long way in devops!

I’d think the difference is if I’m on the story board as an individual contributor instead of wedged into the board as an afterthought or to keep the devs from doing crazy things.

It’s not ‘easy’ but dang does it seem like it would be a happier way of making a living doesn’t it?

i went from developer -> devops. i couldn’t stand having to keep up with complicated business logic. ‘no’ from me

and i know how applications are supposed to interact. i don’t want to deal with business decisions

@MattyB I think I needed that slap to the face. Business logic… yuk.

the first few years when I was doing CRUD, working on maps, and learning design patterns it was super fun. my 2nd job sucked the developer soul out of me. never again

I do both .. Prototyping new projects and IaC, Pipelines, Security..

our teams are following simple rule of you wrote it, you maintain it. no running away from any of dev, ops or sec.

IMO it’s totally worth spending some time on your dev skills. Being able to tweak or even build your tools of trade is a very useful superpower. But in all fairness at least where I come from dev skills are more readily available than devops, so by just switching to pure dev you’re likely not doing yourself a favor.

I have rather seen this direction: test > dev > devops/SRE (also my path )

my path was sys admin > dev > devops > Software Architect
in 10 years

my path was sysadmin > fullstack developer > devops/sre

My path was dev -> devops
. There are gaps in my knowledge when it comes to managing infrastructure, but I understand how to keep infrastructure code maintainable. Sometimes I miss being a dev and have thought about going back.

qa > automation / secops > dev > sre/devops

tell that to my coworker that used git push –force and reverted history on ~15 repos

we didn’t protect any of the branches…so glad i left that company

no backups!?!?!?

ive been meaning to look at the github terraform provider. now i want to look at it more…

in the end not too big of a deal..i overwrote his changes and had to rerun some jobs lol
i wasn’t aware there was one

we created a module around it… helps to get the branch protection in place out of the gate, https://github.com/plus3it/terraform-github-repo… probably needs some work at this point, github keeps changing their api around
Contribute to plus3it/terraform-github-repo development by creating an account on GitHub.


Hi all, over the last 8 months, we have spent a good amount of time writing an article to address an issue I care about immensely and that I think we should all care about as developers, product builders, entrepreneurs, designers, academics, and technologists. It presents a back-of-the-envelope argument for what exactly it would take to end world poverty and racial power imbalance in 1 generation at macroscopic scale. I think it is indeed possible and will take $20T in GDP growth from majority world countries. How can we go beyond “Guns, Germs, and Steel” and “Poor Economics” and look at things from a more entrepreneurial / design perspective?
This article covers topics such as industry-driven conditional cash transfer for talent creation, majority world workforce development, and diverse globally distributed teams. I think that high tech industries’ demand for talent, rising global internet access (60%), and underutilized online learning material make a particularly interesting industry-driven development possible. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and feedback even if you take just a brief skim of the listicle’s bullet points.

This is a guide for aspiring entrepreneurs and knowledge workers who want to learn how to end world poverty and racial power imbalance in 1 generation.

Also we hosted a webinar with 6 Nigerian, 1 Ugandan, and 1 Indian software developers to discuss the topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqxiMkxgryM

Looks thought-provoking. Saved for later read.

Thanks @Igor !

sysadmin > infrastructure architect > cloud architect & sre lead

#BeyondCorp is no match for the 2019-nCoV CVE

Elon Musk also said that Lockheed Martin’s F-35 fighter jet, which is the Pentagon’s most expensive weapons system, should have a competitor.